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Detective Pikachu es una novela visual desarrollada por Creatures Inc. Y lanzada para Nintendo 3DS en 2018.
A primera vista este es un juego bastante original, que nos pone en la piel de Tim Goodman, un joven chico que se acaba de mudar a Ryme City en busca de su padre Harry, el cual ha desaparecido misteriosamente en un accidente de coche mientras investigaba un caso con su compañero Pikachu. Tim enseguida conoce a Pikachu y resulta que ¡hasta entiende lo que dice! Además, este Pikachu es especial… Desde el accidente no es capaz de usar ningún movimiento, es un adicto al café (como Harry) y se hace llamar el Gran Detective Pikachu.
No se puede negar la originalidad de la propuesta de este juego, pero tenemos que tener en cuenta que este es un juego muy sencillo en términos de gameplay y dificultad. Tan solo tendremos que pasearnos (por escenarios bastante variados eso si), hablar con todos, hacer alguna que otra deducción sencilla y superar algún que otro quick time event que se resume en pulsar A a tiempo o pulsar A repetidamente. Lo bueno de este juego es la ambientación y la trama, que, aunque es original, es también muy sencilla y podremos adivinar con antelación la solución a la mayoría de los misterios.
Respecto a los personajes tenemos un poco de todo, los hay que son muy planos y los hay que acaban teniendo algo más de trasfondo, pero por los importantes parecen suficiente tiempo como para cogerles algo de cariño. Además, los sucesos del juego son bastante coherentes, por ejemplo encontraremos gente en una subasta ilegal decepcionados por que no está a la venta cierto item que has conseguido recuperar en capítulos anteriores.
En términos gráficos por otro lado, este juego nos da un buen espectáculo, con los modelos en 3D con más polígonos que la gran mayoría de juegos de Nintendo 3DS. La única falta es que el juego carece de 3D, a pesar de que tiene algunas escenas en las que el 3D destacaría. Lo que si que se echa en falta es una banda sonora mas memorable. Los temas que tiene se ajustan bien al gameplay pero no dicen nada especial y algunos son quizás un poco cortos para la cantidad de tiempo que suenan.
Detective Pikachu es un juego desenfadado y sencillote que no supone reto alguno pero cumple con el cometido de entretener. El propio detective Pikachu es sin duda bastante carismático y seguro que consigue sacarte alguna que otra sonrisa a pesar de lo básico del juego.

Booooooring, franchement le film est large meilleur. Et bon, collecter toutes les scénettes de Détective Pikachu, non merci mdr

toddler game that makes me unreasonably angry. movie sucks ass too

At least The Room had the decency to finish its story

Una novela visual demasiado basica y sencilla, con acertijos igual de faciles.

It's cute and it had me smiling a lot of the time. I just love pikachu :)

It's well animated and pretty good looking for the 3DS (except there's no 3D :/) I just wish the game was a bit more involved/interactive

very obviously a kid’s game but despite that i still liked it a lot and have played it like 3 times 😭

Way more enjoyable than I thought. The gameplay is really repetitive, but the story and the dialogue have a lot of charm to them. It feels like a very natural extension of the Pokémon world, which I didn't really expect to get out of this. Could use more interesting gameplay, however... It feels very point-and-click and nothing else at times, and not in the fun Ace Attorney way.

Jeu d'enquêtes pour les apprentis-Sherlock, avec l'enrobage Pokémon pour capter l'attention et son duo de héros qui doivent travailler ensemble (dans la bonne humeur, et le café)...
C'est mou, les QTE sont les plus soporifik du JV, malgré une idée de base sympa, juste jamais pleinement exploitée.
Côté histoire c'est très enfantin, à tel point que les résolutions des cas très très simples. Mais pas de quoi casser un poireau à un canarticho, nous autres adultes on roule des yeux devant l'absence de difficulté...
Au final, c'est pas nul, mais c'est pas bien non plus.

A bit repetitive and most of the characters are one dimensional but the story and Detective Pikachu himself really make this one a fun experience.

Detective Pikachu is a telltale style adventure game for younger gamers. Basically, you'll walk around environments, talk to lots of random people, collect evidence and solve all the mini cases you are tasked with while unraveling the main mystery at the same time.

I had this game from before and didn't put much time into it. With a sequel coming out, it reminded me of the game and I wanted to see if I would enjoy it. Bare in mind, I am not a long time Pokemon game fan. While I've always liked the monsters and the idea of having one as a friend, I found the games to be a bit repetitive and never really put much time into them. I have liked a few of the telltale games though, like The Walking Dead series for example.

For the most part, I had a lot of fun with Detective Pikachu. I think this version of Pikachu is great. I like his attitude and his love for coffee. He's also a great partner for Tim Goodman because he's the complete opposite personality.

The main character Tim doesn't have much personality. His name is Tim Goodman and his main characteristic is that he is a good man. Hence his name I guess. Tim is a bit boring but he would be a great friend to have for sure, I would want Tim in my corner.

In fact, many of the personalities in this game are either, this is a good person or a bad person and it's part of what makes this for kids (beside sit being a Pokemon game). There isn't much nuance to people in this one, but what do you expect from a game called Detective Pikachu?

The story itself is what kept me going with this. I wanted to see what would happen next and how they were going to solve the next case, leading us to figuring out who is creating this "chemical R" that makes Pokemon go crazy.

To unravel this mystery, in each chapter, you'll talk to several different people when you start a case to get info. Then when you find another piece of info from someone, you'll have to go around all over again to each person until you find the person who gives you the next tid-bit of info to drive the story forward.

I could only bring myself to play a half hour to an hour of this every so often because I would get tired of the back and forth between everyone. It becomes very repetitive at times. Mind you, this isn't every single chapter as some do move along at a better pace but there are some chapters where you do this over and over again and it becomes monotonous.

Once you collect enough testimony/info, you'll also have to solve logic puzzles to unlock the next step of the case. These range from incredibly simple to "I'm not sure what the game is asking of me right now." There were a few times where Pikachu would ask "How do we explain this part?" and I would look at the options available and be a little dumbfounded. Either I was way overthinking it as an adult or there was something lost in translation. I'm not sure which.

Overall though, this game was pretty fun! Like I said, this hard boiled, no nonsense Pikachu with a good heart is an awesome character. The gameplay gets a little repetitive but the story is fun and worth pushing through to see what happens and what quips Detective Pikachu will say next.

Simply not fun. Absolutely avoid this game.

honestly liked it a lot more than i expected even if its definitely a silly kids game

With the sequel being announced, I’ve decided to play through Detective Pikachu. This is a review in progress, it’s very clearly a game for children.

I find the central premise of Pikachu being a woman loving coffee addict funny.

And seeing monsters integrated into the real world is cool. Give me a Ludicolo cafe waitress that serves coffee from its sombrero any day.

I’m half shocked it took roughly 15 years for Pokemon company to make an answer to Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright. It seems incredibly late and after the Visual Novel boom.

Issue is, it’s a little simple and predictable. I think I’ve called the twist maybe 3 chapters into the game. Leaving me to wonder just how does a sequel work? It’s not a bad mindless game to play in half an hour bursts.

It's pretty decent for what it is. Ending is ass though.

just simple fun! perhaps i enjoyed this game so much because it was just what i needed to play at that time, but i didn't even mind the ending being... unfinished.

i can see why people would be disappointed by this game, but that couldn't be me. i might even get the second game!

I remember the day back in 2018 going to target and asking the employee to get detective Pikachu for me. I then dusted off my 3ds to give it a shot.
It was everything I feared it would be. It was mediocre.
I then sold it and completely forgot I even played it until the sequel was announced then I thought "oh shit, here we go again"

Definitely baby’s first ace attorney. Hilariously uncharming. Terrifically unfunny.

It’s safe to say that, even after all these years, Pokémon is still something that I respect and enjoy along with many others in the industry. Say what you will about the current status of the mainline games – only a few franchises can boast the same widespread appeal as Pokémon. While I’m not collecting cards or watching the anime anymore, I continue to play each major entry (really enjoyed Sun/Moon), still check into Pokémon Go, and look forward to a brand new entry on Nintendo’s latest hardware. I’ve managed to play 24 of the games over the past 20 years (Pokémon Pinball was so good!), so it’s safe to say that Pokémon is probably going to stick with me until the very end. It’s a little bit like comfort food in a way, and every gaming fan needs those in the modern industry. Many of the games are traditional turn-based RPGs, where hunting down your favorite Pokémon and raising them right has served as the core loop for two-plus decades. A few entries have deviated from the fundamental structure, like XD: Gale of Darkness and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but there has yet to be a game that totally removes the battling aspect entirely from an entry. Detective Pikachu ignores the traditional systems in favor of an adventure mystery game. Think Pheonix Wright meets Pokemon while being a more simplified version of both. Hot on the trail of a large conspiracy you’ll explore crime scenes, lead interrogations, and ask the local critters for any information that the humans hold too close to divulge. Detective Pikachu manages to be both funny and refreshing, especially for a long-time fan of the series – although it stumbles in a few key areas in its quest to uncover the truth in Rhyme City.

Full Review:

Beside the gameplay being boring, I feel this game had a pretty interesting and engaging plot. I hope it continues well into the sequel cough cough.

A Bolt of Brilliance!

This could be described as a hybrid blend of the Pokemon world, Ace Attorney and Danganronpa and I loved every second of it.

Incporating the Pokemon world in a way we have never seen before, I found myself (a fan of detective games in general. And a huge Pokefan) enthralled by this easter egg filled adventure set in the gritty Ryme City.

A very fun, colourful game that doesn't overstay its welcome and will have you waiting to return to Ryme City once again.

A truly enjoyable pokemon experience.

He de decir que si no hubiera tenido unos directos súper divertidos este juego seguramente me hubiera gustado mucho menos. Pero me ha resultado gracioso, tiene sus momentos ridículos y genuinamente graciosos, aunque el gameplay sea sencillote.

This review contains spoilers

I enjoyed this. Its not like the greatest game ever made or anything but it was fun, i liked the handholding because my brain has no wrinkles. Yes i had to look up multiple walkthroughs for this at certain points. Very odd game in general, probably the weirdest game in the series as a whole. That super abstract ending with Mewtwo is a fucking ballsy move though, looking forward to the new game next week.

I don't remember all of it, but I remember it not being bad. They did not have to put this much effort into a spinoff about their mascot being a really intelligent caffeine addict.

Not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but a fun enough experience.