Reviews from

in the past

De todos os DmC que temos hoje (atualmente 6 contando com seu reboot) esse aqui tem um cantinho e um carinho muito especial pra mim, dmc3 traz uma experiencia que não consigo descrever, mas sua jogabilidade, inimigos e musicas te deixam eletrizantes do começo ao fim, um remake desse jogo com certeza é muito bem vindo em um futuro próximo

This is what it's like to have an older brother

El peak de DMC. Marcó la historia hasta el presente, siendo referente de miles. Gran estilo, innovó en el combate, buena música, personajes con carisma, es un juego hecho con amor.

quando vc aprende a jogar de royalguard é mt gostoso
vale muito a pena apanhar até aprender!!

Re jogando novamente o que acredito ser a quinta vez, da pra perceber que alguma coisas que são um poucos irritantes durante game, como algumas missões e inimigos, mas isso não faz diferença, Devil May Cry 3 continua sendo um dos maiores jogos ja feitos, definiu muita coisa na franquia,gameplay único de style pro Dante, trilha sonora, uma história que surpreendentemente é muito boa prum hack n' slash e o maior rival de videogame ja feito, um jogo que me marcou desde sempre e vai continuar sendo um dos maiores.

this is basically just dmc1 with extra sauce. everything feels ten times better: combat, story, secret levels.

the few things i missed from dmc1 is probably just guns being a bit more useful. one thing i liked about dmc1 was the ability to use guns with dt to get quick health back and that has basically been taken out entirely and the only way to get health is through high combos and killing people. this is a non issue really but it did make me sad.

extremely solid and now im kind of sad i didnt try some of the other rereleases that added style switching and other shenanigans because i felt kinda locked into the style i chose since leveling styles seemed like a bitch to do more than one in a playthrough.

dante has also become one of my favorite video game protagonists of all time. good stuff all around.

It's only fun when you are playing with swordmaster and mission 16-19 are a slog(almost killing my third playthrough)but otherwise, my favorite Dmc(surfing on enemies is great)

Dumb chess pieces but perfect

esse é masterpiece demais, joguei muitas vezes e consegui concluir todos os modos e desbloquear tudo, foi o primeiro que joguei da franquia e também é meu favorito. Nevan pra mim é a melhor arma desse.


CAPCOM!!! 2005!!!!

How the fuck do you make Devil May Cry 2, and then go and make Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening?

Capcom coming in with the bomb-ass cutscenes. Some of my favorite cutscenes. Inspired my whole being.

People who play this game on Yellow are satan.

But why does the map system have to get worse with every game? I didn't even like how it was in the first one, but I'll gladly take that over this. Literally, the only mission where I even look at the map is the one where you're spinning the castle.

Como descrever o jogo da minha vida?
A única palavra é " Fantástico"

Meu dmc favorito e consequentemente meu jogo favorito tmb, na minha opinião o melhor da franquia em história (msm sendo MUITO fã tenho q admitir q em questão de storytelling n tem muita concorrência nos outros títulos sinceramente) tem a melhor gameplay (n consigo me decidir entre esse e o 5 nesse quesito) melhor level design da franquia, melhores inimigos, alguns dos melhores chefes (e piores tmb, vulgo Arkham) melhor character design e simplesmente a melhor música da franquia: Devils never cry. Resumindo tudo esse jogo é do krl, joguem ai q é bonzão

some of the best combat in a action game with some of the worst enemy design I've ever seen in any game make for a very 50/50 experience, It's still a classic tho

For me this game is the best game ever made, but i will be brutally honest about how game really is after i replayed it many many times. There are way too many enemies that are just pain in the ass. Not being hard but just being really annoying. for example, i was losing my temper several times when i encountered the fallen, soul eaters and dullahans. When it comes to bosses i think every boss except gigapede is good, f*ck gigapede. Also combat system was really good for its time. Endless fun and so many combo variations. The game isn't really outdated when it comes to its mechanics and how much fun a person can get out of it even after this time. I suggest this game to anyone who is reading this.

Some of the best combat I've seen in a character action game and it still shocks me that this is a ps2 game. Vergil is a fantastic character, I love the sheer camp that Dante brought to every cutscene, and I loved being able to just combo enemies into oblivion. It is important to know that this game is extremely hard and if you're not prepared to replay certain bosses over and over again this will not be an enjoyable experience for you.

DMC3 is a kick-ass game, unarguably the best in the series.

It has everything what we love in a DMC game: cool characters, a helluva gameplay, a rememberable soundtrack, and a worthy challenge for the player (it was my second DMC game I've played, and I still remember my feelings I was experiencing when dealing with my first walktrough: rage, rage, and rage. It's a real tough one for beginners, I assure you).

The enemies may be too frustrating or unfun, and the last levels are definitely much weaker than the other ones, but these moments don't disturb the game from being great.

Dante is my beloved one.

O verdadeiro Dante tá aqui

So much better than 2 but not quite up to the level of the original. It felt sillier in tone with a very dated presentation but the gameplay was enjoyable but too hard for someone with my limited abilities apparently. Good for someone who like's this style or wants to visit the mid-00s edgy scene.

Trilha Sonora incrivel com o melhor tipo de combate que um jogo de ps2 poderia ter e uma historia magnifica

This game is just one big “we’re sorry” after DMC2 lol

eu tô jogando dmc3 mas eu vou abaixar a minha nota toda vez que o dante me matar em shin megami tensei nocturne. chefe ruim da porra. vai se foder dante