Reviews from

in the past

vergil cummed on dante's pizza

After 25 hours I can certainly say this is one of the best games ever made.

I finished it on both Normal and Hard mode with Dante and I'm currently playing as Vergil (which is fucking cool as shit to play as) and finishing as Dante on Very Hard.
The combat is surprisingly deep, and if you master Royalguard while playing you can feel like a literal god, Swordmaster is probably the most fun style to play with, Gunslinger is the most useless, but I still liked it. And Trickster is the best for newcomers.

My complaints: For as much as I like the campaign, playing it over and over can be kinda tiring. I wish Vergil's campaign wasn't just Dante's campaign again.
A potential remake could tweek alot of stuff in the story to make Vergil a more active player in the story, giving him unique missions and bosses to fight.
Another thing is that Vergil's combos feel kinda lacking, you don't have different combos for the same weapon depending on the timing you press the buttons. You just have one combo (which sucks).

Footnote: I love the little detail they added in the memory card for the ps2 edition where there's a little Jester plushie as the placeholder for your save files.

Everything they did right in DMC 1 is done even better here. Better over the top action, better skill trees, better game feel and combat that had depth and creativity that my meager thumbs never even touched.

Hard tho... I never even beat it tbh.

if the stupid spiders from that one level are reading this review fuck you

Worst mistake of my life

DMC is some of the most fun i've ever had with Character Action games.

+ Great gameplay
+ Great story

- Bloody palace in this game sucks sadly

Lady Devil May Cry, please DM me PLEASE

The best character action game I've ever played, the story works in giving the player the context and motivations, and the switch port's style switching escalates the game play that much further

The craziest party known to man

remake this game and fix the fucking camera

The absolute peak of the character action genre when it came out, and it still holds up insanely well today. Great soundtrack, fucking incredible cutscenes, and just all around satisfying combat.

Navigating Temen-ni-gru can kinda suck ass at times, especially given the camera. Also has some weird difficulty spikes at times. The hardest part about going back to it is the lack of real-time style switching, but that's not a dealbreaker.

10/10. Masterpiece in narrative, and the best in the franchise.

Devil May Cry 3 is just amazing. After the serious disappointment of 2, 3 swoops in like a phoenix from the ashes to present one of the best action games man has ever witnessed. Sadly, it isn't all perfect, mainly because of the rather annoying boss rush level towards the end of the game, and some generally cryptic level design choices. Nevertheless, this is a required game to play for fans of Spectacle Fighters or just action game fans as a whole.

"Easy mode is now selectable."

An amazing improvement over the second one. I selected the yellow playthrough without knowing, so I made the game much more harder than it needed to be.

Okay, so.

The badassery of the characters is very amusing at first and has some really cool scenes, but I got a bit tired of it. Not very fond of the camera and locking system. Also, some missions felt bland or like filler.


Delicious. Finally some good fucking combat. So many options, positioning is key and pretty good level design and enemies, specially near the end (THE CHESS BOARD!!!)

Vergil is really fun! I almost like him more than Dante. So speedy, and juggling with his teleports feels amazing. I'm a bit sad he's just an extra character, and he doesn't really have a story mode of his own... but still, a welcome addition and he's still so much fun!

god-tier. character action at its finest. beowulf frustrated me to no end. worse than the vergil fights.

Mientras que todos copiaban la esencia de aventura de DMC1, este equipo influenciado por sus raíces arcade la convirtió en uno de los sistemas más de combate de un jugador más flexibles que existen, complementado por unos enemigos diseñados sorprendentemente bien hacia él.

Un gameplay que evoca a la expresión del jugador a través de los desafíos que plantea, incitándolo en todo momento a cumplir el papel del personaje que manejamos; contando también con la mejor narrativa de la franquicia hasta la fecha, que en ningún momento entorpece el ritmo de juego, todo esto acompañado de una cohesión perfecta entre todos sus elementos. Una obra maestra.

This game has changed my opinion againts Hack and Slash Games. Bosses, combos that you can make, main villian, enemy variety... This is a true masterpiece.

good game has vergil

(it's also really good and incredibly fun go play it)

This game is still as amazing as I remember it, definitely a classic among classics and one of the highlights of the original PS2 trilogy of DMC games. My recent playthrough of the game on Nintendo Switch has reminded me why I sunk so much time into this game when I originally played it on the HD collection for PS3 back in 2012. I'd suggest if you're looking to play the game nowadays, it'd be best to pick it up for Switch as the addition of free-range weapon switching (a feature that was added to the Switch port) elevates this game's combat and allows it to shine even more than it already did.


One of the best DMC games and the one that saved the franchise. It introduced the style system the series is known for while also improving on the gameplay from the first game. With all it's arsenal of demon arms is really fun and satisfying to play and link some CRUAZY combos. It also has Vergil, who's fights make me bust a big judgment nut every time I play this masterpiece. Now, I recommend the hd version on pc and the switch version, why? Style switching. There are some styles that will get no use if you play it without the mod.


El mejor juego de la historia.

Vergil may be one of the most based characters ever written

Brabíssimo, mas a tela principal é a coisa mais feia que eu já vi.

Devil May Cry 3 is fucking amazing. It's hard as balls, and there's so much to learn that it's almost daunting, but it's so, so tense - and even more satisfying. I was shaking with adrenaline after beating it. An amazing story is the bow on top of this phenomenal, genre defining legend.

And I haven't even beat Vergil's campaign!

You've got nothing and nothing's got you! I see your fear it surrounds you!
What a wonderful classic game, but when you get used to some of the quality of life improvements of the later games it'll make revisiting this one a challenge. It's still a fun experience and I love the depth it gave to Dante as a character