Reviews from

in the past

Me divertiu por um tempo, mas depois saturou

Dirt 1 was a banger, Dirt 2 is probably the best racing game i've ever played, and Dirt 3 was a game that i didn't like at all, but i understood the appeal. At the end, all of them had a cool ambition in them. Dirt 1 had a really raw aproach to the rally racing with a fresh progression, Dirt 2 managed to be a genuinly cool, fun and super solid racing experience with a godlike progression, and Dirt 3 had interesting additions that set new boundaries to the series (even though i don't like them, i admit they add actually add something to the game).

Dirt 5, for me, is not a bad game, but a bad Dirt game, considering how good it used to be. It doesn't have ambition, not adding anything really new, fresh and interesting into the series, with sometimes making me feel like it tries to be cool like Dirt 2, but ends up being a rally version of a poorly made Forza Horizon spin off. They managed to take off all the appeal and getting you out of your seat action, with races that start getting super boring, uninteresting "story" with those annoying podcasts and irrelevant characters, and a super tiring progression on the game.

Want a tip? Don't play this. If you have a 360/PS3, or has a way to download the old Dirt's on your pc, do it.

Dirt 5 is a game without many strings attached and presentation, you start the game in career mode without many frills, and the background plot is presented throughout each race interval, with audios from AJ (his supposed manager) and the audios of the podcast that tell you about their strikers and the other pilots, but nothing too deep or that you can get attached to, after all, it's a racing game.

In the first few races, you already notice that the game is extremely beautiful, full of details, dust eating loose, and weather changes are very drastic when they occur and they significantly impact the driving difficulty, either because the track is darker or even more slippery. Although at various times the speedways seem to be repeated and so on, when you advance a lot in the championship (arriving in the well-known Red Zone), the game takes a different turn in the tracks that seem to have received an expansion out of nowhere, but anyway, the speedways are cool.

The cars are quite varied and have their driving particularities, some hold in the corners, others slide too much, and you will need to get used to each one of them according to the car class required in the race, and there is no way to escape if you come across with a class that doesn't like to drive or that can't drive.

The game's difficulty is relatively progressive, as you go along, the drivers get more aggressive, but if you have difficulty with any class of car, the difficulty will be more you trying to drive than beating the other drivers, maybe for some it can be a challenge to improve the riding even more, for others it can become frustrating.

The game's physics leaves something to be desired in some respects, in certain places, there are invisible walls, where they didn't need to be, and some rollover sounds weird. This wouldn't be a problem properly, if the game's proposal was a pure arcade, in this case, the game is a mixture of arcade and simulator, since it inserts several small simulator details, but fails at other times.

The game has a frame rate drop (PS5) on some occasions/speedways, but nothing that harms the entire game.

Dirt 5 is a cute and very casual game to always play during a break from work or your routine, the default campaign during there is about 8~11hrs depending on your driving skill.

Looks nice but has absolutely no sense of speed or anything that makes arcade-racers fun. Feels like this game is trying to be both an arcade and sim racer at the same time and ultimately failing at both; on top of that the dialogue in the game's "podcast" sections in between races is painfully unfunny and cringe, despite the best efforts of some pretty impressive voice talent. Couple that with the aggressive monetization that appears as soon as you boot up the game, and I genuinely struggle to muster up the strength to talk about this game without wanting to do literally anything else.

I think one of the harshest things you can say about a game is that it has no personality. dirt 5 has some moments but is on the whole a pretty lifeless and unsatisfying experience.

(please please don't put unskippable podcast episodes in ur games)

Decent Racer, I prefer arcade racers, and even at that its a genre I very rarely play.

The driving mechanics are solid and it's very nice to look at, but it lacks variety and an in-depth career mode.

I liked the visuals, but rally games are absolutely disgusting for me, all cars play like a fucking soap bar, they drift through everything, I can't feel that I'm really controlling the car. And oh, the buggy races sucks.

an insult to the legacy of colin mcrae. horrible to look at and play.

Śgigałka, która powinna być co najwyżej dorzucana za darmo do płatków, a była sprzedawana jak pełnoprawna odsłona serii. Wstyd.

Plusy i minusy:
+ momentami wygląda i działa ok
- prostackie, powtarzalne trasy
- niektóre wyścigi to wkurzająca ślizgawka traktorami
- żałośnie niski poziom trudności, nawet na najwyższym i z wyłączonymi asystami można wszystkich zdublować
- festyniarski klimat ze zbieraniem fanów jak to już było w 100 innych grach
- irytujący podcast z Troyem Bakerem i Nolanem Northem służący za fabułę
- dziwnie działająca muzyka, nie da się jej normalnie słuchać tylko leci z głośników na trasie
- bugi i popup
- do przejścia w 4 godziny
+ do przejścia w 4 godziny

This is by far the ugliest and worst Dirt-Game in the entire history of the series.

Pretty solid new entry in the Dirt series that made excellent use of the PS5's new adaptive triggers.

Jogo de corrida genérico, da pra jogar

I really wish I had an Xbox Series X with Forza Horizon 5 :(

Ultimately, not as exciting as it should be and left me thinking “ehhh it runs well so I guess thats a plus”

How Codies can make 12 cars racing on dirt, snow, and mud ultimately boring, I do not know. While a good looking game, and with a pretty good car list to boot, the game feels about as dry as a popcorn fart, and lacks any sort of excitement or push when it comes to actually racing, due mainly to a lack of difficulty even when putting the game on higher settings. Seems to only be well regarded because it was the only new racing game apart of the launch of the next gen consoles.

It's fine I guess? It inspired me to go back to Need for Speed, so that's cool.

El peor de la saga, no entiendo ni para que lo hicieron

Y era un domingo en la tarde
Fui a los coches de choque

I don't hate this game, but I don't understand emphasizing high-contact pack racing and then making the AI immune to the effects of a collision. Seriously, I rammed one of them on purpose at over 80 mph on ice just to test it and all that happened was their trunk door fell off, didn't knock them off their line in the slightest.

The absolute worst. A game with a mediocre core and some genuinely bad aspects.

The mediocre:

- Limp, featureless handling

- Blurry yet obnoxious graphics

- A career which sort of pootles along and 'climaxes' with a jaunt around a damp Norwegian village in a Volkswagen Touareg at speeds of UP TO NINETY MILES AN HOUR!!!!!!!! and then another race after the credits?

The awful

- The worst implementation of vibration in any game I've played for a very long time, culminating in a 'big patch' where they made it even worse and forced me to turn it off entirely as it was making my hands literally numb. Hilariously that also pretty much deactivates the active triggers.

- Obnoxious audio, from the awful podcast 'banter' between races to the actual sound mix which seems to be set to "make the user think his receiver is broken" dynamic range setting, with your engine veeringly wildly from barely audible to max volume. I've got a menu up with music playing, in the 'home cinema' setting and the volume is fluctuating.

Glad to get the drive space back.

There is nothing to say about this. Its a racing game.

Fun enough. Powering through the career to get currency for cars for online races doesn't feel tedious. Enjoyable with friends which is the reason I downloaded it begin with.

Probably fun for some but I found it boring, not my thing I guess