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in the past

chama doom 64 pq somente 64 pessoas se importaram com esse jogo mediano aqui

The cacodemon owes me 50 quid and they keep ignoring my texts. I know it's not that much but they've done this before and i'm sick of it. I value their friendship so I don't want to cause a fight over this. Please, if anyone can reach out to them I would love to sort this out as soon as possible

esse jogo tenta me fazer de idiota

Best old Doom game. Crazy ass vibes in some levels.

Good game from the couple hours of it I got to play, but considering the flashing lights made me physically sick, it's unlikely i'll ever beat it lol.

haha whats a raincode dont ask me iunno

anyway i love how meaty the guns feel, splooge moment, but the level design is so boring. so much fucking backtracking in every single level, and the levels seem more labyrinthine than doom 2. im also not a big fan of the redesigned demons, feels very weird. as a matter of fact this whole game feels like a greenlit mod lmao. the ambient and spooky soundtrack is unique but gets old quickly when youre backtracking for 80% of the game hearing the same dull notes over and over again. in d2 at least i was jamming to some bangers while backtracking.

i never ran out of ammo besides the final level where i spammed 100 rockets (great game design ftw). oh and after that theres this fucking awful final boss that honestly makes me detract a point from the score. i had to redo the final fight just to make sure i had enough health to spam bfg shots in the boss' face. bosses have never been a strong suit in shooters, doom especially, but this one is honestly so fucking bad dude like cmon.

overall i dont hate the game, its still doom and i appreciate them doing something different that still feels very classic doom but the level design just makes the game feel boring for most of its runtime. levels took me like 15 minutes on average and about 60 percent of that was wallhumping and looking for switches. the meaty sounding guns and gunplay keep this one afloat for me. however the worst of classic doom and worst doom ive played though im sure d3 will suck a lot more but who knows...

Muito bom, na minha opinião é um jogo muito divertido que apesar da gameplay ultrapassada é excelente.

A good twist on classic Doom.

Man... this game was just not it for me, as a long-standing Doom fan. The monster designs were just funky, the game got way too dark at times even when it wasn't supposed to be?) and it overall just wasn't as enjoyable as the original trilogy.

I don't know if there's a listing for the GZDoom port of this, but that's what I played it on. The art is so unique and a great translation of the original games' sprites.

So good it skipped 63 other games

Um dos jogos com o level design mais satisfatório que já joguei.

Esse foi o primeiro DOOM que peguei para zerar na vida (Eu já tinha começado o primeiro DOOM antigamente mas a dificuldade sempre me fazia desistir) e minha experiencia não poderia ter sido melhor.

O ponto alto do jogo, além da jogabilidade fluida e responsiva, são os puzzles que fazem você passar de fase. É tudo muuuuuuuito bem pensado, com inumeros segredos e areas secretas para explorar. O level design do jogo é simplesmente brilhante BEIRANDO O SATISFATÓRIO. (O jogo usa as proprias limitações da época duma forma inteligente).

Senti falta de um mapa útil e a forma que as armas são organizadas não são as melhores pra jogos atuais. Fora isso o jogo tem 0 trilha sonora, porém os seus efeitos sonoros consegue passar uma vibe de suspense a todo tempo.

O jogo é tão bom que eu até relevei as mortes totalmente troll do jogo que você só consegue passar na tentativa e erro :)

- Jogabilidade e level design magníficos.
- Envelheceu bem.

- Falta um multiplayer.
- Mapa caótico.

what about doom 63 and doom 62 and doom 61 and doom 60 and doom 59 and doom 58 and doom 57 and doom 56 and doom 55 and doom 54 and doom 53 and doom 52 and doom 51 and doom 50 and doom 49 and doom 48 and doom 47 and doom 46 and doom 45 and doom 44 and doom 43 and doom 42 and doom 41 and doom 40 and doom 39 and doom 38 and doom 37 and doom 36 and doom 35 and doom 34 and doom 33 and doom 32 and doom 31 and doom 30 and doom 29 and doom 28 and doom 27 and doom 26 and doom 25 and doom 24 and doom 23 and doom 22 and doom 21 and doom 20 and doom 19 and doom 18 and doom 17 and doom 16 and doom 15 and doom 14 and doom 13 and doom 12 and doom 11 and doom 10 and doom 9 and doom 8 and doom 7 and doom 6 and doom 5 and doom 4?

esse sim deveria se chamar doom 3

The atmosphere is oppressive, the demons are more hellish than ever and the shifting architecture creates dynamic labyrinths which strike the perfect balance between stress and excitement, but I feel as if we’ve taken a step back from Doom 2. Doom 64 is felt like a standard doom game, fun and all in short bursts, but I didn’t find it all that interesting.

Definitely a case of “it didn’t do it for me” rather than a genuinely mediocre videogame. The moody ambient soundtrack is definitely well made but that combined with the somewhat samey feeling levels it made the whole experience blend together. I don’t think I could pinpoint any distinct levels from 64 but I could definitely with doom 1 and 2. The Unmaker is a fine new weapon with a cool gimmick but idk I’ve just come to expect a bit more from doom. It just never really switches it up enough like 2 did, which would throw unique level after unique level at the player. I certainly didn’t leave doom 64 feeling unsatisfied, but I never left feeling all too fulfilled.

TL:DR, pretty decent, just not for me. Maybe I’ll like it more in the future.

Meu favorito até agora, cansei bastante desse lance de chaves e tive q voltar pra pegar as demon keys e foi um saquinho masssss, a gameplay desse é mt gostosa ent fiquei entretido até o final. O level design melhorou bastante imo

It's classic DOOM but different. Starts off kind of slow and easy but from level 12ish and on it picks up and I quite enjoyed it, though lack of quick saves on some levels was frustrating.

Three hours in, this became the third game to ever give me motion sickness after Minecraft and Antichamber. It was a lot of fun up to that point though, I liked it more than original Doom. It had that kind of romhack quality to it where accidental mechanics from the first game become intentional here, like strafing quickly over gaps to "jump" between them.

it changed a lot for gaming but its too old for my gen

Finally a game that adds something on top of the first two games. In terms of hitting feel, graphically VERY IMPORTANT, level designs are much better now. The biggest problem of this game is the music. There is no proper music in the game. I really miss the music of the first two games. They also removed the toggle between weapons found in the second game. In this game, you can finish the game by sticking to only one weapon.

This review contains spoilers

I like this game but beating it blind is dumb because you have to find these secret keys to help with the mother demon otherwise it’s just really hard

Não esperava absolutamente nada e virou de longe meu DOOM clássico favorito. Atmosfera de terror extremamente bem feita, uma gameplay cadenciada com um ótimo pacing e balanceamento e um level design simplesmente espetacular.

Kind of a downgrade but it's still Doom at the end of the day