Reviews from

in the past

Kind of a downgrade but it's still Doom at the end of the day

İkinci oyunu remake edip doom 64 diye salmislar piyasaya ama yine iyi

doom 64 is the best doom.

id's 1993 powerhouse legend had and will continue to grow each and every day since its release, eternally. once the tools were out there, it was only a matter of time until others would begin to match and outclass the work of id with respect to the foundation they laid. doom 64 strays a significant bit from the level design philosophy of id's original 2 games, and benefits from it. each map is dense, consice, and consistent throughout, which unfortunately cannot be said for doom 2. it's a bit more methodical and labyrinthine than what id ever had to offer. it's still doom, but a different, slower, denser take on it. it benefits greatly from that, and the fact that it has fuck all to do with john romero easily makes it the best commercially released iteration of doom. switch and linedef puzzles for days.

night dive's port is easily the best thing they've done. a continuation of over decade of work done on doom 64 TC, a doom 2 total conversion, and doom 64 ex, an engine that required a dump of the data stored on the nintendo 64 cartridge to function. the latter seems to be a very early version of that port's codebase, and has mostly been the way i've played doom 64 in the past. the 2020 port is on point, close to perfect, unless you've lost your mind and are utterly convinced that the virtual pigment used to denote healing materials strays from the initial intended experience to the point of censorship.

fuck hectic. fuck That One Yellow Key

Recomendado si os molan los Doom clasicos

Odd little Doom game. Middle of the road but it has some impressive lighting for the Nintendo 64.

First of all, i’ve played the Nightdive version from 2020. That version has his own backloggd page but i choose to make my review on here since this one seems to be a little more popular.

Second: idk man but this game felt pretty mid to me. Maybe i played it at a bad moment. But the truth is i didn’t really vibed with this one

Re-skin was nice and all, and i appreciate the darker atmosphere, which to me felt more reminiscent of Quake.
Now, there are some design choices i didn’t really enjoy, like the maze-like level design and the extensive use of some of the tropes i hate the most about Doom, like very dark areas where you can’t see shit. It’s not scary, it’s just annoying. I understand that at the moment that might have been spooky as hell but believe me, that’s probably the design trope that has aged the worst for this kind of games.

So it’s not really a bad game at all but also there’s nothing here to write home about. All in all, is the most mid Doom of all. But yeah, if you’re a Doom fan this is a must, you’ll probably enjoy it a lot more than i did.

Youtubers tell it's better than Doom 2 so it must be true

Doom 1 ve 2'ye göre daha karanlık lakin onların kalitesine hiç yaklaşamayan bir oyun.

É o que Doom 2 queria ter sido e não conseguiu. Doom 1 continua sendo meu favorito, mas o 64 é uma sequência digna pra franquia. É um jogo mais cadenciado e atmosférico, e os levels são bem mais focados em puzzle do que exploração, e funciona genuinamente muito bem, apesar que tenha seus tropeços. Algumas fases acabam tendo seções de combate com quantidade um tanto exagerada de inimigos (Nada no nível de Doom 2, mas são muitas as vezes que enchem de Pain Elemental, consequentemente enchendo de caveira que não sai da sua cola, muito irritante) e acaba ficando meio repetitivo as vezes.

I've played a bit of the 2016 one and it also looks great, but nothing beats the OG.

This review contains spoilers

I think this is the worst of the Doom games I have played. Was really looking forward to this one as well. We get updated graphics and the enemies in the game have been completely redesigned, but I think they lose all identity and personality in this visual “upgrade”. The levels are nicer to look at but are just as much of a chore to explore. The red, blue and yellow key system has been done to death in this series by this point.

Instead of a banging soundtrack we get subdued, atmospheric ambience. This didn’t do it for me, I prefer to slay demons to music.

The little menu has gone when switching weapons so I would forget what weapon was next in the order. Doors would close when opening if you pressed sprint to get through them quickly. The player character would slide downstairs if you left go of sprint on a staircase, this messed up my positioning a few times in fights. I got a weird bug loading up the game where it was a black screen, taking my switch offline then putting it back online seemed to fix it. And the end boss. Man what a tedious mess. I missed all 3 secret levels in my blind playthrough. So I didn’t get the demons portal keys. So I had to fight soooooooo many enemies before the final boss. I beat them with 20 HP remaining but then that final boss, with its homing bullets and AOE knock up attack really tested my patience. Luckily I abused the save/load function and won the fight.

It’s more Doom and if that’s what you want, enjoy this. But I was a little tired of the formula by this point and having a break from the old school shooters now. But I will return.

what about doom 63 and doom 62 and doom 61 and doom 60 and doom 59 and doom 58 and doom 57 and doom 56 and doom 55 and doom 54 and doom 53 and doom 52 and doom 51 and doom 50 and doom 49 and doom 48 and doom 47 and doom 46 and doom 45 and doom 44 and doom 43 and doom 42 and doom 41 and doom 40 and doom 39 and doom 38 and doom 37 and doom 36 and doom 35 and doom 34 and doom 33 and doom 32 and doom 31 and doom 30 and doom 29 and doom 28 and doom 27 and doom 26 and doom 25 and doom 24 and doom 23 and doom 22 and doom 21 and doom 20 and doom 19 and doom 18 and doom 17 and doom 16 and doom 15 and doom 14 and doom 13 and doom 12 and doom 11 and doom 10 and doom 9 and doom 8 and doom 7 and doom 6 and doom 5 and doom 4?

Como quase não tinha uma música tocando no fundo,joguei ouvindo minha playlist que melhorou muiito minha jogatina

Excelente, como toda franquia.
O level design volta a ser fantástico (com algumas exceções), e alguns inimigos foram retirados nesse game, mas não fizeram falta, sinceramente. Só acho que as lost souls são muito broken, tem hitbox bugado e dano MUITO alto, totalmente incoerente.
Fora isso, o clima sombrio que viria a suceder a série no próximo game, já começa a mostrar um esboço aqui, com uma trilha sonora bem mais mórbida e "aterrorizante".
Amei o estilo artístico desse DOOM, um dos meus favoritos da série.
O maior defeito do game, pra mim, é a final boss. Totalmente non sense, parece que é tudo na sorte, habilidades aleatorias, arena aleatoria, tudo meio fora dos eixos, mas no produto final não faz tanta diferença.

Não é da minha época, gameplay datada, mas continua jogável e da para se divertir tranquilamente... um clássico!

I actually like this game a lot, yeah it's dark and has it's issues but it is one of the best classic shooter experiences I think.

very good for its time but kinda hard to play now

Rating: 7.5/10 - Pretty Good

One step forward and one step back from the original doom. The graphics and revamped look and design of the game really strikes a cord with me but unfortunately the level design turns into less than exciting key hunting during the later levels.

In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.

For a good chunk of the game, it's more Doom II without the annoying city levels. The final leg of the game kinda messes that up and gets back into annoying level design accompanied by some horrible enemy balancing, AKA throwing Hell Knights and Barons of Hell around every corner.

Finally achieves in a way that DOOM (1993)'s graphical and audio limitations could not, becoming the perfect industrial album cover in sound and vision.
Will be dreaming of this for a while to come.

I love this game, but I loath the N64's trident controller which makes playing anything more cumbersome than it aught to, and the game is really dark (even when brightness is maxed out), making it hard to sus out things some distance away.

Not the ideal way to play this gem in the year of our lord, 2022.

doom 64 is my personal favorite of the classic doom games (if we're talking base/original games so no ultimate doom). it's the most atmospheric of the three and in my opinion the most gorgeous. the lighting, colors, and skyboxes stand out to me more in memory than those of doom 1 and 2. it's also still a bloody ride of thrills and gibs. combat is just as chaotic as doom 2 but not as mean; feeling like it was more concisely designed a la doom '93. most encounters are great fun, and the arenas almost always complement the fights. they get into the large and experimental but still maintain fluid pacing and organized layouts, it's amazing. though some levels include a decent amount of backtracking which hampers the experience a bit. the revenants and arch-viles missing do make me sad but also frustrate me because they included pain elementals and lost souls while buffing them a lot. if you thought pain elementals were bad, wait till you see them spit out not one but TWO lost souls in this game. besides the backtracking and even more annoying pain elementals, doom 64 is a great experience. doom 64 feels like a mix between the first two dooms while also being its own thing with the visuals and emphasized horror which to me makes it an incredible doom game.

very good gameplay, but the energy isn't quite as nice as the other original doom games and i find it's more forgettable.