Reviews from

in the past

Corrigindo todos os erros do antecessor, Dragon age Inquisition veio revivendo a franquia mostrando até o momento atual a experiência definitiva do que é Dragon age, um elenco excelente com personagens cativantes, historias secundarias impressionantes e combates que misturam a estratégia e a ação rápida do jogador, juntando as dlc's que por sua vez grande parte não é lá tão impressionante, entre elas está a "trespasser", que é o definitivo fim da sua jornada e essencial para todo fã do jogo base e de todo o elenco do jogo, dando final e profundidade para todos os personagens e também sendo um gancho para o proximo jogo da franquia.
No fim, Por mais que o começo dele seja um pouco lento, vale o esforço 100%, definitivamente um dos melhores RPG's já feitos.

Apesar de ter certos aspectos que me faziam querer jogar mais, ele tinha mais que me faziam querer parar de jogar, quem sabe em algum momento eu volte mas por enquanto vai ficar desse jeito.

My discovery upon replay is... It is a very good game!

The companions and advisors are all interesting and complex with some of the best writing of any characters in video games, the writing for Cole in particular is mesmerizing and infinitely unique (I also recommend the book Dragon Age: Asunder which has Cole as a main character and gives a lot of good context for events in this game), but everyone has something about them that feels so deep and interesting. Everyone will have a different favorite companion and/or advisor. Side note: I love that Inquisition has this armor aesthetic system, DA:O every companion could wear any type of armor, DA:2 companions only had one set of armor to reflect their character (2 or 3 depending on if you romanced them or not or did their companion quest, but it's usually just a color change), DA:I has the best of both worlds. Every companion has access to every armor set in their respective class tree, and not only that, every companion has a unique version of that armor set. So the same heavy armor on Cassandra will have a unique look compared to that heavy armor on Blackwall or Iron Bull. So everyone gets and keeps a unique aesthetic but still constant changes with plenty of customization. It's awesome.

Combat is good, I was unsure about mouse and keyboard controls at first, but once you get used to them they work very well. It is a good mix of classic CRPG abilities and punchy hack and slash combat. The physics, rag-dolling, and gore are fun and good feeling too. Some builds can be OP but satisfying so, like my favorite Knight-Enchanter Energy Barrage Ring of Doubt build.

The lore and world of Thedas is also very interesting. The mage vs templar conflict has been building for three games and a handful of books and comics now. And for that matter more and more lore on the Dalish, Ferelden, Orlais, and everything else has many years of work put into them now. And it shows, as the world has a lot of depth to all of it's peoples and factions.

The environments still this many years later are gorgeous. Honestly replaying this has convinced me there have been barely any graphics innovations in gaming for a decent bit as I would still be happy with this graphical quality with a new release.

The feeling of building up the Inquisition is very satisfying, it feels like a micro-empire builder in that way, power fantasy potential very high when you're judging people from your throne and sending troops and agents to places across the world making alliances, performing assassinations, and fighting battles. And you yourself making headway clearing fortresses, marking resources, etc.

While not every quest is a banger, this game is PACKED with content, easily a hundred hours on a single playthrough if not far more, and some decent variety in missions and playstyles. You will have a lot to do, if you want some classic fantasy adventuring to sink yourself into you will have a ton of adventures to find here.

Another thing I have to praise is the Dragon Age Keep, a website where you can log all your choices across the previous two games for things to change across this one is fantastic as well as rewards those who are invested in the series and have played the others.

My few complaints with the game itself: There are some boring MMO-style side quests, but the combat and rest of the world around them make them bearable. My next complaint and a warning, you HAVE to have the EA App installed to play this game... If the EA App servers are ever down, the game is inaccessible, as I experienced a few days ago. That is very annoying, but the game itself is fantastic. The main story is pretty good but the ending does feel rushed, the story was taking it's time for a little bit then suddenly it's "Oh, I guess we're doing the final mission...", the Trespasser expansion helps remedy this a bit by having a proper send off. My last complaint: War Table missions take real life timers to complete and there are a ton of them, to realistically do them and not have to wait like a mobile game, I recommend downloading the War Table - No Waiting mod, otherwise it takes way too long.

PS: This was my first time playing the expansions and they are high quality! Jaws of Hakkon adds a new fantastical open world area, plenty of new and good lore that contextualizes a lot of the past and figures in them. Some challenging and memorable fights. Many new armor and weapons added as well as their schematics, etc. All around a good addition, a full new zone that fits into the game well maintaining the quality of the base game.

The Descent adds essentially a single huge and long dungeon made up of many parts with camps in between to do expeditions and gives us some Dwarven content which base game Inquisition was sorely lacking. You also get two charming Dwarves to temporarily follow you along, one voiced by Solid Snake himself and they banter often and made me personally ache to see Orzammar in Dragon Age Origins again. There are some challenging combat scenarios here as well and plenty of crafting materials and unique items to get. As well as some sweet sweet eldritch Dwarven lore.

And Trespasser is just all around great, capping off all the stories and characters of the base game as well as setting up Dragon Age 4. It is fan service in the best way possible. The interactions with friends and companions this DLC was great. The vistas and locations are visually spectacular too, with some of the best level design aesthetically in the entire series. A note though for modders of the game, Trespasser will crash if you have certain mods installed, to be safe, play through the game with those mods and when you get to Trespasser disable them; luckily Inquisition modding makes this very easy to do. Visual overhaul mods will be the biggest offenders. For me, it was a Cassandra outfit recolor. Either way, fantastic DLC! And probably the best DLC out of the series in my opinion as it gave everything fans wanted out of the DLC, answers to many questions, lots of lore, beautiful vistas, and lots of new time and conversations with friends.

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solid entry but there were a lot of questionable decisions made and added like the collectibles side quests, etc. the word is ending im sure trying to find skulls all over the continent is the least of our concerns. overall okay. hope the next ones better

Revisiting it post-release, Inquisition has improved in several notable ways. The addition of a cross-character sync of schematics, recipes, and more eliminated a significant amount of busywork for me, and the multiple DLCs released in the interim, the most recent being Trespasser, salvaged the story to such a degree that the idea of a DA4 is one that I actually hope see come to fruition. Though issues still exist with DAI's open-world structure, they are more easily sidestepped.

A beautiful fantasy RPG with a sprawling, immersive world, meaningful choices, and amazing characters. The character writing, relationships, and depth of worldbuilding in Dragon Age: Inquisition are fantastic — I'd recommend it to almost anyone who loves RPGs on the strength of those three features alone. That said, the main storyline has clearly flawed pacing, with certain sections feeling very dragged out.

Should everything included here be in the vanilla game in the first place? Yes. Is this content necessary and turns Inquisition into one of the best gaming experiences of all time? Also yes.

Fui tentar jogar o online com uns amigos e PUTA MERDA... que NOJEIRA esse online, tá doido. Um modo de jogo que tinha tanto potencial foi arruinado por causa da era dark lootboxes times da EA. Decepcionante.

La historia que se hilaba en las sombras desde Origins toma una forma consistente con este ambicioso y profundo juego. Es el perfecto prólogo para lo que Dreadwolf promete desencadenar.

Desde 2016 zerei uma vez por ano até 2020. Entendo que muitos achem o primeiro da franquia, o melhor mas por mim é esse aqui sem dúvidas. RPG de qualidade, trilha sonora impecável, personagens profundos, gameplay extremamente gostosa. A história profunda com poucas variações dependendo das suas decisões que não mudam a trama principal. Recomendo de coração.

os melhores companions da trilogia
edit: O maior problema desse jogo é ter muita side quests e itens coletáveis repetitivos, mas tirando isso esse jogo é puro ouro.

Would recommend if you enjoy multiple choice fantasy adventure/action games pt.3

I found a lot of the story and characters interesting, but I could just not get into the combat. I could be convinced to pick it up again in the future, but I think that if I still despise the combat 5 hours in then I'm probably not going to get into it no matter how much I play.

Also when will cis people learn that casting a cis woman to play a trans man or a cis man to play a trans woman is always a horrible decision regardless of how good their intentions are.

arguably the weakest in the series, but still enjoyable, was a starting point for me so i have a soft spot for it and i think its an entryway for a lot of people into the dragon age series

I love this game. The reason i love it is because i never played the originals. After playing the originals , i couldn't rank this higher than a 3. Still one of my favourites for varying reasons including story and gameplay but DAO and DA2 combat >>>

O melhor jogo da franquia. Gameplay e gráficos atualizados pros longínquos 2014 e uma história fantástica. As melhores dlcs da franquia e os melhores personagens também. Simplesmente sensacional.

I disliked almost every single thing about this game and have abandoned it. I've given up any hope or desire for this franchises future.

Pra alguém que nunca jogou os outros dois títulos de Dragon Age eu realmente achei que ficaria perdido na estória, mas ainda bem que não foi o caso.
Você pode simplesmente começar por esse e, caso queira, jogar o "Origin" e o "2" logo depois.

Tá... por onde eu começo?
Tenho um sério problema com esse jogo, e isso se deve ao bugs, o que acabou prejudicando a minha experiência imersiva e obtenção dos troféus, não é a toa que levei "apenas" dois anos para conseguir o 100%.
Desmotiva, sabe? Você faz a parada toda certinha, salva o progresso em outro slot e pen drive, vai atrás de guias para ter certeza de que não está sendo ignorante e simplesmente não vai. E por conta disso deixei ele na geladeira.
Lembrando, só fui em busca das conquistas após ter terminado a campanha.

Mas bem, após meu desabafo, vou entrar nos seguintes tópicos:

- Jogabilidade;
- Criação de personagem;
- Progresso/Dificuldade/Mundo;
- Bugs;
- Personagens;
- Escolhas;
- Estória/Enredo.

1º) É um pouco estranha, tipo, dá pra se acostumar, mas chega a ser bem duvidosa ao ponto de eu questionar se era pra ter sido isso ou não.
Dependendo do tipo de habilidade que você tenha em mãos o seu personagem, não estou insinuando que serão 100% das vezes, pode acabar ficando preso ao cenário. Isso aconteceu enquanto eu usava a classe de Arqueiro com uma habilidade específica, mas que era fácil de resolver apenas trocando de personagem no meio da luta.
O combate é bem responsivo, dinâmico e variado, ou seja, é um belo combate.
Ao longo da jornada você pode montar a party que quiser (composta por 4 personagens incluindo você) e ficar alterando a especialidade de cada membro. Posso fazer com que meu mago da equipe seja full suporte, necromante, imaterial, glacial ou um misto entre eles. E o mesmo serve para guerreiros e ladrões.
Só dois adendos: Diferente dos guerreiros e ladrões, os magos não possuem uma segunda opção de arma. Será sempre um cajado; E o jogo deixa você montar uma equipe do jeito que você quiser, tipo, quero apenas guerreiros, quero apenas magos, quero apenas arqueiro e assim sucessivamente.

2º) Aqui nem programa televisivo salva. Uma hora você decide que seu personagem está lindo(a) e é só entrar nas cutscenes do jogo que as expressões faciais ou gestos corporais atacam.
Temos as seguintes escolhas:
- Feminino e Masculino/Humana e Humano/Elfa e Elfo/Anã e Anão/Qunari;
- Ladrão (Dupla Empunhadura)/Ladrão (Arqueiro)/Guerreiro (Duas Mãos)/Guerreiro (Arma e Escudo)/Mago.

Com relação a nossa raça escolhida, ela terá uma leve diferença de diálogo entre outras raças. Mas por que isso? Ora, não são todos que irão gostar ou se apaixonarem por qualquer raça. Quero dizer, tirando o Touro de Ferro. Esse tapa mais buraco que a prefeitura. Porémmm, isso não afeta em NADA na gameplay.

3º) Digamos que a dificuldade é balanceada caso você não queira "meter o louco" e explorar os mapas sem se importar com o seu lvl.
Aviso, isso só funciona no modo fácil.
Já nos outros modos, tirando o Pesadelo, você precisa estar há 2-3 lvs acima do requerido pra não se preocupar tanto.

A exploração pelo mundo deixa um pouco a desejar. Isso na minha opinião.
Certo, temos coletáveis, acampamentos, boss battles com dragões (nesse ponto você tem que ir um pouco além dos mapas pra encontrá-los), mercadores, personagens pra adicionarmos na party e, caso queira, nos relacionarmos com eles (você pode zerar o jogo sem ter tido contado com os mesmos), easter eggs e dificuldade proposital em escaladas.
Nesse último ponto eu me refiro mais com a física do jogo. O personagem é muito travado pra explorar e andar em superfícies íngremes. Chega a dar raiva, pois você sabe que dá pra chegar naquele localzinho pulando, porém o jogo chega na sua orelha e sussurra "...não".

4º) Posso fazer um pergaminho com os bugs que me deparei, mas serei breve:

- Personagem voando no mapa;
- Personagem travando depois que desce da montaria;
- Cutscene que não aparece ninguém (aconteceu 2 duas vezes);
- Inimigo que se recusa a morrer quando fica preso no cenário;
- Personagem que não sabe conversar com NPC sem estar flutuando um pouco do chão;
- Loadings infinitos ao ponto do jogo crashar (aconteceu apenas duas vezes).
- E farm de perks e itens (he he he).

5º) Alguns carismáticos e outros insuportáveis.
Deixo essa opinião para quem jogou ou for jogar.

6º) Até que interferem em certos momentos e opinião política durante a estória, mas achei bem superficial.
E já que entrei no tópico "opinião política", aqui vai um adendo para quem for jogar:

Você pode ser um Messias, contudo de nada adiantará se não tiver influência o suficiente. Hora de passar um tempo na Mesa de Guerra (não lembro se é esse o nome correto);

7º) Ok, vamos pelo começo:

Uma enorme explosão composta de uma misteriosa energia verde atinge o Templo das Cinzas Sagradas, nela onde ocorre um conclave (quando um Papa renúncia ou morre, cabe a conclave escolher o(a) novo(a) líder) e acaba matando todos no local.
Começamos bem, né?
Após tal explosão, olhando aos céus, nota-se uma brecha/fenda/fissuras que permite a invasão dos mais diversos demônios naquele mundo.
Nosso personagem foi o único sobrevivente da catástrofe e, convenientemente, recebe uma marca em sua mão capaz de fechar tais fissuras pelo mundo.
Então não tem segredo, acredito que esteja bem óbvio aqui:

Precisamos fechar as fissuras por todo o mundo e derrotar o vilão final.

Particularmente achei a estória aceitável. Nem mais e nem menos. Os personagens que merecem destaques acabam se destacando e seguindo com suas jornadas pessoais, porém se você me pergunta-se se eu recomendaria o jogo, falaria "depende".
Se gosta de RPG, talvez te agrade.
Se não gosta, talvez possa tentar.
Se não quer perder seu tempo, então vá atrás de algo que mais lhe agrade.
Se você quer fazer todas as conquistas, saiba que terá que esperar pela boa vontade do jogo.

Gostei mais do que eu achei que iria gostar.

Highly recommend this game even in 2023!

Cassandra is the best! <3

"Mages and Templars, and innocent people caught in the middle. Some things never change."
— Varric

In Dragon Age: Inquisition you become the savior Thedas once more. You are the Inquisitor, tasked to save the world from the massive breach in the sky, a huge tear in the veil that leads into the fade, where demons and maker-knows-what pours out of it. You play as an unfortunate bystander caught in the middle of an evil plot conjured by a would-be-god creature who calls itself The Elder One.

The reason why I adore this game so much is because in Inquisition you have so much freedom to create the character you wish to be. It doesn't have elaborate origin stories that fill in the empty gaps like origins did, nor does it limit you to a specific character of a specific race with a specific last name, cough Dragon Age 2 cough. It gives you enough freedom to create without being too restricting with a full backstory, so you can create full story yourself how you see fit in your mind.

You can play as a Human, Elf, Dwarf or Qunari, Inquisition being the first game in the series that allowed for the player to play as one of the horned oxmen. It truly has a great character creator, though there is a few negatives about it that many of the fans have brought forward. The character creator plops your character in the fade, which is very green hued, so creating accurate coloring to what you want can be a challenge. Bioware is also known for a very poor choice in hairstyles, but I believe they did a better job in this game than the previous ones.

I am a huge fan of the whole series, but Inquisition just has something that I can't deny, it was everything that I hoped it would be when it was released in 2014 and I still believe it holds up very well storywise and graphically. The gameplay is something that they could have done better at, but Inquisition was a huge improvement on the previous games in my honest opinion.

It's a game that I love, it's a series I can't say no to, and I've purchased this damn game multiple times so far. It's absolutely a fantastic piece of modern media and I definitely can recommend it to any RPG fans. If you wish to get into the world of dragon age, I do recommend starting from the very beginning, at Dragon Age: Origins, but don't be afraid to just jump into this third game as well, you'll learn most of what has happened along the way!

The game is perfect, it only lacks on combat.

This review contains spoilers

Some would say this was when BioWare started to fall off and lose their magic, but I would disagree. I think this game has a couple of problems (mainly base game), but it still a pretty solid 8/10 game. And then the DLC comes in and it literally saves it.

The Cast: The cast of characters still remain strong. I think the Inquisitor is fun enough, but they don't have as much freedom as the Warden nor do they feel as down to earth as Hawke. But that's okay because the rest of the cast is charming, they good personal quests and they have really fun party banter. They only get better at the end with Trespasser.

The Gameplay: The Hinterlands early is hell. Leave it immediately. I kind of miss the tactics as they used to be in the first two games and I miss the speed from Dragon Age 2. However this game has a lot of fun builds for combat, it's pretty well balanced for the most part and there are some fun moves to use. Waiting for quests in a real world timer is pretty cringe, though. And I feel like some quests in this game do become busy work moreso compared to either Origins or 2.

The Story: An okay customizable protagonist with a good cast carrying the game until its side content where it gets really good with Jaws of Hakkon, the Descent and Trespasser. Main game has a pretty weak villain in Corypheus (its side villains with either Samson or Calpernia are pretty interesting at least) and while it does have some cool quests like Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts and What Pride Had Wrought, it's not the best story I have ever seen. But like I said, once you have the side content, it's saved. Jaws of Hakkon has a really cool side story, the Descent has interesting lore implications and Trespasser is an amazing finale that ends with a tragic loss in your party.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, I beg you to be good. Not just for BioWare's sake, but because this game's finale was genuinely so good.

Tl;dr: This is a good game I get why gay people like it so much (I'm gay and I like it so much)
There is no reason this game should have been open world, there are swaths of this game that are far too large.
Too many collectibles with far too little reward.
Never thought I'd say this, but I missed the tactics. There were times companions just did not do what I wanted them too, or I wanted to have more options for them.
On Xbox at least, a lot of my powers were unusable because they didn't fit in the battle menu which was disappointing!
Great job on the homosexuals, love all those guys.
Magic was the easiest to pick up in this game, it was too scary in Origins.
I don't know what I was doing that racked up so many hours but the fact that I spent that long in game without getting exceedingly bored says something I guess!
Art design was beautiful, the tarot cards in particular were stunning.
I loved seeing Hawke again!! It was nice for her to get a solid continuation of her story.

Dragon Age has been better but this is very much a return to form after DA:2. The fact that they are taking a while on the next one is promising. Good times were had by all.

Decent main story and companion related side quests nothing really groundbreaking but fun to play trough, however the combat was extremely easy even on hard, and it got repetitive pretty quickly, it's also completely unbalanced (with the artificer tree on an archer rogue you can solo every boss in the game in 20–30 seconds on an even level) the game also has a lot of fetch quests where you read a note somewhere go to where it says open a chest for some gear and MMO style quests of going to an area and killing a few enemies, it's full of them, and they are just not worth doing, I completed all of them, and it took me about 80 hours to do so.
Decent main stuff a lot of boring side stuff, stick to the main quests companion related side quests and the main quest of every area, and you should have a good time on a lower difficulty.

As far as an RPG this game is pretty great. But as a Dragon Age game, it missed the mark in my opinion. The map for one is quite large despite most of it being empty/lifeless. Most of the quest in the game that aren't a part of the main story are simply tedious and boring. They added nothing to the game in a positive way and it seems they made the game as large as they did to show off how much is in it without taking into account the quality over the quantity. The party companions are my biggest disappointment with the game, as they pale in comparison to the previous companions of older Dragon Age games. The best characters in this game are from the older ones, which is saying something. Certain gameplay styles like using a greatsword have also been severly slowed down in this game compared to previous games and it gets stale fast to me. It seems a Mage built is the most fun way to enjoy the pacing of the combat in this game, which limits the player in the class they choose. Despite everything I dislike about Inquisition, I believe it has a really great main story and the main quest are the best part about the game. That alone is worth experiencing the game for