Reviews from

in the past

I still owe this game a fair shot. I was in my Tekken and Monster Hunter World Phase when it came out. I'll play it eventually.



the best dragonball game ever made

A game that lures you in with spectacle, managing to recreate the show's greatest hits beautifully. Too bad it's tied to a game where if you misinput once you can put the controller down for the next five minutes.
At least with Marvel vs Capcom 3, everything is so broken that it's fun in a party game sorta way. This game is just tedious.

This game is beautiful, it's kind of cool, but it doesn't seem to hold you in, it doesn't make you want to play it

I have so many hours in this fucking game. I've spent so much money on it because I bought it on PS4, Switch, and PC. I'm probably on the wall of ArcSys headquartes as their biggest simp.

the only game that is close to marvel 3 and still not even close to marvel 3 bro
besides some characters being just too op this game IS FUCKING FUN

Flashy fighting game about learning combos.
You can't actually react to the other player, just need to know every moveset.

Esse jogo foi uma total decepção para mim, quando comprei estava muito animado, mas ao jogar me entediei rapidamente.

Ojalá lo siguieran actualizando

Really fun fighting game and easy to pick up. The animations are also really good.

Played at a friends house. Its good lmao

Amazing art style. decent roster. Really fun game with lots of team building options.

It has lots of cons. Story has fun cutscenes but the actual gameplay sucks. The single player content in general is terrible. On Switch it is also hard to find matches.

It is a good game overall... just not one I ever sunk much time into.

You mean I can play as Yamcha AND Tien???

An absolutely insane game for Dragon Ball fans. An awesome roster, great soundtrack, stunning visuals and plenty of content. I haven't played a lot of this game so I cannot speak on the "on paper" competitive integrity of the game, but the lack of a stable and versatile netcode throughout the vast majority of the game's competitive lifespan took a serious toll on its player count. A rollback update has been issued but apparently has numerous issues and does not breathe as much life back into the game as most people hoped.

Many people have issues with the concept of the game, being one of those TOD heavy fighters where messing up results in an entire round loss (Marvel, for example). I do agree that combo heavy assist fighters aren't for everyone (myself included, I honestly do not like them at all), I can definitely see the appeal.

Still, the game is incredibly fun when playing casually with friends and the amount of customization and experimentation you can do with various assists and team setups make it even better. Still a very solid game overall despite many flaws on the competitive side of things.

me forcei a terminar esse jogo, sistema de defesa é horrível parece um injustice

-Fighting games isn't my thing but i had a blast playing this.

The best fighting game I've ever seen; it's fun, fast, dynamic, beautiful, complex, and simple at the same time, it perfectly honors Dragon Ball.

Es Marvel Vs Capcom pero con personajes de Dragon Ball y hecho por Arc System Works. Obvio que iba a ser un banger.

its like playing an anime fight

So yeah, this game exists. I love Dragon Ball, and I love fighting games. This was my first ever game in this genre of fighting games. It's fun, but online kind of ruined it for me. And now the game is dying, so that's fun.

It is pretty fun. But for me, it ends right there.

FighterZ foi um jogo muito hypado na sua época e foi uma expectativa correspondida, o jogo é uma obra de arte com gráficos e gameplay incrível, porém minha crítica fica para o casos dos players que querem se divertir sozinhos pois não a coisas novas e o elenco de personagens que podia ser melhor (sem contar as dlc de personagens)

merecia mais atenção da buxa system, esse último patch acabou com o jogo tirando isso foi um jogo que me divertiu bastante as músicas são boas os personagens são bem feitos e a mecânica do jogo eu acho bem justa, vc consegue ter counterplay pra muita coisa e isso deixa o jogo mais dinâmico.

tem o Janemba só isso já basta.