Reviews from

in the past

guilty pleasure... this game sucks so fucking much but it also has so much potential..... Really wish it used it instead of adding more shitty skins and overloaded characters.

idk why i enjoy this game as much as i do

The first 5~6 games are really fun but it gets repetitive and boring quickly after that.

love it, love the art style and character designs, its gameplay is pretty fun, good team working behind it too. but kit designs are bland, games feel repetitive, voice acting is awful. otherwise, i have good faith this will gain popularity in a seemingly empty genre nowadays. fun blend of genres with a ton of potential to grow

i like that it's a battle royale i can actually play but it does feel like it might be a bit too much for me to ever be good at it

The really nice idle menu music earns it another star. I like synths that go "weee-oo weee-oo".

Interesting in concept and worldbuilding but a mess implementation-wise.

The character kit design became obscenely bloated at a speed I wouldn't think possible. People complain about 200 years in League design, but WOW these get absurd. Not to mention having to manage battle royale pathing. This game isn't meant for people.

boys hoppin on some erbs ? erbs gamesrs ?

its a good battle royal
my only complain the servers arent the best saddly

Instead of getting mad at your friends for not last hitting you can get mad at them for not finding a jacket to wear

I'm surprised it too this long for someone to make a moba-br hybrid, but its pretty fun. Still early access, so this could change, but so far its been interesting.