Reviews from

in the past

This review contains spoilers

Finished playing Evenicle after 119 hours. What a journey it was. I mainly got it as a Senren Kagura fan. Nan Yaegashi did the art. I miss both his artwork and Senren Kagura over the years. Evenicle kinda fills that void. So yeah to be clear I liked the idea of it being a JRPG with Nan's art more than it being a hentai game with Nan's art. This is actually my first full on eroge game I've played. Full warning I’m gonna talk spoilers. Mostly because what is the likelihood someone is actually gonna buy a porn game after me talking about it? Probably low but I will say if you end up remotely interested at any point then just stop reading and play the game. Also it’s a porn game so disclaimer duh sex stuff is gonna be talked about. I mainly want to talk about things that stood out to me story and and characters wise. Oh and here's is a collection of funny or amusing screenshots I took. Some are NSFW

Basically the premise of the game is you got our protagonist Asterisk but you can call him Aster. He wants to fuck and marry his totally not blood related twin sisters but the only way to do that is to become a knight. Aster says he got so horny with the thought of being a knight to get wives that he swam to the city from his hometown. And the game makes it clear it was a long distance. He becomes a knight in chapter 1 btw. Chapter 1 is mostly world building but I wanna talk about that later. The game has 7 chapters with seven deadly sins like theming to it. Chapter 1-5 are mostly episodic while the last two chapters became more serious in taking down the world ending evil pretty typical JRPG stuff. The main villains of the game are called “Snake Crest” and chapter’s 2-5 has you taking down a member of Snake Crest while the last 2 members focus on chapters 6 and 7 . They're all cartoonishly evil. Like it is over the top how evil they are. Chapter 2 talks about envy and political corruption. Chapter 3 is about greed and corporations being evil. Chapter 4 is probably the darkest chapter it covers gluttony with that Snake Crest member being a cannibal. And chapter 5 is technically about lust but it isn’t handled like you’d think. Chapter 5 Snake Crest member wants to revive his dead daughter causing a zombie outbreak. Lastly Chapter 6 and 7 I won't spoil because I don’t wanna completely ruin everything. The main story isn't mind blowing or anything but it is quite fun and engaging throughout and sometimes that all a game needs. It goes above and beyond in making you actually care aside from the porn.

Part of what makes this game special in my opinion is the world building and lore. Pretty much anything you might have a question about the game actually addresses. It’s surprisingly fleshed out making it really interesting. The world of Evenicle is entirely based upon religion and society functions and operates following the rules of the goddess “Mother Eve”. The “Evenicle” is basically this world's Bible. The rules humans must follow is 1 you can not kill and 2 monogamy only Mother Eve hates polygamy. If you break the rules then you get branded an outlaw and get a black ring that you never lose even if you chopped off all of your fingers. You basically lose human rights and literally become ex-human and get kicked out of society. Outlaws also lose the ability to create from the Earth have cows? They die. Have a farm? You can't make crops anymore. What sucks about this situation is that having sex automatically makes you married. So if your an innocent women that got kidnapped and gang raped by outlaws that counts as having multiple partners meaning the rape victim also becomes an outlaw against there own will. Something that is kinda funny about these rules however is that there are several loopholes. Anal sex, blow jobs, and boob jobs “don’t count”. There's a race in this universe known as Kalars there sorta like succubuses where they need semen to live. They also only produce female babies meaning if a human fucks a Kalar that also “doesn’t count”. If you're a knight in this universe and you can rise through the ranks and you can have up to 10 wives. A strong knight means strong kids. Knights are also granted permission to kill. There’s a lot more to the lore as well. There are 6 regions and you often get let know of the current political situation in each region and there’s a character named Towa that explains the back story of each region whenever you enter a new one. It’s explained who wrote the Evenicle and it’s explained how humans and monsters came to be. I can probably mention a few other things but by now you get the idea. Again, it goes above and beyond for what is mostly a goofy porn game. It’s just surprising how much effort there was when they didn’t really have too. And while the lore isn’t really anything crazy it is well thought out and interesting.

Now I wanna talk about characters but there's too many characters I’ll just go over the main five plus one side character. Aster is the protagonist. He’s a hero! But he doesn’t really care about being a hero. He’s just a horny boy that wants to stop evil and fuck girls. Aster is absolutely goddamn hilarious. He’s a pretty simple character and is ultimately just a self insert wish fulfillment, power fantasy. But the blunt and out of pocket shit he says makes him quite possibly one of the funniest protagonists I ever seen. Then you got the first wife Ramius. She is also a knight. She is competitive, kinda dumb, a bit of a meathead and loves porn, sex, food, and sleeping. Ramius is a pretty funny character despite being hot because of previous loner personality she’s considered scary to the average person. Not only that but her older brother convinced her that she's not cute. There's more to her but all I gotta say is just love her character and she says pretty funny things throughout the game. Then you got the second wife Riche. Riche is a princess and is the childhood friend of Ramius. Riche is the straight man of the group and usually stops situations going too outta hand. She is probably the least interesting of the main 4 imo but still very likable. Then you got the third wife Gurigura who was engineered to be as moe as possible. Gurigura is a loli character she plays into the “imouto” archetype and has an unspecified age. And I really like this character. She is adorable. She has a pretty tragic backstory of being an orphan then being trained at a school where they didn’t care whether she lived or died. Not only that but she lived homeless and starved for most of her life. Despite having a sad backstory though she is always happy and upbeat. She’s also really strong and consistently guides the rest of the party throughout the regions. Gameplay wise she also gives you a map, lowers the encounter rate and auto wins trash mobs. I also like how she uses “boku” for her I’s and says “onii-chan” for Aster and “Onee-chan” for the other wives and while I understand people finding it gross the juxtaposition of a loli type character saying absolutely perverted things I also find pretty funny. And something I do wanna say about Gurigura is that she the one that's takes the initiative Aster was reluctant to fuck her cause he didn’t want to take away her innocence. In another hentai scene they also joked that “it feels immoral”. So at least they're self aware. The last wife is Kathryn aka best girl. Kath is an anti-social, shut in, tsundere, super genius, inventor that loves doujins, manga, Yu-Gi-Oh, and ordering things from Amazon. And she is amazing. That’s all I got to say. I just find her really funny and surprisingly relatable. It’s hard for me to choose a favorite but it’s definitely between her or Ramius with Kath probably getting the slight edge. And now the last character I wanna talk about is a side character named Natal. This game has a ton of side characters 6 of which Aster marries there all likable to some degree but not as interesting as main 4 because you don’t spend as much time with them. What I find interesting about Natal is that she doesn’t get with Aster. Not only but she has it rough. She got anally raped by a tentacle monster, got raped a gyaru named Millet who brainwashes her, she got raped by a green monster and gives birth to said green’s monster baby. She falls madly in love with Aster but he’s to dumb to notice, her parents don't care about accomplishments despite being a knight, and she becomes a drug addict and goes completely bonkers randomly raping men. I pity her that oujisama got it bad. In the final chapter there's a side quest with her. The resolution was that she made a full recovery and is no longer addicted. Her family disowned her but was adopted by the King and Queen. She was unable to say she loves Aster but hopes someday she can. Aster is still too dumb to notice her feelings for him, Aster forgives her for the crimes she did but she doesn't forgive herself and is now gonna work on building her reputation back. Natal is a good side character. Goes through a lot. And I like the fact she doesn’t end up with Aster. Overall personally I just adore the cast there super charming, and have great chemistry. Voice acting is also great even outside the lewd scenes. The characters interactions is one of the best parts of the game it's filled hilarious writing as well as surprisingly wholesome moments.

I touched upon the hentai scenes and well there's a lot. I don’t wanna talk about them too much, mostly because I just ended up skipping most of them anyway. I realized when playing. I just wanna play the game, not fap! Like getting aroused is more than enough when playing a game. But anyway I do wanna mention what kinda tags you would seeing in them on the top my head theirs rape, gang rape, NTR, mind break, guro, lolicon, tentacles, monsters, incest, and threesomes. There are a lot of vanilla and consensual scenes. But plenty of gross degenerate scenes too. A lot of these more darker sexually violent scenes feel kinda out of place and create some pretty jarring tonal whiplashes especially since the game has such a cutesy aesthetic and always cracking jokes. Because of this a lot of the hentai in this game imo is pretty hit or miss but if you're the type of the person that can fap to anything then uh yeah there ya go. Personally I'm just glad allows you to fast forward scenes even if it has unread text. Making it mostly a non-issue but I can understand if others can't overlook it. The game is simultaneously filled with wholesome shit and fucked up shit.

Anyway holy crap I gotta end this at some point. I did cover most of what I wanted to talk about but not everything but I really should wrap this up. I think the game is an interesting experience overall because if I think about it, as a visual novel I think it's pretty good but it's not a peak visual novel. I don't think it's nowhere near as good as something like Witch on the Holy Night or Little Busters. As a JRPG it's pretty mediocre. The battle system has good ideas but it's too brain dead easy most of the game with only boss fights being fun battles. Dungeon design is also too simple and not all that interesting. When it comes to hentai aspect I think it's hit or miss most is vanilla so I don't mind but the nasty scenes are pretty nasty. Strangely enough though combining all of these aspects together makes it a unique experience that I mostly love heh. Like as a piece of hentai media I think it's the greatest thing I ever experienced from there. I feel like with Evenicle I finally "discovered" what I've been wanting outta a hentai for years. I kinda went over it already but the game just genuinely shocked me with it having decently a written world with lore and charming characters. And that's what I like about it. It's more than just a goofy porn game to get off too. It has that too. But it's surprising to me with just high effort it does kinda elevate for me in just being a mediocre JRPG or mediocre visual novel. I see this game as a kinda difficult rate cause as far as a hentai story goes it's like everything I ever wanted from a hentai. Judging from that point of view it's like an easy 10. But I can't help think like objectively as visual novel is more like a 7/10 and as a JRPG is more like 6/10. I guess I can say I land at a 8/10 overall but even that doesn't feel right cause I think the cast is better than most JRPGs. I guess the final note I can end is that I personally loved it a lot like man, I'm gonna miss these characters and I seriously feel empty after finishing the game. I think it's a solid game with an incredible main cast but it does have issues (especially tonal issues) that would most likely vary depending on your tastes.

73 hours, super fun
i love the strategy of your deceptively simple Alicesoft battle systems, and the characters and story were great. I even didn't see a twist coming. The art was also hot thanks Mr. Senran Kagura

Good JRPG gameplay. Would not buy for myself due to the graphic porn content with some pretty horrific scenes.

Absolutely adored this game, Kath is wifey for lifey.

Played it after playing through a ton of other rpgs last year and honestly getting pretty burnt out on the genre. Evenicle brought me back to life -- the game is just plain joyful to play. It's constantly delighting in new setpieces and cracking cute jokes, both in and out of the smut. I was screenshotting jokes constantly 'cause the game just made me laugh my ass off. It even works in a few genuinely tough cool bosses that made me think closely about the streamlined systems.

I loved Aster and found a lot of the romances genuinely pretty moving. There's a moment near the end during the final dungeon where Aster has a moment alone with each of the wives, and they all have nice conversations pertaining specifically to that one relationship. I realized the game had made me believe in all these relationships, which is pretty impressive when there's so many of them.

This is my favorite Alicesoft game so far, and I'm really excited to dig into the rest of their catalog. I think their games are absolutely comparable to modern indie rpgs like Undertale in how they're full of energy and joy, constantly messing with your expectations in the hopes of putting a smile on your face. (Or turning you on.) I also think it's comparable to very well-written RPGs like Trails in the Sky in how it pays off its storytelling threads in huge ways during the last few chapters. I played Xenoblade X and Tales of Vesperia recently, both beloved RPGs, and I think Evenicle has more storytelling gumption than either of those games by far.

I don't know if I'd necessarily recommend it to someone not interested in the porn (because a LOT of it is porn), but if you're here for that I think you'll have a GREAT time. (Just heed the content warnings, the game gets pretty grisly at times.)

I must admit that going in, I expected at least a half-decent game. Generally I avoid H-games as they tend to be crass, low-budget and downright embarrassing to play. But given YouTuber Sseth's endorsement of this game, as well as some positive comments from my online friends, I decided to take the plunge.

Well. Let's just say it isn't low-budget, at least.

For an H-game, the production values in Evenicle are superb. The art style is vibrant and colourful, the game is well-optimized (which is not very common for Japanese games on PC, even if they can run on a potato), and there's a huge amount of voice acting for all the main characters apart from the protagonist. The character designs will look instantly familiar to anyone who's played the Senran Kagura series, which despite being terrible still has a place in my heart from my teenage years, so all in all the game started with a lot of promise. It was functional in both the visual novel and RPG department, and the premise was pretty interesting as far as porn goes.

Unfortunately, Evenicle's problem is that it drags on for far too long. It overstayed its welcome to the point that all its pros fade away and the cons stand in stark relief. This is a game that feels like it's designed to waste your time: it's simply not strong enough in either plot or gameplay to hold the attention of all but the most irredeemable of coomers. If this had been a 10-12 hour RPG, as Kemco games tend to be, it would have been a cute and charming little adventure, and any blandness or simplicity would be forgivable in view of its small aspirations. But no. It might be one of the longest, and yet most pointless, RPGs I've ever played, and I play a fuckton of them. Most nights when I settled down to do some gaming, I would quit this within 15 minutes simply because I was fucking fed up of the repetitive, challenge-free gameplay and the interminable plot where characters blither and blather without saying much besides, "Uuuuooo seeeex." Even while 'playing' the game, I would constantly switch windows to talk on Discord or browse the internet while waiting for the autobattle on the random encounters to run its course. The game is mindless - even moving from point A to point B feels like a chore because you don't have to think or exert yourself in any way: you're just obligated to press buttons. Most damningly of all, the game is fully aware of this. It pokes fun at its primitive RPG gameplay itself. But aside from being self-aware, it's also insidious: despite giving you an option to teleport, it doesn't allow it for every city, forcing you to still run to and fro in areas you've already visited a bajillion times. The only reason, I assume, is to pad out the playtime enough for this game to seem like a legitimate RPG that justifies its full retail price tag - which in some regions costs even more than a freshly released AAA game!

But how's the story? After all, this game is better known as a visual novel. Well, it has a story. It has characters, and over the course of the game I went from finding most of them charming and quirky, even the ones who weren't my type (this is a waifu game, remember), to hating most of their guts. This, too, seems to be a function of the game's epic length: a short game could survive with such shallow characterization of its cast. For a ... 60? 80? How fucking long is this game? ... for a 60 hour game, the same lines and the same reactions over and over and over simply don't cut it.

And despite there being a large cast and more than half a dozen regions to visit, there's an astonishing lack of variation. Even the sex scenes get boring soon enough.

Speaking of which, part of this game's infamy lies in its rape scenes. I'm not going to feign disgust at them - I knew what I was getting into. What I did find surprising was how much darker they sounded when Sseth narrated them or when people talk about them online. In-game, they are tonally ruined because, look - when you've got some evil fucking monster rape going on, yet the soundtrack is still this shitty bubble-funk tune that sounds like royalty-free porno music, it's hard to take seriously. What I did find annoying, on a personal note perhaps, was the loli waifus, Gurigura especially. I would be very curious to know who finds such shrill imbeciles attractive.

There's one small thing left to praise after all that bile: the localization is fantastic. Whoever had the patience to sit through and idiomatically translate, line by line, this game's entire tedious script, deserves a sainthood. Too bad much of their work slipped by me. By the time I reached the fourth chapter (out of seven), I was so fed up that I was skipping dialogue while merely skimming it, something I never, ever do in other RPGs. At that point it was just a battle of attrition to beat the game because of a sunk-cost fallacy - because I'd already spent too much time on this piece of shit instead of playing a good RPG or reading a good VN. I played other games in-between - again something I never do, as I stick to one game until I beat it - just to reaffirm that I still enjoy this hobby. Eventually I went 'fuck it' and watched the ending on YouTube, and what with the plot being so thin, I knew everything despite having skipped two chapters. I tried my best to win the battle. But happily, I lost the war.

A controversial visual novel with serviceable gameplay and a decent narrative behind it if one can stomach the incredibly perverted writing.
+ great main cast with colorful personalities and memorable character designs
+ straightforward but reasonably engaging and often amusing plot
+ large explorable world map that visualizes the journey's grand scope
+ decent, mostly upbeat soundtrack
- strong tonal whiplashes between the usual bright atmosphere and some abhorrent events
- generally mediocre visuals from low-quality models to inconsistent illustrations
- very basic yet imbalanced turn-based combat that frequently necessitates grinding even when played perfectly
- many gratuitous sex scenes whose inclusion of violence in particular will turn off most people

Forgot to beat this game but it’s almost comical how Alicesoft managed to create a genuinely enjoyable plot that uses political, religious and social satire all while you’re building a harem in your quest to bang your sisters

story of my life!

yaegashi nan designs? fantasy aesthetic with some nifty jrpg mechanics to boot? witty writing and a wonderful alicesoft ost? evenicle has all this and yet so much more. it's been a while since something i've looked forward to not only delivered, but also exceeded my expectations. this is pretty much the one alicesoft game i was really looking forward to because despite the time i spent with the rance series, this one always seemed to appeal to me more. i simply can't stress how much this game delivered for me personally.

for the sake of avoiding spoilers, i'll just say the story is pretty fun! it starts off with your typical jrpg setup but evolves into so much more with the way the arcs and character moments get distributed. if i'd have to make a comparison in terms of arc structures i'd say that one piece probably fits the bill with how each chapter has its arc on a respective country while also taking a few steps to adding onto the overarching narrative! it's a fun setup that allows for a variety of scenarios in each chapter. the story for the most part is a pretty fun fantasy romp with occasionally heavy story moments but evenicle knows when to give you room to breathe and when to slow down pretty well. there's a few tonal shifts here that might feel jarring but once you get into the rhythm of evenicle's world it'll be pretty easy to smooth them out. the script itself while as raunchy and horny as you'd expect with any eroge especially from alicesoft, is also really just a blast to read through. there are a lot of jokes here that honestly landed really well for me and the writing team knows when to play their cards in ways that didn't feel emotionally manipulative to me and most of the arcs have very satisfying conclusions. much like other alicesoft games it balances the plot and gameplay elements pretty well too! exposition is snappy and fights are almost always properly built up to make them all the more rewarding narratively. another small detail i appreciated is that sex within the narrative is actually treated pretty maturely in the sense that most of the h-scenes don't really have that air of awkwardness to them that some of the others do. i'm not sure how much sense this will make to people who haven't played eroges but just trust me that they aren't that cringe! 😎

as for the gameplay, all i can really say beyond it being a simple but competent jrpg is that while the encounter rate does kinda go crazy at times i didn't really mind it much since the game incentivizes grinding pretty well with the opportunity to trigger events with your party members and exploration is very much a large focus within the overall gameplay loop. in fact, the loop was so addictive that i ended up unintentionally doing every single sidequest and completely explored all the maps while fighting every superboss. so yeah i think i'd say as someone that's played a lot of jrpgs while the systems here are pretty simple they way they're implemented are pretty fun as some encounters really require you to mix up the skill setups! i ended up with a total of 78 hours by the time i hit credits so there's plenty to be offered here with a 100% that's honestly really fun!

so at the end of the day, was evenicle life-changing goat peak fiction raw kino? no, not really but it was fun as hell and that's what really matters. i could go on and on about how a lot of my favorites have been life-changing for me but at the end of the day, not everything has to be life-changing or incredibly meditative, sometimes it can just be fun and evenicle understands that best! honestly, 2022 has been a pretty uneventful year for gaming on my end and it doesn't help that life was kicking my ass for a bit in the early parts and even if i didn't come out of evenicle thinking differently i'm sure i'll be able to look back in the future and think fondly of the funny little eroge that helped make these past twelve days all the more tolerable!

i guess i'll have to see for myself in the future how evenicle 2 apparently fucks things up lol !

" i own the physical of this game " /10!

ps. ramius my beloved but all the other girls are great too :)

this game has tested all of my demons

best 40 dollars i've ever spent on steam

I played this game because an african warlord told me.Its pretty good for a game i pirated because i was boring.

i loved the game play and ost and even the h scenes were good

Despues de sacar el 100% puedo decir que hay ALGO en este juego

Evenicle definitivamente no es la mejor obra de su medio, y si bien es cierto que no tiene el mejor ni más pulido gameplay, ni la historia más atrapante y original, ni el protagonista más carismático y entrañable, ni las relaciones entre personajes más memorables, ni la banda sonora más potente, ni los diálogos más inteligentes y bien escritos, ni los villanos con mejor justificación - BUENO, se entiende, pero pese a todo eso pienso que Evenicle tiene ALGO, no sé qué es... pero cuando sepa les aviso!
En otro orden de cosas voy a rescatar cosas que si sé qué son, como el hecho de que los coleccionables y las side quest sean un buen añadido a la aventura, un par de veces me encontre desviandome para ir completando un par y después de terminar el juego volví a completar lo que me deje tirado, también que los personajes en lineas generales son bastante divertidos y ayudan a que no se note tanto que aster es demasiado simple, el arte es bueno en general aunque hay un par de cgs que tienen un bajón de calidad raro medio inexplicable pero bueno... las escenas h se me hacian un toque largas de mas, cosa que también me paso con el juego en sí, calculo que si hubiera sido mas corto habría sido más fácil perdonarle algunas cosas, y aunque la historia no es muy destacable, el mundo en el que transcurre es bastante más interesante, tampoco es una genialidad de Magnus Mefisto viste, pero el potencial esta ahí y es el principal motivo por el que me interesa ir a la secuela.

Le doy 3 heladeras del Chelo Delgado

Un "juego" mediocre... No me mal intérpretes, no lo odio ni mucho menos me ofendi por lo que se muestra, todo lo contrario, aquí insertaría el meme de "Jokes on you I'm into that shit", sino que si lo veo como un juego entonces es mediocre, ya que su gameplay tipo rpg es pésimo y con demasiado RNG e incluso por partes grindeo artificial lo cual hace la experiencia tediosa y aburrida, pero también si lo veo desde el punto de una Visual Novel entonces también fracasa puesto que si simplemente fuese un eroge, pues entendería que no hubiese historia de fondo, pero aquí se inventaron todo un lore, guerras, razas, políticos, etc... Se nota que Alice Soft se esforzó en querer crear un mundo para desarrollar otras obras en él, pero es que la historia es tan aburrida y mediocre que ni siquiera el "humor" lo compensa resumiéndose en "jaja Aster es un pervertido" o "jaja mira como un monstruo profana a X mujer y lo disfruta". Al final esto hizo que el juego se me hiciera demasiado pesado y al final lo rusheara para terminarlo rápido (literalmente lo termine en la mitad de tiempo que dice vndb que la gente lo ha terminado).

La razón por la cual le estoy dando una puntuacion de simplemente "mediocre" y no "Malo" o "Perdida de tiempo" es porque en el aspecto de ser un eroge si cumple. No solo contrataron al artista de la saga Senran Kagura el cual retrato ese mismo estilo artístico aquí, sino que mostraron escenas que se aleja de lo vanilla y cae en lo retorcido y joder, los que han visto mi perfil de nhentai sabrán lo enfermo que son mis gustos y haber encontrado a una desarrolladora que no le importa lo que digan de ella, que harán este tipo de escenas que cualquier otra persona se taparía los ojos, se saltaría o se pondría a llorar es de agradecer.

Es mi primer juego de Alice Soft (ya los conocía desde hace años, de hecho más de una década por rance, pero nunca había jugado a uno de sus juegos) y aunque me pareció decepcionante Evenicle, aun así seguiré con el resto de sus obras en un futuro, dudo que juegue Evenicle 2 a corto plazo, pero el que si será mi siguiente juego de Alice Soft será Dohna Dohna.

Por cierto, agradecimiento especial a un usuario random de reddit el cual me paso su save data. Había comprado evenicle el año pasado para mi cumpleaños en gog pero nunca lo termine dejándolo a medias. Meses después me mudé a un nuevo apartamento, pero en el camino se me jodió mi laptop y perdí toda la info y entre ellas estaba mi partida de Evenicle. Me desanimo y no lo volví a jugar por arto tiempo hasta que me dio por preguntar en el sub de VNs, ahhh lugar de mrda lleno de normies, pero cuando pregunte si alguien me podía pasar su save data de evenicle del capítulo 3 lo pregunte esperando que nadie me respondiera, pero días después un puto héroe sin capa me paso su save data. Lo tuve ahí en mi pc por meses, pero hasta ahora que decidí retomarlo fue que hice uso de él.

Extremely bland JRPG with boring gameplay, but the real reason people play this game is extremely uncomforting, doesn't help that the main character really didnt need to speak like holy jeez he says/does the most out of pocket stuff at any point during the game

Plusy: dobra historia, sporo zawartości, sympatyczni bohaterowie, dobry VA
Minusy: scenki ero nie są animowane

From what I can tell it's extremely fun. The gameplay I can say that I like it, it's not boring like Rance's and I don't need to keep rereading tons of repetitive dialogs.

The story is surprisingly good. I mean, you don't expect an ero story to manage to be this good, but the erotic element is used very well, doesn't offend one bit and contains enough meaning within the plot and in the subtext for things to happen, and I mean even for the scenes of rape.

The characters are charismatic and some have an interesting background, and due to the way the game takes place there are many opportunities for great interactions with the characters, which is one of the charms here.

Not everything is rainbows however, sometimes the story can seem a bit silly and have some equally strange dialogue, in addition to the times it happens that the decisions are very bad in matters of script, however it still manages to be good and fun, and it is something ignoreable, except for some specific chapters that are very problematic.

With all that said, I don't see why not play or give it a go if you're after a JPRG Erotic. This one is very good, I can't say it's above Rance, but from what I played in the first game, I prefer everything I saw here.
It's a great story that tackles eroticism and lust, but in general it speaks of humanity itself as a species and its desires, the somewhat lame way along with the ecchi cliches out there makes things a lot more deleteable if I may say so. Some might not expect the work to actually have something to present as text, but it does, it's simple but valid and it works.

Solid JRPG ......... This is a well Hjrpg ( hentai ) and yet if you were to remove all 18+ content you would be left with a solid and humerous jrpg that is still better than most games .

porque isso não é ruim,porque ninguém me avisou que eu ia não ironicamente passar 70 horas jogando um fodendo spin-off de rance?

Won't let me fuck the best girl, yet every girl is free, I see game

No me escondo, lo he jugado. Y si quitas todo el sexo innecesario tiene cosas cuquis y algunas inner jokes descacharrantes.

I like it very much actually... Except the auto-encounter system...

Babby's first RPG, but not in a bad way. Really streamlined and well-paced; it's hard to get bored playing this game.