Reviews from

in the past

З цією грою можна випасти з реальності на декілька днів, що я в свій час і зробив. Гра дуже спокійна та медитативна, але при цьому і цікава за рахунок постійної прогресії та розвитку. Це той тип ігор де ви кажете собі "от зроблю зараз ще оцю дрібничку та піду спати", але за тією дрібничкою з'являється наступна, за нею наступна і так далі аж до моменту коли вже треба збиратись на роботу (чи школу/університет, дивлячись скільки вам років).

I got withdrawal symptoms from my first playthrough of this game

While it may not have invented the genre, it certainly defined it. Any game that wants to do something similar to Factorio has very big boots to fill.

A little too freeing? I need some guides.

I have seen many a person who love logistics pick up this game...

I have seen few escape its clutches...

Even now, I am not free. Only waiting for the version update hand to grasp my life and pull me down into the midnight oil depths, not to resurface again until another rocket is built, until the planet is but a mere shine in this vicious cycle.

Very enjoyable factory building simulator/bug exterminator simulator.

Absolutely phenomenal game to play with friends.

If I could sacrifice my firstborn to this game I would

The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory must grow.The factory m......

ohhhohohohohoho ohhhhhhh noooooooooo I'm gonna play this forever if I keep going I have to stop here. I have to. The urge to come back is hard to resist, though.

C'est top mais j'ai pas le temps.

Yeah it is undoubtedly the best automation game on the market and its asking price is more than fair for the amount of content that you get.That said , don't buy it , lest you want your free time to get eradicated, because as soon as you click the play button , your mind will go blank as one sentence repeats for the duration of hours "The Factory Must Grow"

eu não consigo acreditar que conseguiram fazer um satisfactory MELHOR

This is the kind of game you lose yourself into. The factory must grow , the factory must be optimized


I don't know what I would do to improve this game.

Beautifully made, progress is nice and just feels so dang good.

As a Software Engineer this game is just my job but visually pleasing.

Such a well made game with a great gameplay loop.

the devs make me ☹ but i did become transgender as a result

Actual addiction.
+ A problem is presented. A solution is made - by you. The solution is deployed. You unlock the next problem. You realize your previous solution needs polishing. Repeat.
+ Excellent sound. Atmospheric noises to study/sleep to.
+ Huge QOL improvements since launch, and it just keeps getting better.
+ The huge amount of community content ensures that even when you finish the game and assorted challenge runs, you will Never be done.

If you enjoy your free time do not play this game.