Reviews from

in the past

I was surprised to find this a completely fine beat em up that is essentionally a precursor to the Ultimate Alliance series. This is without a doubt the best thing to come from the Fox era of the Fantastic Four.

Primo vintage licensed movie tie-in game (pejorative)

Ha get it? Fantastic 4 gets a 4/10.

Well more like 4.6 but still.

Barely fantastic, and the story mode levels drag on and on and on forever.

La verdad nunca jugué un juego tan pero tan malo como este. No entendes nada, es aburrido, es una absoluta basura de juego. Que se podría esperar, si la película ya es basura.

I remember this being quite uninspired and dull. A farcry from what Ultimate Alliance was/is. Plus, the movies being bad didn't help this gain any nostalgia points

Un juego igual de mediocre que la película que referencia

Exactly what you'd expect of a movie tie-in game. Aggressively mediocre, entirely forgettable and a chore to finish. If not for having played this with my brother, I could never have mustered the level of insanity required to push past the first hour. As always, co-op can elevate just about anything.

Played this as a kid, hated it even then.

i have very limited memory of this, i think it was like ultimate alliance kinda. you fight annihilus, that's cool.

100% completion of this videogame unlocks you a unique gamemode that is just wave defense of a grandmother. Truly bizarre shitty little game - very fun, very cool