Reviews from

in the past

The game feels really unpolished in some areas, such as the graphics. However, there is just so much content packed into this game for me to truly fault it in that way. I'm not a huge fan of modern Fire Emblem, but this game stands out among that crowd as a game I can come back to time and time again.

fun game weighed down by boring school mechanics

So super fun, Dmitri and Claude are such good characters

The best and most memorable game in the series. Extremely well written too! I have played all paths but Blue Lions and I’m looking to play that path again in the future when I find the time

Overall I really liked it, and I think the branching paths are cool. The ending for my path I chose felt kind of lazy and rushed, however, and wasn’t a super satisfying ending. Also, some of the support conversations with characters that weren’t really main characters felt super dull, i ended up just skipping through them. Otherwise everything was good- voice acting, animated cutscenes/art, battle was fun, good soundtrack.

I was really into it but then I put it down for too long and couldn't get back into it.

les phases dans l'ecole sont vrmt trop ennuyante mais elles ont l'air tellement indispensable que ça m'a fait ff le jeu apres beaucoup d'heure de jeu

Este juego avivó mi bisexualidad cuando tenía 17 años
Como juego está bien

Silver Snow Route

I'm bumping the score back up to a 9, it's still a masterpiece. This might be my least favourite route, though, which sucks because the Black Eagles are my favourite characters--not a single bad character. Also the final boss is easily the weakest. Apart from that, it's still lots of fun and very good and yup.

The story and characters are like no joke amazing. Like 10/10 amazing. Combat is really great too. Music is great. It’s just great. And you’ve got so many different options on how to take the story, it’s so good.

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Man what a wild ride this game was. I enjoyed much of it especially dimitri's route.

Except silver snow.

Fuck silver snow.

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Do I have the right to jot my thoughts down on this game? I mean, I only finished half of the Blue Lions route and all of the Crimson Flower route, and I am planning on... well, eventually getting back to do Golden Deer, but I want to believe punching through a route is enough. This game took me like eighty hours as is.

Picked this up around release. Was very Fire-Emblem lapsed. I'd picked up Awakening on release, could not get into the story, dropped it. Picked up Conquest, thought it sucked, dropped it. Three Houses, though, people were talking about. And I'd just gotten a shiny new switch.

Fire Emblem Persona started out pretty nice. Customize your class, learn about the deep world, fight some low-stakes battles. I was getting kind of anxious about going back to the monastery instead of doing a more traditional, linear Fire Emblem campaign, but I was open to it.

Then the shift happens, the time skip the trailer promised. Here we go, I think. We're going on a war campaign (I was with Dmitri of the Blue Lions) and this is going to kick ass. It uh. It sort of did.

See, the issue here is that the gameplay had sort of broken down. I was playing on hard, but no map presented even an iota of challenge. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, here - at the time of playing, I was an absolute shit gamer, a strategy buffoon, a tactical caveman. The gameplay simply did not hold my interest.

Turning to the plot to provide hope, I got to THE map. It was going to be the coolest one, the class reunion. The gang is fighting. What was supposed to be the climax, the emotional peak of the game... just utterly shat the bed for me. I, the player, was fighting against the Golden Deer while the Empire was right there. The Golden Deer explicitly did not want to fight me. One of my former students bum rushes me and some emotional dialogue plays: "Sensei, why are you attacking us?"

It was the worst shit. I dropped it then and there.

A good three years later I get into Fire Emblem again. I boot up Maddening. I stream. The friction is incredible. The first few maps, while terrible on replay, are entertaining in their bizarre challenge. I go with Edelgard this time and the catharthis of fighting my former students, their former friends, family members... it rules. The penultimate map is one of the most exciting strategy challenges coupled with emotional release. It is why I play Fire Emblem.


It's not good but Claude von Riegan and Cyril are in here

Say what you want about Byleth in Smash, this game is a banger.

Genuinely amazing title and a perfect entry point into the series. Highly repayable and customizable. Three full routes with completely different ends and usable characters. A bit weak in the overall map design for combat with no major standouts and some routes feel a bit rushed, but overall quality and quantity are for the most part well balanced. The main base where you will spend most of your time is a bit too big at times and can be tedious on repeat playthroughs to go through.

Story: 8.5/10
There are 4 story routes you can take, I have played 3.5 of them. The routes are distinct from each other (in the second half of the game). What makes the story interesting has a lot to do with the many characters' backgrounds, and how it affects the story.

characters: 10/10
I believe that the characters, from personality to background and connection to other characters made the game shine. Although i had favorite characters in the game, i would not want a single character to be removed, as they were all really great.

gameplay: 10/10
The game is split into a story, combat, and at the monastery (Garreg Mach monastery). The combat system is really simple to use, and the use of battalions played a really good exciting role and sometimes necessary role. I did not think i would like the combat as much as I did, but it was amazing. When instead you are in the monastery you get to train character skills, spend time and get affection points from characters, and can view cutscenes between characters. As equally (or more) important to the g as the battle

Music: 8/10

Está MUY bien PERO también está a medias.
Es un juego de grandes ambiciones pero incumplidas.
Implementa muchas mecánicas interesantes, como el entrenamiento en clase, el calendario...
Aparece una opción de llevar contigo "Batallones", tropas que ayudan a tu unidad con mejores estadísticas y un par de acciones tácticas que pueden afectar a más de una casilla a la vez, lo cual complementa la inclusión de los Monstruos, unidades poderosas enemigas de gran tamaño, que tienen "barreras" que los vuelven más frágiles si las rompes, ¡y es más fácil romperlas si atacas a más de una casilla a la vez con los batallones!
Presentan un mundo interesantes con varias naciones soberanas, cada una con su historia y sus tramas propias, pero sólo vamos a ver 3 (y se nos menciona Almyra): Adestria, Faergus y Leicester, las facciones dominantes de Fódlan. Cada una tiene su geografía y su historia propios, lo que le querría dar personalidad, pero también tiene unas casas nobles y politiqueos que, tristemente, se quedan en nada. (Casi)Todas las familias se reducen a "Esta es tu unidad. Tiene un padre y una madre de la Familia Nosequé, y no importan porque jamás les vas a ver la cara y sólo te contamos la historia inmediata que afecta a este personaje."
El único lugar que vamos a deambular donde podemos apreciar su vida y costumbres es la Catedral, la base del juego, donde te abasteces y relacionas con tus personajes. Como tiene visitantes de todo Fódlan, te ayuda a enterarte de cosas de todo el país, pero se queda en eso, en comentarios de oídas. Eso no quita que la base tenga encanto. Aunque tristemente se nota que le faltan más áreas y mecánicas que le querían meter; paseándote por sus pasillos, jardines y barracones y hablando con sus gentes, se vuelve más inmersivo.
Desde el principio debes escoger una facción a la que unirte, y eso te vincula a alguna de las 4 rutas disponibles, lo cual hace que haya bastante rejugabilidad, pero te obliga a revivir desde el principio muchas escenas comunes si quieres ver el resto de rutas.
Las rutas son... Interesantes, cada una explora un grupo de personajes y unas tramas con unos temas curiosos, y en cada ruta se te desvelan detalles importantes de la trama general del mundo.
Pero están mal hechas, se siente como que le encargaron cada ruta a varias personas distintas, que no han hablado entre sí al escribirlas, y han juntado los deberes sin mucho cuidado para el trabajo final. En una ruta, un personaje tiene unas convicciones férreas y una personalidad de un tipo, y si juegas otra ruta, esa personalidad es distinta y la convicción se fue por la ventana. En una ruta, una persona tiene un trauma profundo, en otra está como una rosa. En definitiva: Falta cohesión. Están muy bien cada ruta como historias separadas, pero saben raro en conjunto, porque te mandan mensajes confusos.

Al final, quiere ser una grandísima obra con una historia riquísima y compleja, con muchos agentes políticos distintos, muchas facciones actuando a la vez que tener en cuenta, giros de trama sorprendentes, logística, cultura, temas serios como la religión, el deber del poder, la violencia que nos deshumaniza, el internacionalismo y la diplomacia... Y se queda corto, porque le faltan 2 o 3 años para terminar de perfilar la trama e implementarla en un buen ritmo.
Sin embargo, eso no impide que sus gentes, sus deseos de paz, los pasillos de la academia catedral y las aventuras que tenemos en esta entrega de Fire Emblem me enamoren.
Me ha gustado mucho. Me apena mucho no verle ser el juego que desea ser, pero le quiero.

the story of this game if you play multiple routes is probably fascinating but i could only muster the desire to play through 1 (church route, whoops) and it sucked and the monastery is sooooo egregiously boring and intrusive.

I like this game but i think i soft locked myself bc i spent too much time drinking tea :(

Trabajó majestuoso de simulador social combinado con el combate de todo fire emblem. Personajes muy bien desarrollados con historias súper complejas, giros en la historia sorprendentes y Banda sonora épica. Único punto malo es lo repetitiva que es la historia de los 3 personajes hasta el capítulo 9. No lo considero para cualquier tipo de jugador.

Greatest Game of all time. I love it with every fiber of my being

Não esperava que fosse tão divertido, bem massa, apesar desse jogo ser feio pra boné.

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There's a lot to unpack but I enjoyed this game despite not gelling with a few mechanical and stylistic choices of the game. The setting of the game is a highlight, with the "calendar" system reminding me of Persona 5 in the best ways. The choices of exploring the academy or getting into battles helped the game pacing for me a lot.

The "anime-style" writing does not appeal to me, but the characters are well-written! I enjoyed learning about how everyone has daddy-issues. The interactions between characters was a personal highlight despite the support scenes almost dragging at times. More context of the lore/setting would have helped me better situate the contexts for these characters and the stakes of personal and overarching conflicts. If I have the only character from Duscur, give me everything about the Tragedy of Duscur. Put colors on the map to indicate who controls what parts of the continent PLEASE.

Mechanically the game was great as an introduction (or reintroduction) to tactics style games. The tactics side of Three Houses was at its best when it gave me interesting scenarios or maps with interesting terrain features. But those scenarios were few. An explanation of the classes or stats would have helped me out a lot. I realized too late in the game that I should have focused on more than one or two skills if I wanted my characters to all be one of the Master classes. Gave me the classic XCOM "oh no I messed up 20 turns ago" feeling, which I don't like when it comes to teaching the students.

I did like the interpersonal conflicts focused on in the Blue Lions campaign. Seeing how class interacted with each other given they'd grown up with each other was a fun. The complexity of their relationships is impressive, kudos to the writers. I do wish I had more context within the lore of the world, because it was hard for me to feel the weight of the personal conflicts the characters dealt with. Dimitri and Edelgard's relationship is interesting and complex, but it's hard to situate that conflict within the world-setting given how little world lore they gave me.

It's a delight of a game, and there are emotional highs that'll stick with me for along time. Kudos to the devs for making a delightful game I stumbled through.