Reviews from

in the past

Good campaign, but its too short in my opinion.

it was a fun time with friends a long time ago back during release, but it really never captured me much outside of playing with my friends during those earlier months of its release. i think it's kind of an interesting approach to disguising a big aaa service game as a sort of almost fighting game, and mechanically i remember it being decently fun, but sometimes not the most balanced. when i'd play with friends usually i would be the one that was the most behind in terms of skill and levels in comparison to my friends and the rest of the lobby who would grind the hell out of this game, so public matches would sometimes be a blowout where i felt like i was bringing down the team. i was never really a huge fan of the game's progression and i never cared enough to play the game on my own time so it would suck being like a level 9 raider against 7 other guys who were all like prestige 3 level 17 or some shit when i would party with friends after the game had been out for a couple months and the good players were the ones who were still most active in the game. outside of that though i still got to make good memories playing private matches with friends and fucking around with the classes we rarely played as.

i think ultimately most of the fondness i associate with this game was just being able to use it as an outlet for playing a game with my friends who all didn't really have the most similar game taste. like i said before i think after the game had some time to let people get really good at it, hopping on to play some matches while being severely unexperienced and underleveled was just a pain and kinda killed the game for me. that isn't to say though that i dont think the game had something going for it, it had a neat concept and gameplay style, and there was most definitely a period of time early on where i considered the game a fun time in public lobbies.

If you look like Fem Raider you need to dm me serendipitously

Honestly, I tried to enjoy this game, I really did. I played the story mode, and completed both the knight and Viking stories, but left the samurai's one in the middle. Two reasons: I dislike the combat mechanics and the story gameplay being too repetitive and boring. I didn't try the online mode, it's not exactly my kind of thing, but I heard I should avoid it anyway.

this game is pretty cool I like the vibe of it but I'm not fond of sword fighting gameplay games its hard to get good at

The only good game ubi have ever done in a while.

Eh işte, çok fena sayılmaz. Çabuk unutuldu, o ayrı.

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The problem is that I feel like this game could be way more fun if it would have been developed by any other company. But just like Rainbow Six Siege I feel like you fall out of the gameplay loop so quickly that it's just not worth to play the game.

It has a fun combat system and the executions are fun. Everything else is just..... meh. The artstyle is boring, the game runs like shit on my pc, I have server conectivity issues, I have to play it in the fucking uplay launcher or what ever it's called and in general everything around and about this game makes me not want to play it.

6/10. Fuck Ubisoft. Fuck games as a service. Fuck this quadruple A bullshit. I hope that actually good games won't fall into the hands of bad companies in the future.

Fun for a while but plagued with a frustrating playerbase. This is one of those games that started Ubisoft on their quest to make some of the most lackluster games as a service possible. The single player is forgettable, the user interface is standard Ubisoft affair, and the long term health of the servers is grim at best. I don't think it will be long before this game gets The Crew treatment.

ça manque d'arme à feu mais sinon le jeu est coolos maximus

Lowkey the blandest, most confusing and most boring combat gimmick any game could’ve come up with

Proposta quase única. Já passei madrugadas adentro jogando isso, e aperfeiçoando minhas técnicas de combate. Bem divertido.

Fun to play at launch but really got unbalanced with time.

Lo compré demasiado tarde y ahora apenas hay gente jugando, lo que significa que siendo un novato como yo solo te vas a encontrar con gente experimentada. Es una pena porque el gameplay, estilo y temática me encantan, pero no los puedo disfrutar.

Great with friends, otherwise... maybe not so much.

ubisoft kills their games part 56

sounds like a lot of you need to cope

Every For Honor player needs help

Como concepto y prueba de gameplay para un ratito está genial. Pero, después de un rato cansa y no hay mucha razón para regresar a jugar. Es un buen juego para un fin de semana de no saber qué jugar.

Is funny how people (and myself) like playing in the must unhonorable and infamous ways

thank FUCK i dropped this. was able to resolve any anger I ever had

I want to love this game but ubisoft made it.

Excellent combat system the likes of which we had never seen and probably will never see again, unless they do a sequel.

One of the most unique and addictive fighting games which still holds up 7 years on! It is still getting supported with new content and balance changes. It's just a shame the dwindling playerbase can't support more than 3 or 4 different game modes.