Reviews from

in the past

Wish I liked this more than I do. Really cool aesthetic (reminds me a lot of Mibibli's Quest) and some sick midi tunez but it's mostly just a not very interesting and very slow puzzle game. Mostly just boring, unfortunately!

Um game que parece ter saído de alguma creepypasta da vida. Sua ideia é "corromper" a estética e premissa básica de Super Mario - com algumas reviravoltas no meio do caminho. Não é exatamente uma experiência prazerosa, mas não deixa de ser bem interessante.

Some neat ideas. Does some cool things with perspective near the end. Controls were a bit stiff though and the story didn't really grab me. Also, while the puzzles were kinda clever, the heavy use of reset really slowed the game down and just became annoying after a while.