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Muramasa's core question is simple - can killing ever be justified? - but in a world of often cut-and-dry morality, where it's clear who should live and who should die, the suspension of disbelief can be easily broken. The world is very interesting, the fights are great, and when humor is present and intentional, it's very amusing. Unfortunately, the absurdity and contrivances at the core of the story do render its explorations somewhat juvenile and difficult to take seriously. I would recommend starting with the Kanae route as the Ichigo route - though you'll have to read both to see the true route - is the most 'stupid.' That might be the point, though.



Bir eser aynı zamanda nasıl hem çok doğru hem çok yanlış hissettirebilir?

Basit, ne yaptığını çok iyi bilerek ve Muramasa da aynen bunu yapıyor. Narahara başından sonuna kadar ne yazmak istediğinden emin bir şekilde yazmış ve bu rota sisteminden tut oyunun rotalarının temalarına, karakterlerine, diyaloglarında ve en önemlisi Kageakide sonuna kadar hissettiriyor.

Muramasa gözümde objektif olarak mükemmele en çok yaklaşan eser. Aldığı bazı kararlar kesinlikle herkesin hoşuna gidecek kararlar değil ama eserin geneline baktığımda "Evet, VNDB'de ilk sırayı hakeden eser aslında bu." diyebiliyorum.
Peki Muramasa bu kadar iyiyse neden kişisel listemde daha yukarıda değil? Çünkü dediğim gibi, gözümde mükemmel değil. Dies Irae gözümde "bana itafen" yazılmış gibi hissettiğim tek eser olduğu için yeri her zaman bende ayrı olacak, keza Subarashiki Hibi de açık ara tükettiğim en iyi hikaye olduğu için Muramasa'yı geride bırakıyor. Ama bu demek değil ki Muramasa'nın hikayesi kötü, aksine Muramasa yine dediğim gibi ne anlatmak istediğini bilen dahi bir yazar tarafından yazıldığı için her rotası birbirinden ayrı hissettiren muazzam bir hikayeye sahip ama işte bu rotaların bazı noktaları var ki göz ardı edemiyorum.

Hero "adalet" kavramını muazzam bir şekilde işliyor ve daha iyisini düşünemeyeceğim bir sonla noktalıyor ama zorlama romance kısımları ve hikayenin ilerisinde okuduğumda farkettiğim (True Demon okurken) tutarsızlıklar beni fazlası ile rahatsız etti. Nemesis keza aynı şeyi "İntikam" kavramı ile çok iyi yapıyor ve yine daha iyisini düşünemeyeceğim, insanın içini burkan bir sonla bitiyor ama yine bu tutarsızlıklar ve genel olarak siyasi hikaye anlatımı benim gözümde düşürüyor hikayeyi.

Tyrant ve True Demon ise çok farklı hikayeler. Tyrant ve True Demon "intikam" veya "adalet" gibi felsefi konuları anlatmak yerine genel olarak daha çok Muramasa'nın kendi evrenin in hikayesine ve Kageaki'ye odaklanıyor. Dürüst olayım Tyrant'ın sonunu hiç beğenmedigim ve bad end'den hallice olduğunu düşündüğüm için üzerine konuşmak istemiyorum. True Demon ise apayrı bir mesele. True Demon, Muramasa'nın özünde anlatmak istediği herşey ve çok daha fazlası. Hem pacing hem kurgu hem de karakterler açısından bir şaheser bu rota. Epiloguedan önce yazılar akarken gözlerimin yaşadığını, boğazımın düğümlendiğini hissettim, yazılar geçtikten sonra ise Muazzam bir epilogue ile son noktayı koydu Muramasa. Evet, Muramasa bir başyapıt ama gözümde en iyi eser asla değil ve bunu söylemek içimi rahatlatıyor biraz çünkü Dies ve Subahibi'yi Muramasa geçemediyse hiçbir eserin geçemeyeceğine adım gibi emin oldum.

Ve böylece daha çok içimi dökmek ve Muramasa hakkındaki düşüncelerimi biraz daha sıraya koymak için yazdığım "inceleme" tarzı yazımı sonlandırıyorum. Muramasa herkesin okuması gereken bir eser ve tanıdığım herkese öneririm, kimseye seveceğinin garantisini veremem ama eşsiz bir deneyim yaşayacaklarının garantisini verebilirim.

Hero 9/10
Nemesis 9/10
Tyrant 8/10
True Demon 10/10

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Realmente o ápice do que uma visual novel pode proporcionar, utilizando de seus recursos de uma forma que complementa seus temas e torna uma experiência mais imersiva, afinal você experiência a Law of Balance em primeira mão (descobri isso da pior forma, fiz um bad ending sem querer por ganhar pontos com as duas moças), além de fazer muito bem o uso do sistema de rotas para explorar seus conceitos de uma forma bem extrema até, sendo as personagens personificações daquilo que elas acreditam (Ichijo: justiça, Kanae: vingança, Hikaru: força), e também tem algumas seções aonde as escolhas interferem em certos combates, então você realmente se sente na pele do Kageaki, utilizando de suas experiências passadas para derrotar o inimigo que está enfrentando, bem divertidinho. Não é a toa que foi o projeto em comemoração do décimo ano da Nitro Plus, os caras torraram toda a grana que tinham (e que não tinham) para dar vida a esta história magnífica.

A exploração de seus temas é muito interessante, chegou até a esclarecer minha visão em relação a algumas das coisas que são discutidas, sendo a que eu mais me interessei a justiça que é debatido na rota da Ichijo (a melhor rota inicial em minha opinião) apesar de oferecer uma dissertação sobre esse tema Nahara Ittetsu não te concede respostas fáceis, afinal, uma das filosofias do jogo é achar sua própria visão e compreender seu objetivo. O tema de vingança é bacana até, mas sinceramente é tão saturado que, apesar de ser uma visão diferente sobre, não me interesso tanto e não me pegou muito, estava mais cativado nos conflitos do mundo e da relação entre Kanae e Kageaki do que o tema em si. A força e a Law of Balance são muito intrigantes, elas são seguidas a risca e isso gera conflitos bizarros toda vez que o protagonista se esquece de sua verdadeira natureza, assim nenhuma situação é tão simples quanto fazem parecer ser, até porque nada na vida é somente preto e branco e tudo é muito complexo, porém a conclusão que oferecem e como o Kageaki lida com isso é algo fascinante, a aceitação de seus pecados e usá-los para fortalecer sua visão, reconhecer que ele não é um herói e nunca poderá ser mas mesmo assim resolver trilhar seu caminho para alcançar seu sonho, concatenou para que ele se tornasse um de meus personagens favoritos de toda a ficção.

A construção de seu mundo é bem feita, o jeito que te entregam as informações de forma despretensiosa através de diálogos e relatos de eventos históricos dentro da obra, fazendo com que vários pontos, que a primeira vista parecem não ter tanto significado, quando conectados montam um quebra cabeça que fazem com que varias situações façam mais sentido e você começa a entender a motivação de certos personagens/grupos mais facilmente, é extremamente bem escrito e chega até a ser um pouco complexo. Cada grupo possui suas próprias complicações, pois os personagens que os formam detém propósitos, métodos e princípios diferentes, e isso forma facções dentro desses grupos que manipulam e são manipuladas por outras para alcançar aquilo que almejam, conspirações são formadas sobre mitos daquele mundo, alguns personagens trabalham com outros de grupos diferentes para alcançar um objetivo comum, tudo é muito vivo, nada depende de personagens específicos para poder funcionar, assim engrandecendo ainda mais a resolução final de Kageaki, sendo ele somente um homem em busca de trazer a paz para o mundo inteiro.

Falando do Kageaki, a construção de seu caráter é algo a ser reconhecido, passamos quase que o jogo inteiro na mente extremamente perturbada e quebrada de Minato Kageaki, um homem que acima de tudo odeia a si mesmo mais do que qualquer coisa, porém ainda sim possui objetivos nobres e boas intenções. Ele é realmente um protagonista complexo, todos os seus dilemas são postos em jogo em muitos momentos chave da história, fazendo o se questionar e ponderar se o que está fazendo é aquilo que acredita. E como eu disse anteriormente, seu desfecho é muito gratificante, pois vemos esse personagem extremamente amargurado e depressivo, aceitar os seus pecados e usá-los como motivação para continuar a seguir seu caminho e realizar seu sonho, e o jeito que ele chega a essa conclusão chega até a ser engraçado, meu mano literalmente teve uma crise existencial após foder sua armadura em forma de uma elfa black skin, assim compreendendo que estava vivo e que amava isso apesar de ainda não dissipar o seu ódio contra si mesmo.

Enfim, foi uma longa jornada repleta de emoções que embora os meus esforços não consigo representá-las em palavras, it's PEAK bro zenithium of the media holyyy.

Peace is the noblest pursuit.

A masterpiece. There is no work that deserves this title as well as Muramasa. One day I see this work being called a classic; such as Tsukihime for example - A unique work capable of connecting with anyone and in any era, a truly timeless work, which has influence on the scene and not only forces its change to a new era; Just like Tsukihime did and just like Mahoutsukai did. Muramasa's message is eternal, because it is true and demonstrates the essence of humanity and its conflicts. Truly beautiful and essential for anyone to read, this MUST be read.

All this time...I was right.
There was love!

Then all is well! I have what I wanted!

The bond that was severed...Restored! was a good dream...

sorimachichads lets get cocky

The review of balance also prevents me from commenting

he shouldve gotten a blowjob from a man instead


I've seen people compare it to, and I shit you not, The Brothers Karamazov. They should be exiled straight to Siberia for literature blasphemy.

The main parallel they drew is how this game supposedly allows different moralities to present themselves in equal footing. First of all, the game has one true ending. You know how visual novels work. Among the multiple endings, there is always one that is at the end of the longest, hardest route, and you end up with the most important girl. This game makes it more obvious, with all the other endings being some sort of refute to their own themes, so that you can clearly tell where the writer's heart truly lies. But the real problem is not how even-handed the writer is, but how compelling he presents his final argument. Without going into spoiler, the short answer is logic fallacy. When the game needed cool analysis and rational thinking the most to justify its morality, the writer resorted to appealing to the reader's emotion instead of reason, and in my case, fell flat completely. What is this novel take on morality that the game subjected me 50 hours of pain to get through? It's neither novel nor moral, an excuse used by perpetrators throughout history after committing atrocity.

And then there's the writing. The writer is clearly a kendo fan, if not a kendo course salesman, but that doesn't excuse him for shoving wall of text of kendo tutorial down people's throat. Exciting combat scenarios are grind to a halt by monotone exposition. The only thing more boring than action scenes are the comedy scenes. After all the philosophizing about the morality of man, garbage anime tropes are here to cleanse the palette and remind you nothing here is worth putting too much thoughts into. And how can I forget the sex scenes? They are fascinating in a Titus Andronicus sort of way. Who am I kidding? This is NitroPlus we are talking about. With the writer's fetish on display, I could see his hard on through the screen.

One point for the sudoku puzzle that came out of nowhere.

Sokko akki muramasa is just another one of nitroplus' vile and disgusting creation. though unlike saya no uta muramasa does not include the main character having intercourse with a literal blob it is still as disgusting as saya no uta, the writer did not even try to hide their very obvious fetish towards the act of "rape" and "murder" as in the first chapter both of these happen almost simultaneously. and the worst part is the raping/murder doesn't end in the first chapter. As all the chapters progress and end in very similar manners you either see someone get raped midway through the chapter or you only see it near the end, same goes with the murder. each time you see a new character that is not biologically male yep 👍 she is getting raped!, What do you do if someone is being nice to you in this game? murder them of course! 👍 . Im honestly just confused as to what this game was trying to tell me was it "killing is bad" or was it "killing and raping is good" because they keep making it happen for some fucked up reason????. instead of being something actually good and profound they fucking blew it, just like all the other so called "good games" nitroplus has made.

I wonder if Japanese writers know of the existence of philosophers not named Nietzsche

one of the greatest to ever do it. death to heroes and demons.


Played this cuz i went on backloggd sorted by top rated and scrolled till i found cool stuff. I have now realized the problem with that is that a lot of highly rated games are highly rated because either you haven't finished the game and therefore wouldnt take the time out of your day to negitively rate it, or you have finished it and you've specifically come here to give it 5 stars because you're a visual novel guy and this is your thing. Me personally, I'm not actually much of a visual novel guy and i got really bored :3

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Pra mim, Muramasa carrega a mensagem que The Last of Us 2 passou pra muita gente, mas que eu não consegui sentir ela de verdade, e talvez não por um demérito de TLoU2, e sim por um mérito asquerosamnete pornografico de Muramasa. O ato de matar é de literalmente destruir uma vida, nada mais que isso e nada menos que isso, e Muramasa às vezes entende que há casos e casos, mas sua mensagem é bem clara: matar é matar, e nada vai mudar isso ou expurgar esses pecados. Muramasa é algo tão conceitualmente perfeito que quando eu terminei o jogo e sem querer vi uma imagem do Superman, eu comecei a ter um transe de ideias que essa VN implantou na minha cabeça. Desde que eu joguei isso, em passos lentos os conflitos e as reflexões ficaram impregnadas em mim sobre qualquer assunto. Eu não consigo mais olhar tudo pelos mesmos olhos, e eu não faço ideia como a maioria das reflexões que eu vivenciei aqui nunca nem sequer tinham passado pela minha cabeça, mesmo sendo tão claras agora.

A justiça de Ichijou é colocada em jogo, pois quando se expurga um mal, mesmo esse mal tem um ser que o ama, e tal qual esse ser também vai buscar justiça através das próprias mãos. Existe então, algo como justiça? Isso talvez não é só uma convenção criada por ela mesmo pra poder justificar o que ela faz, colocando todo o seu ódio em algo metafísico e tão subjetivo quanto o mal? O mal puro e intransgressível realmente existe, ou é imposto através da estética pelo seu observador?

Eu não posso responder isso, é algo tão conceitualmente complicado que mesmo depois de meses e meses refletindo sobre Muramasa essa história ainda não saiu da minha cabeça. Quando eu terminei a Visual Novel, eu achei o final verdadeiro meio esquisito, mas depois de pensar e pensar é um final que fala TANTO com os temas apresentados aqui que chega até ser estúpido que tenha passado na minha cabeça achar o final dele pior que o resto da história, sendo que desde o começo ficou bem claro os temas apresentados: essa não é uma história de heróis.

O final de Muramasa carrega essa verdade imutável da história, enquanto Kageaki aceita seu próprio mal, ele aceita também que não existe redenção pelas coisas que ele cometeu; não é um mal necessário, e sim uma verdade absoluta. Não importa as intenções dele, os meios não justificam os fins se esses meios forem manchados de sangue. Mas então, por que ele continua mesmo sabendo disso? Porque não há redenção pra ele. Minato Kageaki é um ser que se afogou no próprio mal. Não importa o quanto suas intenções fossem boas, o caminho que Muramasa e Kageaki escolheram é definitivo. Muitos morreram e muitos sofreram, então não há redenção para uma pessoa como essa, só resta continuar o que já foi começado e terminar o que foi desejado, não há como desfazer o que já foi feito, só resta aceitar sua índole para assim, ter fé no seu próprio mal.

Some of the best prose I've ever read combined with the greatest protagonist in fiction. This is a VN with compelling characters, an intriguing sense of philosophy, and masterclass tone that balances comedy and dread in a near perfect manner. I love this VN and everything about it.

Mhm yeah, there's tears in my eyes alright, because they somehow made a story about samurai mechs completely LAME.

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Will be updating this as I finish the chapters.

Chap 1: I like the art style, the OST and the overall vibe but kind of a snoozefest, ngl. I get trying to naturally build your lore but being in the POV of 3 snotty nosed brats doing the most cliche anime hijinks possible won't really make your worldbuilding more interesting over their history lessons. Can't believe it took until they got raped and killed for the story to get interesting, Rip Bozos.

Chap 2: Talk about a step up! Here I was being clickbaited by the promotional art and other Nitroplus VNs thinking Kageaki was going to be this ultra edgelord but him and his relationship with Muramasa are the best part of this ordeal. What keeps his lone wolf samurai shtick from being played out is how much of a goofball he is when he's not fighting. Dude's just a tired adult with no social skills and that's something most people nowadays can relate to. The fights on this are really hype, and having read The Book Of Five Rings recently this is definitely been written by someone who's done their homework on kendo while adding some mecha twists on it. Good cast, good premise, good fights, and good character dynamics.

The Affection meter's showing me I'm on Kanae's route which is pretty cool, big tits for life.

Chap 3: Nah bro what is this goofy hoo-haa shit? You're gonna follow the kino that last chapter was with a dollar store Formula 1 spoof with mushas for over 5 hours? As someone who is a big fan of Formula 1, this was a wildly boring read. This is where Kageaki starts hanging out more with Ichijo and Kanae which just makes me wish he kept by himself for the rest of the game. It's the most uninspired anime love triangle banter on this side of r/cringe. I can get behind Ichijo having a crush on Kageaki since part of the last chapter was about her being saved by him and growing to appreciate his distant behavior, but Kanae's ara ara~ mommy gf shit gets grating stupidly fast. Having more affection points was actually a blessing in disguise since Kageaki kills her annoying ass thanks to the law of balance bullshit later on.

What a waste of a chapter. What, am I supposed to believe that Kageaki was a circuit race nerd this entire time? That I was supposed to be caring for Ayrton Senna's rule 64 persona when her backstory is exposed 5 minutes before her death? Because I sure didn't. They had plenty of time to flesh out those characters if they felt like it, but I guess they thought having a gangbang scene where she farts cum bubbles out her asshole counted as more of a defining character moment.

Chap 4: Is this gonna be a thing where every odd chapter sucks ass and every even chap is fantastic? If I were to be cynical I would say that the overall Muramasa experience is a very mixed bag between interesting political commentary on the shogunate and the morality of the average peon vs a war's general mixed in with several things I don't give a fuck about, but the highlights definitely make it more exciting than it's lowlights. Someone will definitely oversell this as a "kamige" and it's definitely not as lifechanging as VN Nerds make it out to be, but when it's spitting it's spitting.

The Law of Balance really is a curveball as to what people are used on doing when it comes to a visual novel, instead of growing attatched to the people you want to pursue in a route for, you have to remain distant or neutral towards their affection or else you risk Kageaki's rule of killing a friend for every foe he slays into a dangerous reality. Given how long this shit is I don't see myself doing more endings than the one I'm going for now but I definitely see this working as a commentary on which ideological side you think Kageaki is better suited as the man he is, and that's a lot more interesting than I was giving it credit for

I already know revenge is bad, this game did a very bad job explaining how it could be good. Like. What's your goal? You make me insert as an unlikeable rapist protagonist with family issues and an ugly ass dark elf, then go and tell me that killing is bad? bitch I already know its not good to kill people, fuck was this game trying to do?

at least the sword katautism was pretty alright i guess. Hanachirasu solo's

Tears in my eyes. When Kageaki says "This man is as pure a racist as i've ever meet" after he see an Anglo, I knew hes the realest one

Pinnacle of writing nothing will ever top this

I had my reservations when I first started playing Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. The first few hours of the game had me feeling confused, frustrated, disgusted, and angry bordering on outright furious. I felt so repulsed that there were a few times I even considered just giving up on the game entirely.

But I'm so glad I didn't. Once I figured out what the game was going for, and everything clicked, I ended up loving it. I realized that the game was trying to elicit those emotions from me because they were the same emotions Kageaki felt every day of his life, and feeling that way helped me fit into his shoes perfectly. It's rare to see a story manage that so excellently.

As for the story itself, the writing is phenomenal. I was surprised by how much I fell in love with most of the characters. Kageaki is an amazing subversive protagonist, and Kanae and Ichijo were both fantastic and I loved both of their routes (though I prefer Ichijo a little more, I was surprised that she ended up being my favorite character), and the third route's love interest was so incredibly interesting as well, I can see why so many people love her so much.

(I think the only character I outright did not enjoy seeing was the underwear Nazi who just annoyed me most of the time. There's a few other characters I despised, but I enjoyed despising them. I just had no love for the underwear Nazi dude at all.)

From a philosophical standpoint, this game is nothing short of fantastic. While I don't fully agree with every point the game has to make, it makes those points incredibly well and hammers them home in a way that might just stick with me for life. There are plenty of "Revenge Bad" and "Killing Bad" stories in media nowadays, to the point that it feel a little oversaturated at times, but this is one of the stories that stands out among the rest. The "Law of Balance" is such a fantastic way of expressing the game's philosophy, and it does so with incredible finesse, I was left in awe of how well it managed to convey itself.

My only real criticism of the writing is that some scenes go on for a bit too long and overstay their welcome, particularly some of the fight scenes. Those scenes were the only times I found myself losing focus and just going through the motions, thankfully most scenes redeemed themselves almost immediately, so I can't be mad in the slightest. (Though I do hate that I was forced to do a math puzzle during one of the biggest fights in the whole game, that wasn't fun.)

I do have a second criticism of the game, but that has to do with the H-scenes. (If you have no interest in those, then please just disregard this whole section entirely.) This is a PC only visual novel from Japan meant for adults, so naturally they have to be here, that's just how it goes. Now, when it comes to H-scenes in games like this, there are two things I hate:
1. When the game comes up with some stupid justification for sex to happen (i.e. "we need to have sex to generate power!" or "The door won't open unless we show our love!!!" etc)
2. When an H-scene abruptly interrupts the story, and is seemingly forgotten about immediately afterwards as though it never happened or just feels overall irrelevant.

Thankfully, Muramasa doesn't commit the first, but sadly, it does commit the second a little too much for my taste. Most of the scenes do feel important and have some level of consequence for the characters, but there are a few that just didn't have to be there, and most of those depict... unsavory elements. There's one in particular I really wasn't a fan of, solely because the moment right before the H-scene fulfilled the H-scene's purpose already, so adding a violent H-scene right afterwards just muddied the waters for me. However, even with that said, the scenes are decently rare throughout the whole game, and the rest of the experience greatly outweighs the negatives that those scenes might have brought up. (Though you should probably avoid this game if you can't stomach stuff like that, you probably won't have a great time just because of how dark this game can get.)

Overall though, this ended up being my second favorite visual novel so far, right behind Wonderful Everyday. Granted, I'm relatively new to the genre and haven't played a lot of visual novels, so that could change soon. But my experience with this game was incredible. Even when playing it late at night when I couldn't get any sleep, this game enraptured me. I can see why it's considered one of the greatest visual novels of all time. Once I was able to click with the game, everything fell into place and I ended up loving the hell out of this game. I'd fully recommend it to anyone who's into philosophical and dark games like this.

(Getting the final CG was way more annoying than it had to be. Still totally worth it though.)

Got to an H scene that just rubbed me the wrong way hard which I'm a little baffled by since that stuff never bothers me... Pretty unfortunate since I was loving the game a lot but it's just a little too much for me.

UPDATE: I think I am gonna read the rest of it and will update my score once I've read the full thing. Also Hero route spoilers in the comments.

UPDATE 2: Yeah I dropped the game. I just wasn't enjoying it anymore and I have no clue how I went from loving this game so much to dropping it due to unenjoyment. Oh well.