Reviews from

in the past

waaaay to short to justify spending $20 on this. Better campaign than gears 5. no open world padding. Good ol' corridor shooting. characters were a lot more likable and memorable. fun set pieces. character abilities added some good spice to the gameplay. shame its only like 2 hours long...

A nice little campaign expansion, the new gameplay mechanics are great, but the story and the pacing are all over the place.

Sections getting repeated again and again, there are many times where you feel like you're doing the same thing.

It's alright, I enjoyed my time with it for the most part, but after a while I just wanted it to be over.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

Not too much to say about this one. It's been on my list for a while and I polished it off this weekend in a few sittings. It's Gears, but on a tropical island setting, so you know what to expect. You progress from one linear environment dotted with waist-high blocks to the next, shooting gribbly alien monsters making your way from set-piece to set-piece. There's the bit when you're stuck on a moving object for a while as you try to fend off enemies who shoot down at you. There's the bit where you have to defend your position against enemy hordes for a set amount of time. There's an almost ridiculous amount of sliding down slopes on your backside while shooting. There's a couple of boss battles. Stop me if you've heard this before.

It looks lovely on ultra-wide with everything turned up to eleven, and it clips by at a decent pace for its three hour run-time, but I imagine it'll prove entirely forgettable. It's probably best played with a couple of mates as a co-op campaign that you can get through in three or four sessions, one that's not going to take up too much of your time or brain power.

It's just more Gears 5, but a much more tight, shorter and action packed package. It's solid and fun as hell

Tries to be more than a simple DLC, but fails in some aspects

Me gustó, lo pude jugar con amigos y fue muy divertido, el lore e historia también, y me agradaron los personajes. Está chido.

pretty good. nice to play a new, linear, non-bloated gears story. and I like the characters; Lahni, Hana, Keegan, Hoffman-- even Mac grew on my by the end. hadn't touched gears 5 since acquiring the series x-- pretty sharp.

L'ho preferito al gioco principale

Gears 5: Hivebusters is a serviceable DLC. The environments and graphics look amazing and Keegan is a cool character. Shame he wasn't in the main campaign. There's no new gameplay mechanics except the Keegan's ability to drop ammo. Really wish Gears would allow you to pick your weapon loadout at the start of missions though. Mac was a dick throughout most of the story so his change of heart near the end I didn't completely buy. Its not essential but recommended for Gears fanatics.

Fun coop campaign, having 3 players made for fun chaotic fights. Upgrade system with different ults for each character was a fun touch (I played as the character with the electroblade which was a ton of fun). Fun locations and some cool set pieces made it to be an enjoyable time.

3.75 Stars
This is a solid self-contained expansion. It is near the length of Acts 2 or 3 in Gears 5 and has a surprising amount of backstory and heart. I hope to see this story and these characters have an effect on Gears 6.

Бытует мнение что это длц как классические Gears'ы, не совсем это что то среднее между Gears of War 1 и Gears of War 2, можно было бы сказать что лучше 4 и 5-ки, но не совсем.

A pretty good very action-packed DLC, with another returning character

A nice bite-sized Gears campaign. Play for the gameplay, because I don't think anyone was dying for the backstory for the mode I've already forgotten the name of.

Bem legal, mas será que necessária?

Hivebusters é uma DLC curiosa. Ao mesmo tempo que ela é linda, divertida e bem construída, ela é desnecessária por não agregar absolutamente nada na história de uma forma que vc pense "ah, legal, preencheu essa lacuna".

Na verdade ele até preenche, pois dá a lore para o modo de jogo fuga, mas ele é apenas um modo de jogo multiplayer onde precisamos nos infiltrar em uma colmeia swarm para infecta-la com um veneno e escapar. A DLC conta como chegamos a conseguir essa toxina. Na campanha principal, em momento algum a gnt joga ou vê isso, então ao mesmo tempo que é legal, não complemente em mt coisa.

Agora, ela deixa uma possibilidade em aberto para ser desenvolvida no próximo jogo, pois a toxina é usada contra os swarms, logo.... é uma teoria que poderia ser legal de ser abordada, então vamos aguardar o que a Coalition vai fazer.

No mais, personagens são carismáticos e se encaixam MUITO bem, mais uma vez os cenários são deslumbrantes e o divertimento é garantido. Vale a pena jogar, principalmente pegando através do game pass, então é uma gameplay obrigatória para a franquia, ainda mais por ser curtinho.

Gosto que essa DLC volta com a fórmula +ação -conversa característica da série, porém é tão curtinha que quando começa a esquentar... acaba.

Resumo: é boa (e anuncie o 6 logo The Coalition)

A história é melhor que a do jogo base.

Très bon DLC qui rajoute une petite campagne, les décors sont magnifiques et l'histoire est cool.

Linear, com set pieces maneiras, personagens interessantes, lindo e gostoso de jogar. Como todo gears devia ser.
As habilidades únicas dos personagens super bem vinda deixa ainda melhor o gameplay.
A DLC chega a ser melhor que o próprio gears 5

the fact that me and my friends got a RARE achievement saying that we are 0.25% of people that finished the campaign together says enough

A more linear and tighter take on the Original Gears 5 gameplay formula. Highly recommended for fans of the series.

Отличное DLC к одному из лучших консольных шутеров.

Very pretty locations but felt like a chore to sit through

Short and sweet prelude to the Escape mode. Having 3 players made the fights funnier compared to the main game and the upgraded skills ended up being very fun for some specific characters.

Quando Gears encontra uncharted, Dlc surpreendentemente boa, só os personagens que são qualquer coisa.

podia ser maior (foi o que ela disse)

What a DLC! Started right through after beating the main campaign and it was a lightweight journey that contrasts heavily with the original game. It simultaneously has characteristics of something Wild West-y, mainly in its soundtrack and characters, and gives of the vibes of a blend between sci-fi and tribalistic fantasy, like something you would see in Halo or, among more recenr titles, Horizon: Zero Dawn. Like future tech stylistic meets something ancient and primal. I'm a sucker for this rare type of atmosphere and worldbuilding in fiction, so huge props for that.
Characters and the whole plot aren't something new and you've probably seen this archytipes and plot diveses dozens of times at this point, but there's still a beautiful charm in them because of the writing. It's a strong 3-hours long campaign filled with adrenaline and action and I heavily recommend to beat it in one or two playsessions to get the best from it.
The only real complain I have is on gameplay side. I really liked the addition of special abilities to each character and there's nothing bad about this side of the gameplay loop. Though in the main game the AI was servicible for the most part, here characters controled by the computer are often tough to work with. Giving that devs probably thought about smooth game flow with the usage of given abilities, bots are at times outright dumb and will stay at one spot without going anywhere or will do everything in the world besides reviving you. It wasn't really a tremendous problem to deal with though since I played on a lower difficulty.
Overall, Hivebusters is a great expirience and I would love to come back after a while to collect all collectibles or to play it in coop.

Boa expansão, gráficos bonitos, mas não curti muito a história.