Reviews from

in the past

If you loved DreamWorks' animated film The Road to El Dorado, the Game Boy Color adaptation is a decent way to relive the adventure on a nostalgic handheld. While the gameplay can get repetitive, the 2D platforming and exploration offer simple, lighthearted fun. Tulio and Miguel's witty banter along with familiar locations from the movie might keep you entertained for a few hours. It's a charming throwback if you can overlook its shortcomings.

came back to mind out of literally nowhere. talk about a core memory being unlocked. it's an unremarkable 2D platformer but nostalgia is a powerful drug nonetheless. there's really strong charm here, past and present, in the chiptune music, art direction, and sound work in general. just a good time! very much an example of something being INHERENTLY part of the console(/generation) but in a positive manner for a change.

I had this game as a kid, probably as a gift from my parents, despite the fact that no one in our family had seen the movie. Apparently that was just the kind of thing that happened back then.

I have no clue whether or not I beat it back then, but revisiting it as an adult it took me about an hour to complete. It's very average for an action-platformer on a handheld for that era, but at least it wasn't frustrating or annoying to play.

A jogatina do jogo em si é muito bom, mas parece que eu me irritei bastante com o som do jogo (o que é difícil).