Reviews from

in the past

I have no idea how many times I have played through this game but when I found out it was on the Switch i knew I had to play it again.

I did find it a little tough on the switch Joycons as I don't have one of the pro controllers yet but I did have a lot of fun with it when I played it as I always tend to do. It even sparked my desire to run through all the James Bond movies as I haven't actually done that before.

For how uninterested I usually am in FPS games, this was brilliant.

Who needs the single player mode when you got bought a second hand copy as a kid with all the previous owner's cheats turned on and just spent all your time on the multiplayer running around in the Archives? IT'S KLOBBERIN' TIME

Um dos maiores pilares do FPS junto com Doom e Wolfestein, só que 007 GoldenEye possui um carisma único e vibrante até hoje

a nota é mais pelo que o jogo simboliza mesmo, pq nos dias atuais ele é beeeem datado, o level design é péssimo, muita coisa vc tem que adivinhar oq é pra fazer pq o jogo explica igual o rabo, mas inegavelmente foi um ótimo jogo pra época. pra quem quiser uma experiência melhor, recomendo jogar no pc com teclado e mouse pelo 1964 ge/pd

The BGM aside? Pretty terrible. Controls are how I remember them for me- awful. I know people love this but I just don't get it.

Control scheme feels bad nowadays, but bgm is crazy good!

The game surprisingly holds up well for me. Well, as long if it’s not played on an actual N64. Playing it with an Xbox controller made me feel like I was playing it for the first time again.

If I was alive and cognizant in 1997, I'd probably have nostalgia for this game. Unfortunately, I was born into an era when we figured out how to design FPS games for a controller. This runs like shit, plays like shit, and has pretty objectively been left behind by the sands of time. Trying to justify the praise for this game when it came out 4 years before the game that actually revolutionized console FPS games borders on laughable.

The soundtrack slaps, though.

sometimes u flip the script (sorry for deleting all my logs)

Playing this game on an emulator with 60 fps and a mouse and keyboard changed my life.

Se me chamar pra jogar vai sair furado

My introduction to coop FPS this game along with the N64 as a whole holds a special place in my heart as a gamer 😎

An absolute classic and important part of the FPS genre! If you love FPS games but haven't played GoldenEye, I implore you to play it. I didn't play it as a kid, I only dabbled with it a little here and there. As an adult, it was eye-opening to see how much GoldenEye's level design has inspired later FPS games. It's quite impressive how the game holds up even today because of that core mission design. You don't even have to beat it, honestly, I just really think more people from our younger generations (and I'm one of them I suppose), should play it just to educate themselves on the game's importance and timeless design.

Score: 92

why would you invert controls

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Um ótimo jogo de fps pra época, dificuldade moderada, a mira pode ser um pouco esquisita considerando que é um jogo de N64, e a companheira de IA do jogo pode te atrapalhar e dificultar muito em certa parte do jogo

This game was more interesting than I expected. The semi open worlds and objectives were an interesting idea. The controls are the biggest thing holding this game back.

I dont realy like any fps but even I can say this is amazing

- Influential to my later love of FPS games.
- Iconic music.
- Enemy animations and sounds made for some humorous moments.
- Gunplay sounds and feels great.
- Variety in level locales kept the single player experience engaging.
- Objectives based on difficulty adds replay value.

- Yes.. it's an eye sore to look at.
- Enemy respawns on the higher difficulties was more a needless frustration than satisfying challenge.

One of the first videogames I ever played.

I have fond memories of this game. I Remember really loving it when I was a child.

I played it a couple years back and I could not get past the first level.

like most n64 titles, i dont think this game has aged very well. i can see the vision though

I sunk way too many hours into this game

best game on the nintendo 64.

Obviamente por la época en la que salió los controles no eran lo mejor. Pero marcó un punto de partida en mejorar los Shooters. Lo quiero mucho

A legendary nostalgia game for men of a certain age. Give it another 30 years and there will be a lot of grandpas talking this game up to their grandkids. One of the first big console first person shooters that did multiplayer really well. There's a lot to like about this game, but it's also a pretty crusty N64 title at this point.

Get all your friends gathered around your 125 Watt 32 inch Hitachi Ultravision CRT TV, then boot up this game on your Funtastic Green N64 with 4 multi-coloured controllers all equipped with Rumble Paks and together you can realize how bad it actually is.

Muito do bolado, nunca joguei depois de velho mas a criança em mim ama esse jogo e comprou o cartucho de novo