Reviews from

in the past

This is one of my top 5 games of all time. Admittedly the successor, Perfect Dark, is better by pretty much almost every metric except having Odd Job as a playable character. What keeps it in my top 5 is purely the nostalgia of the summer after the game came out. Nothing like a room full of caffeinated teenagers talking trash around a 14" (yes they made them that small) CRT television for hours on end. God bless the invisible clipping glitch and the subsequent ban on remote/proxy mines that followed. Memories.

Single-player campaign is okay but the hours and hours spent playing until 4 am with my college friends in my dorm room are forever etched into my memory as some of my fondest memories.

GoldenEye is so goddamned important you guys. This game invented the local multiplayer FPS outside of LAN parties, which sounds like a super specific niche thing, but this game pretty much led directly to Halo, which led to Call of Duty, which led to the world we're in now. The multiplayer alone earns GoldenEye a high rating, but the campaign is great too. Unfortunately time has not been kind to it.

My memories of this game were at my sister’s friends house. I’d play with them and I’d usually end up running around the same room getting lost whilst they killed each other. Fun times.

If you remove the nostalgia goggles, this thing is barely functional, even when compared to peers like Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. But we have our happy memories of playing with friends or whatever, so we call it greatness.

Never played this game, and never can play this game.

It was Phenomenon, existed in its own space and time away from me. Glad for those that got to play it.

A decent shooter, somewhat hard to manual aim.

With these old fps games there's the big issues of the level design all looking samey so you're running around multiple corridors that all look the same in the hope to find a switch that'll open some door in some other place to move to the next level. This has it too but it largely feels more approachable, big fan of Brosnan as Bond and I've heard this game has a huge legacy so I decided to give it a go. I don't recommend retroarch to emulate this, there's a far better one on that Internet archive site it'll let you play this in your native resolution at 60FPS really makes a big difference cause damn if it ain't buttery smooth and just excellent to play with mouse. Never played it before and I'm genuinely enjoying it so far so I don't have nostalgia goggles on, it's worth seeking out give it an honest try with that emulator.

Oh man I love this game it marked my childhood can't wait to play it for the first time.

lol this game has aged so poorly, can’t deny it was good for the time but no thanks to ever playing it again

Seamlessly sidestrafing through rooms filled with enemies while rocking that silenced pistol feels hella good; on PC though.

Dudes will really tell you this is one of the best shooters of all time. Lmfao

the leaked XBLA remaster is really damn good, makes controlling the game on a controller not horrible

play this on pc it is amazing

Extremely solid at the time but aged like milk, actually still surprisingly fun to play through these days emulated with KB+M controls.

Unlock every character in multiplayer by inputting this code:

Hold L + R, C-Left; Hold L, C-Up; Hold L + R, Left; Hold L, Right; Hold R, Down; Hold L + R, C-Left; Hold L, C-Up; Hold L + R, Right; Hold L + R, C-Down; Hold L, Down.

If you pick Oddjob you are a cheater and no one likes you

11 year-old me thought it was the greatest video game in the world and parts of it are forever embedded in my subconscious.

The Dam level. The music. The watch pause screen. Facility multiplayer map. Guns going 'off screen' when you reloaded which at the time was the most realistic thing I'd ever seen. Spamming proximity mines when I played my dad in multiplayer. The weird big head enemies you could find on the snow level. The sound of the silenced pistol. Throwing knives.

I haven't played it since I was at least 14 and I'm not sure I'd want to as I can't imagine time has been kind to a lot of it (things like 'Hold R to stand still and aim' must feel archaic).

But for a brief unrepeatable moment, in time 11 year-old me got to play the greatest video game ever.

While probably an extremely ground-breaking game upon release, absolutely nothing about it holds up; it's successors improve upon the formula in every notable way.

This game aged like 23 year old milk.

No amount of history, legacy, ideas and fun moments can't fix that

If you lived back in the day this was released you know how everyone and their mothers would praise this game as THE game for 64. Interesting level designs, breakable objects, npcs that reacted to your shots, dual wielding guns and some really fun cheats you could open up if you were fast enough to complete the stages. Yeah i can see why there was so much praise for a console game, the multiplayer was fun too. These days everything i just mentioned is obsolete though so its not a game that aged well, also the controls on n64 were something else.... i do miss the Z button to shot though, that was really cool.

I wonder how this game would feel if there were never any other shooter games released after this.

I was WAY too young to be playing this back then but I did anyway. Did it age well? No, getting people who have never played it to play it would be hard unless they are into retro games. But I still enjoy it, despite its jank.

Folk in school paid me £2 to unlock the Invincibility cheat for them. I made almost £5.

Um dos melhores multiplayer (local) que existiu

The Cannes Cut of Richard Kelly's Southland Tales and the leaked unreleased Goldeneye 007 XBLA remaster: equally great triumphs of piracy.

Fisher lived right near college, so every lunchtime we'd sprint over there and cram in 50 minutes of multiplayer gaming. We all chipped in to buy extra pads for Goldeneye, five of us crammed on his bed, each round the loser and spectator swapping places. Best time.

When I got my own copy, I found it a mixed bag. One of those games where you have favourite bits you do over and over again, and horrible bits you avoid forever. And the floor pattern bit in Egypt, WTF were they thinking with that bullshit?

Addendum: I wrote the above not having touched the game for years. Recently I've been playing it again on Switch, with a Tribute64 pad, and once again I'm having the best time. All of my teen frustrations have melted away (in part thanks to a buttery smooth framerate and save states), and I love it more than ever.

There's a special joy that can only be found in seeing Sean Bean and Robbie Coltrane slide around a room, firing off an entire clip and not landing a single hit, while you walk towards them both with a rocket launcher. Haven't laughed in this exact way for over twenty years.

Look forward to me pestering you all to play this with me at every opportunity.