Reviews from

in the past

Não me empolgou muito. Apesar de eu gostar dos 4 personagens, o jogo em si parece uma versão pior da serie arkhan

Not much going on here, just a typical soulless AAA game which is a shame, since Arkham Origins was great, so clearly the devs are competent. It felt like playing a free to play MMORPG that last minute was converted into a "premium" title.

It would've fitted the ARPG format way better, akin to X-Men Legends or Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Can only recommend playing this in coop, since as a single player experience it's extremely shallow.

genuinely not as bad as you'd be led to believe, but nowhere near as special as the Arkham games

Il preludio allo schifo di Suicide squad.

Combat feels stiff and clunky, and voice acting is subpar and sometimes terrible, especially for the common enemies that you fight. The looting and gear system is uninteresting and grindy at times. Currently dropped 5 hours in, but maybe I’ll pick it up again and play it with a friend since that was one of the main selling points and the story does intrigue me.

Gotham Knights isn't terrible, but it's definitely a missed opportunity. Combat feels kinda clunky, the open world Gotham is surprisingly bland, and the story never really grabbed me. I liked being able to switch between the four heroes on the fly, and there's definitely some fun to be had... but honestly, the Arkham games are way better. If you have to have your Batman fix, it's alright, but it's not the Gotham game we've been waiting for.

I grew up a huge Batman kid so I had a duty to finish this one. I do not recommend it. The end boss was insanely frustrating. It made me miss the old Arkham games even more than I already do. There were fun moments but nothing worth noting.

Batgirl's ass is probably the best thing about this game.

I obviously love Nightwing and the rest of the bat family so I was hyped for this one. As a hardcore fan I enjoyed a lot of it but there's a lot to dislike too.

Just not a big fan of the gameplay it’s a little to grinds and the combat is too simple for me to enjoy. From what Ive seen the story seems surprisingly solid and it’s clear that the developers actually cared about the game.

Nur gespielt weil man die Batman Arkham Reihe mag und natürlich wird man dann enttäuscht. War wahrscheinlich die falsche Herangehensweise an das Spiel, aber das rettet es auch nicht vor der Mittelmäßigkeit. Die Große Schandtat an Superheldenspielen hat sich kürzlich ja sowieso die offizielle Fortsetzung von Arkham Knight zu Eigen gemacht.

esse jogo é tão interessante quanto um pão de forma com manchas de mofo. mas talvez eu volte a jogar isso um dia

Not rating because I played less that an hour but it sucks, plays like crap and entirely uninteresting.

Aside from the Batman IP and occasional stealth sections, nothing that made the previous games great remains. Fans of the excellent Arkham series will be very disappointed.

This is basically a third-person action RPG, similar to many games that have tried to copy Destiny. This could have been a pretty solid top-down ARPG, if only the publisher had the guts to go for it.

If you do decide to play it, only play in coop with a friend.

Regular, me gusto pero siento que es muy plano, las peleas después de un rato son muy repetitivas y la ciudad se siente a ratos vacía.

I wanted to like this one as I really enjoyed Arkham Origins from the same team but this was just bad. Not fun at all.

I only played it because of Batgirl

Story 2.7 | Gameplay 4 | Audio 3 | Visual 4 | Details 4 | Entertainment 4 | Open world 3.5

Total 3.6

I have much in common with this game; I'm also not as good as Batman. Each of the four playable Batman sidekicks is remarkably less capable than their mentor. There's also no incentive to play as a particular character, so once you've picked one, you undoubtedly won't bother switching. Enemies become such massive damage sponges that I dropped the difficulty to Easy in the last chapter. It wouldn't be an issue if you engaged in the numerous copy-and-paste missions on the city map. While I believe that RPG elements make games more interesting, this was the exception to the rule.

It’s a joke between some of my friends that this is my favorite game. It’s not but it’s nowhere near as bad as people say it is and I will defend it until I die. I am Gotham Knight’s Strongest Soldier.

i really liked this game, is has his problems. But I really enjoyed my time with it

I had enough fun to complete the game but everything about it is just aggressively mediocre.

I’ve tried to play this game like 3 times to give it the benefit of the doubt, but even I can’t do that. It’s the buggy all over the place mess everyone describes this game as

1/2 star for the fact that you can experience this slop with a friend


Pese a que el juego me ha divertido en algunos tramos y me ha aburrido en muchísimos otros, no podría recomendarlo.

El juego tiene cosas que están bien, pero hay otras que no entiendo que las haga peor que los Batman Arkham: el feel del combate, el sigilo tosco y torpe, un desplazamiento tan aburrido o unas actividades secundarias tan sosísimas.

Además, se queda a medio gas entre una aventura con loot y el juego como servicio y el resultado es nefasto. Tampoco entiendo que haya cuatro personajes a elegir y ninguno de ellos se diferencia por más allá de unas cuantas habilidades.