Reviews from

in the past

this was the game for me where i said "it can't look more realistic than this"

Liberty City Stories is a solid game in franchise and what one could say is an improvement of 3. Don't expect innovation or grand changes in the formula. It's the same old GTA but a prequel in this case. I enjoyed the character interactions and thought they were funny as hell so to be expected.

boneless gta 3

now, this game is not bad by any means. it's quite decent and there is definitely some fun to be had here. in terms of mechanics, LCS improves on 3 in every single way possible (barring crouching not being available). you actually have bikes now, the shooting isnt annoying, the cars handle normally compared to 3's cars which couldnt stay stable for a second.

however, it's a complete downgrade in every other aspect imaginable. somehow, LCS manages to have a less engaging story than 3's fairly simple and barebones story because around 80% of the cutscenes in this game are not motion captured so any sort of impact they could have had is thrown out the window (the final showdown with the main antagonist isnt motion captured lol). toni is a terrible protagonist with awkward voice acting and writing, it genuinely would've been better if he was just silent. the main antagonist is someone we've passed by once or twice in the game and he doesnt even know toni exists, gta 3's main antagonist on the other hand is someone we are familiar with the entire game so it works well. the pacing is awkward and it takes too long for anything interesting to happen. something else that makes this story less engaging is the fact toni is tied to the mafia the entire game, despite the story being more or less moving the same path as gta 3 did (working for a yakuza member, working for donald love, working for a corrupt cop, etc.), it does not work as well as 3 did because claude was a one man army, he wasnt affiliated with anyone and would do anything just to progress giving for interesting missions and ideas we dont see in LCS (i.e. sayonara salvatore and waka-gashira wipeout in 3).

3's radio is one of my personal favorites in gta because of how short the stations were and that gives almost a sense of comfort while playing the game, LCS's was also short but it felt more obnoxious than 3 despite them trying to imitate the same radio sound and a lot of songs were more annoying than nostalgic or good.

the missions were not nearly as chaotic or open ended as 3's were, i would always be excited playing 3's missions despite them getting really hard sometimes because of the chaoticness most missions provided. however this is not present here as a lot of missions rely on gimmicks such as following cars (ugh), just generally forgettable missions.

now, i have criticized this game to hell and the sensible thing to do would be to give it like a 1/5 or something, right?

despite all that i said here, i think there is still quite some fun to be had here with the game as some missions were still fun and the improved mechanics make driving around LC way more fun. i still prefer 3's more darker atmopshere in its city but it's still LC here so i had a lot of fun driving even if a lot of the songs sucked ("sing it back" fucks hard though). decent game that was a serious achievement as it was made for a handheld.

toshiko my beloved.

"So keep quei bast*rdi dei Leone tied down in Portland".

Superou minhas expectativas, ouvi dizer que o jogo é meio rushado e incompleto, mas foi o contrário.

As missões são bem divertidas e bem variadas no geral, a maioria sendo luta contra gangues e mafias e gosto como isso afeta o mundo com elas indo atrás de você. Até algumas mais absurdas como explodir um quarteirão inteiro.

Meus problemas é a dificuldade de jogar esse jogo hoje em dia, com o port feito por fã cheio de bugs como softlocks e uma polícia extremamente agressiva ou o PPSSPP que rodou bem no geral só que na etapa final do jogo ficou engasgando muito por algum motivo, tornando injogável. Também um pouco de desbalanceamento das armas, você mata e morre extremamente rápido e com isso exige muita estratégia.

No geral recomendo o jogo, a história não é nada especial mas conseguiu me entreter e supreendemente tem muita sidecontent pra se fazer.


And then the game loads and you're playing as the lamest fucking dork in creative writing history lmao YOU PLAY AS THE GUY WHO STILL SUCKS HIS MUM'S TITTIES AT AGE 40 COME ON. Toni Cipriani is the type of guy to browse old Internet forums from 1992 about his passion for scrapbooking

Which really sums this game up. It's got everything you'd expect from a GTA classic - the fast paced gameplay, epic setpieces, amusing satirical undertones - but with core DNA that's just slightly less captivating than the others. I enjoy it in the moment, but I can only remember like three missions a year later. It's your standard GTA missions you've done a million times. They're fun, but the game lacks an identity. It's forgettable.

Also, the soundtrack MUST have been organised by a deaf guy, IT SUCKS ASS WHAT IS THIS. GTA III's soundtrack mostly consisted of lesser known artists because they had a tight music budget, so this game intentionally does the same as a callback to those days... BUT YOU CAN USE ARTISTS THAT COST MORE THAN $5.

The rap station sounds like how my grandmother hears rap music. The pop station somehow found pop fluff more forgettable than what's on actual pop stations. Reggae. All reggae is terrible and reggae's in this game.

The worst 3D GTA, which says more about the quality of the others rather than necessarily the quality of this, because this game still fucking FUCKS

more fun than gta 3 and the missions can be fun too! the characters are whatever but the main theme is surprisingly really good!

Gran infravalorado, menudas horas de vicio a la PSP mamita

допиленный порт GTA 3 на портативки, сохранивший даже босс-вертолет в конце

dei uma jogada no psp do meu primo, era legal

There’s nothing to dislike here. The writing in these spin off ‘stories’ GTA games definitely does not reach the high point of the mainline series, but I suppose that is to be expected.

I don’t think it’s a narrative that will linger long in the memory but it was fun whilst it lasted.

I probably would have had more fun if I had played it on PSP, but having never owned one - I cannot say.

Imma keep it 💯 chief. I just loved playing this game because you can play as a giant fucking chicken and decapitate people with a katana.

I know these PSP GTA games are kind of infamous for not being all that amazing, and not expanding the formula after San Andreas; but the core GTA experience is still here and it is just as fun as ever. I mean, I didn't even realize this was supposed to be a PSP game until waaaay later down the line, that's how much it feels like a normal GTA game.

If you want a good CLASSIC GTA game set in Liberty City, just skip GTA III and actually play this one instead, it is just miles better in pretty much every aspect.

strong bias as i finished during some great time in my life. it's quite good but i cant give a concrete nor concisive judgment because of not quite nostalgia

Better than vice city stories at least.

It gives you a barebones GTA experience. But it's fun :)

You woke up this morning
The world turned upside down
Lord above, thing's ain't been the same
Since the Blues walked into town
But you're, but you're one in a million
'Cause you've got that shotgun shine, shame about it
Born under a bad sign
With a blue moon in your eyes, yeah
Woke up this morning
(You got a blue moon)
Got a blue moon in your eyes
(So sad)
(Goddamn, a goddamn shame about it)
Woke up this morning
(You got a blue moon)
Got a blue moon in your eyes

Primeira vez zerando ele entendendo inglês. A história deixa um pouco a desejar em alguns aspectos porém gostei da adição de atividades secundárias para fazer em Liberty City.

Básicamente la historia de Toni Cipriani antes de ser un gordito, me gusta pero no tanto como los demás

Ох, эта игра... Начал её на psp, страдал от управления psp, долгих и сложных миссий, и вроде бы всё было хорошо, до момента миссии убийства вакагаширы острова стонтон. Игра просто вылетала при подходе к будущей конспирационной квартире Клода.
Благо есть прекрасный эмулятор, на котором в эту игру было играть одно удовольствие.
В целом игра неплоха, но сейчас понимаю что каждая GTA актуальна именно в годы своего выхода, именно тогда в ней хочется находиться постоянно. Пока что самая слабая часть из опробованных

Stories certainly is a wonderful achievement for the PSP, but it does have a few drawbacks with the slowdown, camera issues and targeting issue but still best game on PSP

Un juego bastante simple que se nota que solo se hizo para tener algo que vender en la PSP, aún así llega a ser entretenido.

Gameplay bem travadona e história não tão interessante

Played a lot back in the day on the PSP and again on the PSVita. Would like to play again with RetroAchievements someday.

Overall the game wasn't that bad the radio slaps on this one but kinda repetitive (7.7)

The least fun GTA game, but that's not a bad thing. It has a lot of flaws but it's still a very good game.

Those tyre spikes do not fuck around

Tony Cipriani is fucking insane and evil. Which is not often talked about??