Reviews from

in the past

Ist schon ne Weile her, der Soundtrack war brutal gut, aber die NPC, waren im Vergleich zum 1. Teil eher lieblos.
Man kam schnell von einer Stadt in die Nächste, was einem nie den Drang gegeben hat, irgendwen anzuquatschen.
Die Gespräche innerhalb der Gruppe sind zum Glück geblieben.

Abandoning the goofy postures, Grandia II distilled and perfected its patented combat system through various QOL fixes and remains the game's highlight, enhanced by the benefits of target info and a far more customizable skill system. The introduction of skill books/equips and repurposing magic helped accommodate a wider range of builds, although individual skills and magic would've been better off with some variety among characters.

Grandia II's plot employs greater fantasy elements on top of a serious, mature tone. However - despite sharing a penchant for powerful moments with the first, the story eventually devolves into a collection of melodramatic JRPG cliches and the tone turns preachy. Altogether, it's the dynamic, engaging combat system that salvaged much of the show.

Although I completed this, I never saw the ending because the game melted my video card within about two seconds after I beat the final boss. Great game, probably not worth the video card loss, though.

Not perfect, but a really wonderful combat system, soundtrack, and cast of characters makes this a game that I often reminisce about. The dungeons can be a pain and sometimes the writing gets a bit iffy, but Grandia 2 is so full of charm that it's easy to look past its shortcomings.

A gorgeous JRPG with a better handling of active time combat than you'll find in any 'Final Fantasy'.

A Terrific RPG with a great battle system. Not as great as the original, but that was a high bar to reach. Play it on Dreamcast, not PS2.