Reviews from

in the past

This game has some of the worst voice acting I've heard, it's super monotonous.
The visuals are pretty nice, the gameplay is what you expect from a walking sim and the story is okay.
If the voice acting was better the game would also be way better.

Pretty decent first person puzzle game. A bit bleak and heavy going, a bit buggy here and there, too. But otherwise, a good mystery that doesn't out stay its welcome.

Not a very smart or new take on religion, beautiful but overdone.

horror-adjacent walking simulator, in which you play as a priest accused of child murder, has vague pretensions of telling a serious story about faith, but ends up being a silly excuse to string a bunch of disparate UE4 assets together (at one point, you literally find facehugger eggs in a lavish brothel filled with bloodied female mannequins). At least it mostly looks pretty for its budget, and you could do much worse as walking sims go.

would have given this a slightly higher rating if I hadn't been left unable to finish it due to repeatedly encountering the same crash bug late in the game

Its complicated to rate this game. It looks like some heavy love was put into this game, but it doesn't feel good to play or see.

You play as a priest, in a walking sim, searching for a missing altar boy. The story began strong and eerie as weird things are happening around you. Demons speaking, toads falling from the ceiling, spooky radios, etc. It was fun! In the beginning, your character starts freaking out and you have to pray at a cross to calm down. That never happens again but I thought that was really interesting.

Further in, the story makes less sense. As many "psychological" horror games. (I think this one may get some pass because the game heavily focuses on belief and mysticism. Instead of mental illness = scary.)

However writing this hours after finishing both endings, I can't tell what happened 100% in reality. There are dream sequences and puzzles in this trippy, abstract world. Those were actually cool. But the "real world" was more difficult to tell what is going on. Then I lost a sense of the characters because everything is getting muddled. With more polish, the story could become clearer.

The biggest thing the developers could polish are the loading screens. They are very abrupt. You'll open a door into a room that you can see inside; but when you walk into the room, suddenly there's a loading screen. It's very odd and cuts the tension.

The loading screen will usually have a sentence or two hinting what's happening in the story. I shouldn't need a loading screen telling me whats going on in the story. The story should be doing that. It's like the game knows the story is difficult to understand. That's a hint you need to make the story telling more clear.

Very interesting short game. There was a lot of religion talk, imagery and other things, but I really enjoyed it.

The tag "horror" doesn't really do it justice, since it was a beautiful game, with less horror elements than I originally thought it would have.

I did really love it though and it was a great game to get 100% achievements on!