Reviews from

in the past

Red dead redemption before Red Dead Redemption.

It's a very good and underrated game. As incredible as it may seem, the release of this game so early made it so good, the game is extremely dynamic, whether you want to follow the mission or go out to get a wanted poster, or even play poker, you can do it all because everything in this game is close, the missions are quick and that makes them cool, I don't want a western game that has dialogue dialogue dialogue, if I'm playing something like that I want to see revolve around killing and horse haha, in addition to addressing serious subjects

This was my first Western game, i loved it a lot back then, i still love it. This game is the reason why i wanted to play Red Read Redemption and why i love westerns.

played this with a friend and there's something about this 360 launch title that spoke to us both. GUN is cool, and good!


Jogo que fez grande parte da minha infância. E valeu muito a pena rejogá-lo agora pela nostalgia, anos depois. Entendendo inglês, ficou bem mais fácil passar de partes onde ficava travado e fiquei surpreso com quão facilmente derrotei os bosses dos quais eu demorava horas para passar (principalmente no final). Jogo muito divertido e com um combate bastante satisfatório. Até mesmo pra hoje em dia.

I bought a scalping knife from a shopkeeper thinking I could sell enemy scalps for money. Turns out the developers removed the feature to sell scalps but left the scalping knife in the game. I played through the whole game scalping anyone I could, enemy or not. I scalped confederates, I scalped natives, I scalped allies, I scalped civilians, I scalped anyone I could.

Completely deranged game, I loved it

O jogo tem MUITA ideia interessante para se explorar quando se fala de jogo em mundo aberto, agora puta que me pariu como fica bullshit nas ultimas missões é literalmente PUTARIA.

The game stands up and holds on its own pretty well relative to a lot of modern games despite it being an overall short game. Played on PS2 so the button layout was pretty horrendous but honestly it wasn't hard to adapt to and the aim assist was a nice touch. played on normal and honestly the game was pretty forgiving with the side quests giving stat boosts and money for weapon upgrades which just made it pretty quick to breeze through whatever objective I had to get done. pretty cool to see a PS2 game with native widescreen support and the added touch that your horse doesn't despawn after being away from its render distance like personal cars do in the GTA games. the story itself is pretty standard for a western with its presentation at times feeling funny unintentionally. the only real negative this game has is its stereotyping on indigenous and Chinese people, even if its not the worst offender on it its definitely very questionable why they chose to portray it in a very ignorant manner. the only real conclusion for it probably stems on them doing little research since they also got things wrong regarding the the time period its set in such as the weapons. otherwise this game is a pretty good experience for enjoyers of westerns and third person shooters.

Red Dead Redemption before Red Dead Redemption.

This game is really funny and it’s not on purpose.

Although there are not many Wild West themed games, Gun is one of the successful cowboy games of its era. Although its open world is limited and the gameplay time is short, it has a very fun gameplay. It is also a game with various side missions, ranging from mechanics such as riding a horse, some brutal details, capturing outlaws or helping locals hunt. Although it becomes quite difficult after 75% of the game (This may be due to the fact that I don't do side quests and can't get stronger), it has an acceptable level of story. If you are looking for a more advanced game in the style of Red Dead Revolver, I recommend playing Gun.

I. Love. Westerns. This is no exception. GIVE US MORE WESTERN GAMES!!!! 7/10

Único DVD original que eu tenho HAUDHA jogão muito legal, tem os seus problemas, como por exemplo a sua boss fight desgraçada, que mesmo tendo zerado em 2019 (meu deus já fazem 5 anos) eu ainda consigo me lembrar do quão maldita foi. De qualquer forma muito pica

dificil demais, infelizmente nunca zerei que pus meu save na dificuldade mais dificil.

Na minha humilde opnião o melhor jogo do ps2, não prometeu nada e entregou tudo, praticamente um red dead antes do mesmo existir, gameplay extremamente desafiadora e ainda mais se colocar o modo insano(não recomendo) e para companhar a força dos inimigos vc tem uma mecânica de evolução que te deixa cada vez mais roubado.

Maybe a great example of the 7/10 game. Something that you can see it's intention and ambition but weighted down by what may have been a lack of resources or deadlines due to the launch of next gen systems.

A gritty and gore appearance of a story you expect from the prime days of westerns, a modest (though pretty empty) open world that isn't a huge pain to traverse, a simple but fun combat system. It's got the makings of something that could have been fantastic. It's a game that in a pre-Red Dead Redemption world was really cool back in the day, but it's vision did not age as well today.

While it eventually does land at a better spot with it's depiction of native americans and tries to redeem itself within the story (though it definitely takes a bit of a 180 to get there...), it's still filtered through the lens of the 2000s where America was still openly parodying every culture but themselves and it's very... tropey and downright gross at times. I guess not surprising for Neversoft doing their Rockstar impression, but this is no Blood Meridian when it comes to deconstruction of an ugly era full of the worst types of men. You end up stomping all over yourselves when saying you're depicting the time while you have those subjects dressed like they're in Saturday Night Live costumes. Consider me surprised they didn't go even more hard on the chinese characters...

On top of all of that, despite a very good and star studded cast, the game's story doesn't have enough room to breathe. It often feels abridged and there was a point where I wasn't sure if my game was glitched and missing a couple scenes. I looked up a couple long plays on different systems and no, it is just that way. I thought I had just remembered it being full of sudden changes when I was a kid. Characters come and go at odd times but through the writing you're supposed to understand they have some form of bond/history that developed like entirely off camera while I was looking for gold in the open world. So it never truly feels earned as it presentation suggest. But there's definitely some banger lines here and like all of them from Brad Dourif's character.

Uneven and I don't regret revisiting it. I still think it's a pretty good game. It's largely about as jank as I remember it, but through a modern lens it's not deserving of a remaster so much as it deserves some proper preservation and maybe just a way better remake that is... a lot less racist at it's core.

A quick tip if you're playing the PC version, there's a couple mods out there like a widescreen mod and 60fps mod that aren't too difficult to setup. For the most part 60fps won't cause issues, but there was maybe one or two instances where the game logic was definitely tied to it and I had to go back to 30 for that brief moment. It's not a great port but it's probably the best way to play this game today.

No more on the wish list, I bought this game and I'm loving it.


El juego que sentó precedentes para que Rockstar hiciese Red Dead en un futuro. Gran juego infravaloradísimo

Acabei de jogar ele novamente, e porra pra um jogo de 2005 ele é foda, tem uma puta representatividade pois matamos pessoas de muitas raças kkkkkkkkk, muito bom andar de cavalo nele e ainda o finalzinho dele deixa o coração quentinho

i think i never finished it :(

Gun bitti. Eğlenceli ana görevler, harika pacing, yan görevlerin çoğu ilgi çekici dizayn edilmiş, açık dünyası zevkli, dönemine göre detayları çok iyi, shooter kısmı tatmin edici, western tadını çok iyi veriyor ve hâlâ eğlenceli. İyi ki oynamışım bu oyunu.

Eksileri de var tabii ki;

- Düello mekaniği yok.
- Boss'lar zayıf.
- Müziklerin çeşitliliği az.

Harikaydı ve türü hitap ettiğinden biraz fazla sevmiş de olabilirim ama umurumda değil.


This game's title is so generic, I cannot find the 360 version of this. I had fun with it.

I remember liking this game a lot, but never finishing it because my PS2 CD always froze near the end of the game.

A few years ago I got it to play on PC. Ended up soft-locking myself in the final battle because I was way too underleved or something (which somehow hadn't been a problem until that moment) and couldn't stand a chance against the final boss lol

I finished this in 1 day at the age of 12. Boy, was my father not impressed by my insomnia that night.