Reviews from

in the past

Those remastered cutscenes look CLEAN. Definitely worth checking it out if you have never tried out Halo. That ending left a reaction out of my face.

cortana could say some marvel quip shit like "uh oh... he's right behind me isn't he" and i would eat it up like chicken dinner yes queen you're so funny


the pinnacle of single player FPS campaigns. there is nothing to dislike about Halo 2, some of the closest a game has come to perfection.

Overall really great. Story is leagues more interesting than Halo CE, higher stakes now that Earth is envolves and Cortana is left in danger, the added perspective of the Arbiter is really ahead of its time for 2004 and its elevated by Blur's amazing new cutscenes that are the definitive way to experience this story. Some of the weapon balancing is quite bad though, maybe moreso than in CE. most weapons that you can dual-wield are basically useless, and the AR finds a way to be even worse than in CE too.

The story and gameplay are much better than its predecessor. Sergeant Johnson is back and better than ever!

Beautiful reimagining of the graphics, and phenomenal cutscenes. Enough to play through once more. Small nitpick that always comes to mind is the Carbine’s new discharge animation completely covers up the screen, pretty unusable to the point where I have to revert the graphics if I have that weapon.

Legendary kicked my ass holy shit...

- O -
Que cosa tan buena es este juego, tiene todo lo del halo 2 original y una version mejorada graficamente.
No hay mucho que decir, solo que es uno de esos juegos 10/10 por la historía, musica gameplay.
Como me gusta el poder controlar a ambos protas y mirar las cosas desde otro punto de vista, aparte de que tiene muy buen nivel de difficultad

dark souls of the fps genre.
(Wtf is that cool ass cliffhanger, definitely epic)

This was an amazing experience. Tight and varied level design, strong gameplay, a more in-depth story compared to CE, and a fantastic score. This is one of the greats.

Solider Shooter.
Story war untinteressant. Hat mich nie interessiert wie es weitergeht.
Maps sind z.T. repetitiv und meisten symetrisch.

İlk oyundan sonra ilaç gibi geldi. Hikaye baya sürükleyici ve sıkmadan takip ettiriyor kendini. Ara sahneler ilk oyundan daha iyi. Özellikle bu Anniversary edition da ki remastered ara sahnelere bayıldım çok güzel yapmışlar. Bu versiyondaki müzikler daha atmosferik ve epic olmuşlar. Silah ve düşman çeşitliliği daha iyi. Oynanış biraz daha iyi ama öyle aman aman bir değişiklik yok. Hikayesi ve atmosferi için bastım 9 puanı baya epic bir oyundu.

i didn't have one single moment of fun with this game, history is nice but the rest, nuh uh

A really great version to play I only wish they made it available besides mcc. The cutscene are drop dead gorgeous built from the ground up, the graphics and lighting blew my mind when I played it as a kid and for 2014 they still hold up amazingly. The sound effects are completely redone and sound so good. Overall it's extremely faithful to the original but I still prefer the original due to its history and charm. However there are a few issues.
I played the legendary campaign for the first time on pc and boy it sucks. It clearly wasn't play tested at all, with horrible godlike AI, that shove grenades up your ass, jackle snipers that can just instant kill you from a million miles away and completely unbalanced RNG that are never in your favor. And once the Brutes show up it gets worse. There just big bullet sponges with little to no strategy to defeat you just have to pray you have enough ammo and cover to defeat them.
The final boss Tartarus is horrible. Took me over an hour to defeat because his AI would just wander on the top and bottom platform and stay there forever and the other brutes that show up just make the fight near impossible, but that's just the legendary campaign, the normal difficulty is well balanced I just wished they fixed a lot of those issues.

Renovaron y mejoraron todo a un nivel técnico increíble
but sigue con el doblaje de dos pesos con su mítico "aaaabuelita de Batman"

stupid difficult, stupid fun, despite being unbalanced its very good

(from original post in 2021) I accidentally came across "blow me away" whilst looking for "follow in flight" on youtube and decided to switch to og graphics until i heard it in game. Glad i did

Si Halo CE revolucionó el género del shooter, Halo 2 lo hizo cine 🚬. La llegada de Halo 2 supuso un paradigma en la industria de los videojuegos al mejorar significativamente tanto el apartado visual como la experiencia de juego, y nos brindó una historia que sigue siendo emocionante incluso en nuestros días.

Su historia cruzada no falla como en otros videojuegos (The last of us Part II quejandose de fondo*) y su narrativa nos introduce un personaje que es intrigante para el jugador. La historia del inquisidor aterriza bien y el gameplay con el es super pulido, diria personalmente que es mejor que el gameplay con Master Chief.

Aunque la historia este incompleta y el pico de dificultad sea INCREIBLEMENTE ALTO (Aclaro que lo jugue en Legendario), el gameplay es intenso y emocionante, nunca te aburres con las tantas formas de terminar un nivel en especifico. Sin embargo, debido a que Bungie no tenia el tiempo necesario para acabar el juego al 100% se reciclaron muchos escenarios y se nota muchisimo. A la hora de jugar, encontraras algunas misiones algo repetitivas y duras en dificultad. Aun con esto Halo 2 es recomendadisimo y vale siempre la pena jugarlo 🚬

A much better remaster that Anniversary 1 with remade cutscenes and much more consistent texturework. Game itself is much less repetitive than CE and is honestly one of the best written Halo games in the series. Ending is shit, unfortunately.

(Played with the Classic Graphics)
While a part of me enjoys how simple the original was in comparison, this is a lot better by a mile.
The graphics are a surprising step up, Master Chief's armor being a specific example. The addition of extra vehicles and dual-wielding makes the gameplay a bit more frantic and enjoyable, and the story It's a lot more interesting and fleshed out, specifically the stuff with Arbiter and internal conflicts within the Covenant. The cliffhanger tho is uhhhhh...god damn.
TLDR: play the game whenever you can, it's a true delight.

This review contains spoilers

Countless hours have been poured into this game throughout my lifetime. Whether that be completing the campaign, running around with friends in co-op, finding secrets and attempting silly glitches, challenging the higher difficulties, or having a blast in multiplayer, every minute in Halo 2 is a thrill-ride that never gets old.

The story is a major step-up from Halo: CE. The Covenant are given half of the game to be characterized, given depth, and a character to become attached to in the Arbiter. Meanwhile, Master Chief, Cortana, and Sarge are taken from vessels for the player to experience the story through and turned into real characters in this world.

Combat introduces some new tricks and generally improves upon the original while still maintaining a balance between arcade and military shooting. The levels are much easier to navigate then in CE but also share the problem of many zones being repeated as you make your way toward the next section of each level. What makes up for this admittedly mediocre level design are set pieces that, at the time and still today, leave me in awe. When revamped and restyled with the Anniversary Remaster, that awe becomes amplified. The production value on the cutscenes alone are excellent enough to be their own feature length film.

Halo 2 has so many moments that will forever remain among fondest gaming memories. Giving the Covenant back their bomb, the Scarab, Gravemind, and so many others. Halo 2 is one of the few games that I can return too, not matter how old I get, and still re-experience the exact same emotions that I did back when I first played as a kid.

Downgraded level design and weak story. Very overrated. Some missions were highlights but this campaign was not great. Multiplayer was great though, and is the only reason this is getting 3 stars.


the sequel to halo! it took an entire year to finish this i don’t even know what the plot of these games are

An incredible step up from the first game, having the best story in the series, new weapons, playable characters, locations. Everything feels like the first game cranked up to 100. The only issue is the removal of the assault rifle, but makes up with it from dual wielding.

This is my favorite Halo game, and definitely in my top 5 games of all time, it has more issues than CE but I love it.