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Have a Nice Death es un roguelite 2D con combates a velocidad de vértigo lleno de enemigos en escenarios generados proceduralmente que promete ser un pozo sin fondo de horas de diversión.

La jugabilidad se engloba en la de un beat em up 2D, dando la posibilidad de avanzar sin derrotar a los enemigos exceptuando ciertas zonas que son obligatorias y los jefes de cada zona. Para avanzar hay que atravesar un nivel plagado de enemigos hasta llegar a un ascensor donde se puede elegir entre 2 o más opciones a cuál planta ir. Hay varios tipos de plantas, algunas son niveles con un tipo especial de objetos, con más enemigos y otras son salas especiales donde comprar, obtener objetos especiales o mejorar las armas. En combate, el personaje posee un ataque a melee con autocombo y dos magias que se obtienen de manera aleatoria según en loot de cada nivel, la inmensa variedad de hechizos hace que no haya dos runs iguales, sin embargo, existen ciertos hechizos los cuáles superan claramente al resto y por eso el juego no los da con tanta frecuencia haciendo que ciertos hechizos menos poderosos se repitan demasiado entre runs. Al matar enemigos y repartidos por el escenario se pueden conseguir “almeuros” que funcionan como moneda del juego para comprar nuevos ítems y mejorar las armas, además también se pueden conseguir otro objeto de mejora llamado “prismium” que tiene la capacidad de aplicar una mejora instantánea sin gastar almeuros. Como ítems curativos están los “kafés” y las píldoras, los primeros restituyen parte de la vida y las segundas restablecen la salud que queda en gris detrás de la barra blanca de HP. Repartidos por los niveles también se pueden encontrar objetos que añaden efectos pasivos como el robo de vida o que los enemigos exploten al ser derrotados.

Los combates contra los jefes funcionan en una mezcla entre un juego de “simón dice” y un “bullet hell” donde se debe esquivar todos los ataques del jefe hasta que deje una ventana de oportunidad donde poder hacerle daño. A lo largo del juego, en algunas ocasiones en el menú del ascensor se podrá seleccionar la planta de un mini jefe, la aparición de estos es aleatoria. Antes de comenzar la run se puede elegir varios retos o efectos pasivos que otorgaran recompensas al ser completados y modificaran el desarrollo de la run. Al final de la run, o cuando se pierda, se hará un informe sobre el desempeño en la run, otorgando según se completen objetivos lingotes de oro que permitirán desbloquear mejoras permanentes, de ahí rogue-lite y no rogue-like. Durante los niveles es posible encontrar un personaje de RR. HH. que permitirá elegir entre tres mejoras típicas del género: daño, defensa o magia. En este apartado no innova mucho teniendo los mismos hándicaps de otros juegos similares en la que optar por una opción “todoterreno” es ineficaz y se tendrá que decidir entre mucha salud pero poco daño o mucho daño pero poca salud.

Estéticamente, el juego cuenta con un dibujado a mano y una animación fluida en cada golpe que en conjunto a sus controles consigue una experiencia de juego responsiva, además el diseño de los niveles sigue un arte de dibujos animados con una temática macabra y oscura que consigue tono de humor que emplea la temática del mundo laboral en un mundo paranormal y grotesco.

La banda sonora cumple su función perfectamente, está compuesta por instrumentos de cuerda frotada seguidos por unos de viento madera que buscan conseguir una melodía típica del día de Halloween, así como tenía Medievil en la PS One.

La historia sigue a la Santa Parca, pero una sobresaturada de trabajo típico de oficina, al sentirse cansada de su monótono y agotador trabajo de tomar las almas de los fallecidos, la Parca decide delegar su trabajo a unos lacayos llamados “lamentos”, en conjunto conforma Death Inc. una empresa encargada de tramitar almas en el inframundo. Los lamentos y empleados de Death Inc. se han rebelado y la Parca como C.E.O. de la empresa deberá tomar su guadaña y recordarle a sus empleados su lugar.

En resumen, Have a Nice Death brinda una experiencia entretenida y dinámica, con una jugabilidad de lo mejor visto dentro del género roguelite, su estética única y su humor lo convierten en una opción atractiva a considerar para cualquier amante del género.

Fun Roguelike Side Scrolling Action Platformer that didn't grab me in the way that others do that make me want to keep playing over and over. I enjoyed the humor and the art design. The combat was fun but after rolling the credits I was ready to go play something else, considering that was under 6 hours of gameplay it felt a little lackluster. I would assume there's more content, if you like games like Dead Cells check this out.

Haven't played the game since near launch. Take the rating with a grain of salt. Might revisit the game eventually.

bom jogo, muito foda a arte
mas nao gosto de rogue like

Com mais conteúdo tem potencial de ser um dos melhores rogue-likes do mercado.

Metroidvania + Rogue-like
Uma história divertida, sobre a morte que para não precisar trabalhar mais acaba criando uma empresa para fazerem seu trabalho de matar as pessoas e buscarem as almas, mas acaba que ela ficando sem poder e preguiçosa, além de alguns funcionários abusarem do poder. Vários personagens e situações que são sátiras sobre assédios no trabalho, exploração, injustiças etc, com personagens bem caricatos e divertidos.
Gameplay cheia de armas, feitiços, maldições, contratos, uma variedade que enriquece a run, além de que tudo é ambientado no tema de ''Empresa'' então é bem divertido de ver tudo, tudo muito bem construído.
Animação muito bonita e caprichada.

Long live the infinite backstab

I don't know, man. I thought this game was fire as soon as I started playing it. It looked kind of good, but kind of bland too. It is fun, but runs can get long. I don't know... This game looks good, plays well, has good ideas, but there are aspects of it that make me want to play it slightly less than I want to play most games I end up falling in love with.

It is a great game to listen to podcasts to, though.

wanna be dead cells so bad

The lore, style and tone was right up my alley, but gameplay wise it got old quite quick. Upon entering the third "world" the game just couldn't keep my interest as it was getting predictable by then. And the loading times between each stage (not just the worlds) became annoying very fast. Spending 12-15 sec before entering the shop, then spend 10 sec in the shop and another 12-15 sec before entering next stage is a pretty secure way of loosing momentum and "urgency" within the game itself as well.

A game I wanted to enjoy but did not.

It looks good and it could be good, but it isn't.

Narrative: 2.5 - Gameplay: 2.5 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 2
Stars: 2.5
What a disappointment. When I first watched the trailer, I thought it was probably the next Hades, the next great roguelike. Well, it wasn't, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was sold with the trailer. What a beautiful game, what a great design. Death Incorporated is, an amazing idea. Take out company back? Genius. And those are the gems of the game. The great and solid ideas that surround its atmosphere. When we get to the mechanics, what was sweet becomes sour, and what was great turns mediocre.

The platform is just as present as the floor that we set our foot on, it is there, but we just never really think about it, or appreciate it. I mean, there's no level design at all. The different environments offer a few gimmicks here and there, but there's never a challenge, not a learning curve. I won't even compare it with the obvious inspiration (Hollow Knight) because it would only get uglier.

Moving towards the battle/fight mechanics -fortunately - I can't make the exact same statements. There are more than gimmicks with the different types of enemies and bosses. They do have more of an identity and do challenge you with variety and intensity.

The thing is Death itself. I have never ever seen a more unbalanced set of weapons, abilities, and upgrades. It's not even funny. If you draw the meteors, well, you should finish the run smoothly, without any challenge whatsoever. And, if you do finish, there is no motivation at all to keep pushing more runs to either explore or unlock anything.

I'm harsh only because it hurts me that so many amazing ideas were thrown directly into the garbage. I said I would compare, but hell when one looks at Hollow Knight or Hades, Have a Nice Death truthfully just fades into oblivion.

Have a Nice Death is a solid roguelike - combat is fast and fun, it has progression systems galore, and a decent amount of different build option.
Unfortunately it doesnt do all that much to stand out among what is by now a sea of indie roguelikes. It's only true differentiating factor is it's setting, and the humor HaND tries to pull from it. For me the jokes rarely landed, but YMMV

Twee characters and story in the way people accuse twee of being, mushy controlling combat against either repetitive mobs or bosses that don’t telegraph well, and a progress model that either doesn’t give rewards you need (health), doesn’t consistently allow you to invest in the items you have, or is actively at odds with itself, means this isn’t the one.

An example of play: For either Run 2 or 3, one of the characters let slip that secret rooms are hidden throughout each level. Great, a standard feature for any hack-and-slash rouge-lite, and especially useful in a game where the maps are not particularly interesting to navigate or visually stimulating. However, rather than breaking potential areas through combat or dashing through walls, these rooms can only be found through the use of an anima, the games health boost. Which would be fine, except the boost only covers a fraction of the health that you might lose, and do not drop with a frequency or pattern that means you want to waste any. And so, a whole system of play that could be used to brighten up the environment is cut off due to the balancing issues with another system of play. This happens constantly throughout Have a Nice Death.

I’m sure if I got good I would appreciate the speed of combat, as well as the huge amount of tools you have at your disposal, but this ain’t it.

Nao me prendeu muito nao. combate legal e visuais mt lindinhos mas sei la

This is the Billy and Mandy game we deserved

None of the characters stuck in my mind despite them all trying too hard to. I love the concept of the game, but the actual gameplay didn't do it for me.

The game is very lovely, the characters are quite nice, but after completing breakdown 15, I can say with certainty that this game is rather simple. All later runs transform into just using the +1 HP and +1 damage curses while having enough defense for those stats to go up forever. But even with that, I enjoyed my 40 hours with the game.

Whatever this game needs, it's not there. The game is there, the makings of a good game are there, but the fun factor is just absent. How is this possible? Beats me.

This review contains spoilers

J'y jouais ponctuellement avant de m'y mettre sérieusement en y jouant en parallèle avec may. J'ai beaucoup aimé l'ambiance du jeu, son OST, son humour sassy, sa direction artistique... Cependant son gameplay manque un peu de profondeur, et je me retrouvais souvent à chercher les mêmes sorts ou mêmes améliorations pour avoir les mêmes builds viables, parce que le reste étaient toujours insuffisant.
Je suis quand même content d'avoir offert ses vacances bien méritées au patron, et je recommande ce jeu tout de même, parce qu'il est à mes yeux un bon roguelite court si on veut s'essayer au genre sans avoir à faire face à des mastodontes du genre comme The Binding of Isaac.

There needed to be more variation between runs I think, it also just felt like i was waiting to get the right spell in a run to actually be able to beat the game. Still a pretty fun game.

i though this game was gonna be good but i guess i dont like these types of games

It's a fun game but unfortunately it's an oversaturated genre that takes more than that to stand out. Decent pick up but I wouldn't go back and finish it considering just the amount of better games released this year alone in the genre!

The mechanics look fun in the trailer, there's new weapons and skills to unlock, and you'd think that keeps it entertaining... but for some reason I just got bored of it and moved on.

looks really good i loved the artstyle but im into fps tho i did give it a try but tbh not my type

Art style and music are phenomenal as many have said, though I feel it leans too heavily on the side of luck over skill for my tastes. Too many runs where they're essentially decided on gear you find. Still had some fun.