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in the past

Hello neighbor 2 is a shitty ass game bro. I think this whole franchise really stinks. The story is so like dumb there are no voices and its all super indirect and makes no sense. The game does have some decent puzzle sections and the ai does kinda suck but its still fun invading their houses. The game is incredibly short I finished it in like 3 days so yeah game blows this franchise sucks 3/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #29

Esse jogo é o resto do pó de tang, porem é aquele suco gostoso.
A história dele é bem mais ou menos, porem os puzzles são bons.
Platina ridicula de fácil, acredito que menos de uma hora você platina o jogo

Si os lo estabais medio pensando, huid de esta basura, en serio. Cosa más mala, Dios bendito. Es que no le salvo nada, no tiene el más mínimo interés, no es coherente con las posiciones ni con cómo te detectan, no tiene un buen punto focal para coger/usar objetos. En serio, My Name is Mayo es menos pérdida de tiempo que esto

Yep, I actually played this.
I finished the first one and decided that I needed to suffer more...Nah, what actually happened is that, after looking up walkthroughs and story explanations for the first game, youtube recommended me a platinum guide, and I saw the time and thought to myself... why not? It's less than an hour.

I expected nothing, absolute rock bottom... or maybe less. And, well it wasn't amazing and the weird puzzle logic is still there but... it wasn't THAT bad. It's clearly an improvement over the first game; it looks better and it controls better. You can interact with less objects but maybe that is for the better. Honestly that restraint makes for a better game: the game shows you what interacts with what, it also doesn't ask you to make crazy jumps or land in tiny objects, hell there's even a tutorial.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a good game. It still has some of the same problems, like the way it tells it's cryptic story (which this time ends on a cliffhanger yay), the puzzles are either boring or obtuse making you try everything until something somehow works (I just used the guide), and the enemy AI is somehow worse? It's extremely easy to avoid getting caught and it's also common that the AI gets stuck.
I was just surprised that it wasn't absolutely terrible. Why did that terrible first game get a sequel? Why are the creators of this thing trying to make it into a franchise? I get that "horror for kids" is somehow popular but there's no way Hello Neighbor was successful enough to get a sequel (and a prequel looks like?), let alone tease a goddamned third installment on it's inconclusive ending. I just don't get it.

This was a big disappointment there's a lot of glitches and the gameplay is bad.

El juego falla como un juego de terror donde no tiene ni narrativa ni gameplay bien logrado.

Not as good as the first one, but sill a fun time.

This review contains spoilers

This game is not the best, but better than the first. The Story is that a journalist finds Mr. Peterson dragging his own missing son into the house, but the journalist gets his proof taken after a car crash, and is left to rescue him, and the rest of the missing kids he think Mr. Peterson has also kidnapped, like the first game, the concept is intriguing, but the way it was handled is garbage, why did the Neighbor walk slowly to our car? why take camera instead of destroy it? also if the kidnapped son was not the protagonist from the first game, why didn't we find him when we were looking? and the LORE of the whole village being behind a number of neighbors being behind it would be intriguing, if they explained why they would be a part of it in the first place, the rest of the LORE that is explained isn't really interesting. The Graphics are the closest to looking good, but they are barely not much better at all. The Gameplay has you sneak around different places looking for a clue to the next place where the kids could be, which would be good, if the gameplay was good, and what the first game should have been, but it's not, they don't change the format to the one we thought the first one would be, but instead they use most elements from the first game, and some new bad things, like the blur is still there, they don't lay traps a lot, and they don't remove your items, or undo what you have done, they removed the building too big to be a challenge problem though, and the things you do don't revolve around magic this time, but the new problems I've seen include the policeman not leaving traps, or listening to your movements, making that stage too easy, the cook also doesn't listen for you, to the point that you can sneak up and grab keys from her, why don't you put the ice cube in the oven and make your task faster, the mayor doesn't listen on you or leave traps, and why is there a combination lock on the final door that wasn't there before? Hello neighbor 2 only does the simple task of surpassing the original.

Back to School - This has you explore a school to find out if the school teacher has kidnapped children, that is a alright idea for a DLC, but like the other games, they don't go all out, the blue is back, and they don't leave traps, but now you also have dogs following you, except 1 who is suddenly nice to you, it's easy to lose the AI, and there are No Saves, but it is better than everything before it, this DLC gets a 3/10
Late Fees - This game has you investigate a library to find out anything on disappearing kids, another great idea for a DLC, but this one is although better than Hide N Seek, is still worse than Hello Guest, here the same format of sneaking around, only this time, the Librarian won't get you if you walk around slowly, unless you are in a restricted section, which is dumb, there is no one else in the library, so why not have it so that the library is closed, and have her after you all the time, that takes away from the scariness, and at the end we learn nothing of the librarian or the missing kids, and still no saves, this DLC gets a 1/10

I guess this a horror game so the timing is good but this game is not worth the money. Ignoring the soft lock it took an hour to finish so it took me around 2 hours to do it in all due to the final day level soft locking meaning I could not continue and had to restart at the beginning.

This series at this point is pointless drivel being thrown out for kids to play and watch. The original ai concept is gone with the worst AI imaginable most of the time being a non issue, do not buy this game it is not worth any amount of money and especially not the dlcs.

best game of all time. even better at full price

It's kind of an annoying puzzle game.

+ it's better than the first one
- it still sucks

This game goes unnecessary hard. Normally when people say this, it's a slang for saying something is cool, awesome or at least that's what I think. When I say it, I'm calling something acutely strange and awkward. Like your "Johnson" going erect mode in the middle of school. Hello Neighbor 2 is that mid school day erection.

There's so many elements from 10 games mashed in one here and none of it works. Supposed to be a horror game but there's nothing scary or creepy about it. You're supposed to walk slowly, not make any noise and hide from the enemies if they spot you, but the optimal way to play is by sprinting past the enemies because they lose sight of you really easy. Puzzles aren't really puzzles. There's an interesting and tragic story, but you need to Youtube it to even know what it is about because the game doesn't tell you squat. Sensitivity is really slow. The jumping is bad which wouldn't be an issue except there's a decent amount of parkour for some reason. Art style is not my cup of tea. To break glass, you need to throw an object and then pick it back up. Why not have a control to swing the crowbar you always need to carry? Everything is so short sighted!

Hello Neighbor 2 is not terrible and I certainly don't hate it. It's a quick and stress free platinum trophy. However, I have to put it as one of my worst rated games because there's not a single thing positive or even half decent to say about it. Just like an erection in the middle of school.

One of the worst games I’ve ever played

If you like this game, you're lying to yourself. Just a trainwreck from start to finish. From what I have seen, the concept for this game got lost as development progressed until it resulted in this mess. I literally copied my review for the first game and pasted it here. Both games are a (sometimes pretty funny) joke and should never be played by anyone. How such a terrible game can be followed up with a sequel that improves on absolutely nothing is truly fascinating, potentially even impressive. Bravo.

Ich habe Hello Neighbor 2 nur durchgespielt, weil es mir schwerfällt angefangene Dinge abzubrechen und ich habe quasi die ganze Zeit über geflucht und geschimpft.

he so fast in the ending tf

Alors ce jeu c'est compliqué. Jai passer un meilleur temps dessus que sur le 1er. Mais il y a des gros probleme, le jeu a vendu un nouvel antagoniste : le corbeau. C'est donc logique de le voir 10 min dans le jeu =).
Ensuite, je n'était pas au courant, mais tous la pub du jeu était sur une ia qui apprend grace au MONDE ENTIER, il apprendrait a se développer grace a tous les joueur du monde et a travers le temps, autant dire que alors que je n'etait pas au courant jai pas trouver l'ia intelligent, MEME pire que le 1. Parce que dans le jeu, l'ia a une certaine liberté, ici l'ia est bloqué a quelque mouvement et en fonction de la ou tu es dans l'egnime elle font expres d'etre a coté, a la fin tu te dit "l'ia est la, la suite est la". Ducoup les dev ont délibérement mentie lors du dev.
Tous la pub du jeu a aussi était fait a travers de beta, qui presentait des nouvelle facon de jouer et de se cacher comme se suspendre a des corde etc. Sa a était enlever de la version final, bye bye les nouveautés. La pub avait aussi était de faire un jeu secret, accessible via un code qui est largement plus travaillé que se jeu. Le jeu en questione est que tu gere un cirque mais tu doit fouiller et resoudre des egnime la nuit du cirque en te protegant du corbeau. Loin de la fin.
Jai apres trouvé le jeu plus maniable que l'ancien, peut etre parce que les jump ont disparut lol, mais on grimpe mieux les fenetre etc. Les egnimes sont BEAUCOUP mieux que l'ancien et je me suis jamais dit que ct pas logique.
Le point auquel le jeu c'est le plus mis en valeur etait son open world. Alors oui on est dans une ville et chaque jour on explore une autre maison de voisin. Mais c'est pas pour autant que les endroit sont visitable chaque jour, sa enleve du principe. Parce que au final une journée = un voisin ou 2 mais jamais les enigme sont entremelé entre plusieur voisin, ce qui aurait été mieux pour un open world et logique. La c'est maison par maison.
Jai jouer grace au Gamepass mais sinon jamais il coute bien trop chere pour 4h de jeu.
Lhistoire est aussi a chier, le 1 ct cool la c juste mal foutue. La fin se fini en clifanger en disant la suite arrive bientot (2021) parce que il avait pas continuer a faire le jeu, on est sensé avoir une maj a un jeu histoire pour avoir une VRAI fin lol.
Jai quand meme plus aprécié que le 1 juste parce les enigme etait plaisant lol

Me: Please don't fuck me in the ass Neighbor
Hello Neighbor: Shut it faggot
many noises are made
Hello Neighbor: Holy shit is that the police? Fuck you bitch, we're through. I hope you burn in hell
Hello neighbor is crucified in Italy and his ass is hung up in the natural history museum

N faço ideia de qual é a história do jogo e tbm n faço ideia do pq joguei. Zerei msm com um bug na última parte q sumiu um item importante pra avançar.

>> Prós
• JOGABILIDADE : É um ponto positivo pq não é complicada.

>> Contras
• BUGS : O jogo tem vários e q pode rolar em qlqr parte do jogo, as vezes tbm ele dava glitch nas texturas deixando td bizarro. Fora q não desbloqueou uma única conquista q faltava.
• SALVAMENTO : Meu jogo n salvava o progresso ent tive q zerar td no msm dia e na msm jogatina.

The worst single player game of all time and its not even close. Hello Neighbor 2 squanders any potential of being a good game by having generic trial and error puzzles, an unengaging story, and dated visuals. The only upside is its short.

This is the worst video game i have EVER played