Reviews from

in the past

O jogo era muito bom.. hoje em dia os devs estão transformando em um Diablo, o jogo era rapido, hoje em dia é lento, mas ainda assim deve ser divertido para quem quer jogar algo para passar o tempo, se for na promoção, vale a pena, se não, não compre.

Un juego tipo Diablo, pero a medias tintas en muchas cosas.

jogo bom, com amigos mais ainda

ARPG very much like Diablo. Fun time to turn the brain off, has some rougelite elements to it as well that's pretty cool. A lot of classes, but half are DLC. Has some mobile game vibes to it, but it's not a bother. Will def keep in rotation.

J'ai rien compris, j'ai pas chercher à comprendre de toutes façons, j'ai juste clean des maps et c'était trop bien.

Um joguinho divertidinho pelos primeiros 30 minutos. Um dungeon crawler com bullet hell, alguns personagens interessantes e mecânicas legais, mas meio confusas e densas. Com amigos melhora

It's fun if you have nothing else good and just want to dump hours with a friend but is not a longterm play at all.

A grindfest that if you're not really willing to grind, will bore you tbh. It's also very basic, very budget title of it's genre where there are better. Certainly though it's been supported well, but eh, with how these games work, you might as well focus on the 1-2 in the genre that REALLY do it well, and if you want to play a lot of games, just skip.

Base game without dlc sucks, the game had multiple data breaches so a lot of passwords were leaked multiple times and the dev is a straight up bigot.

The game tho is unremarkable.

Hero Siege el mejor juego lo jugaba con mi compa el Rodri.

A hack and slash game that I really liked in some of its earlier versions, but as development progressed, I stopped enjoying the game as much.

Era um dia lindo, jogava eu e mais um amigo, estavamos upando e ficando cada vez mais fortes juntos, porém o destino nos separou. O jogo dava missoes da store line, eu e meu amigo ja haviamos avançado muito na historia, mas UMA MISSAO BUGOU!!!!!!! (frustação), entao eu deixei meu save la, parado.

Esse é um game que dá pra passar horas jogando sem se cansar!

The game is great, I haven’t played much but I really liked it, if you decide to play on hardcore, this game will no longer be so relaxing. Good luck

Before all the updates this game was pretty fun. The ability to get broken builds after a run of an hour or longer was pretty fun and the abilities worked well. After the updates this has turned into such an un-fun cashcow

limitado, tem potencial mas não prende quem já vem de outros action-rpg.

unremarkable i have no feelings

For the little time I played with friends, it wasn't so bad. Monetisation is just scummy by locking most of the classes behind a paywall. 2 years later the game seems to be worse with some devs acting like absolute children.

once a decent game, now a piece of steaming dogshit destroyed by it's own creator who is geniunely mentally ill and should stay way from game dev.

I have no clue why I have almost 18 hours in this game it's not really that great from what I remember

É tipo diablo, só que sem graça e com 60% do conteúdo travado por DLC muito mais cara que o jogo em si.
Plus eu não entendo de onde os devs tiraram o "rogue-like" pq não tem absolutamente nada de rogue-like aqui

foda mas queria que não fosse todo trancado em dlc

pixel art diablo clone. its alright.

Bunitin esse mini Path of Exile.

havent played this in a while but it was fun when i was playing. people are saying it kinda sucks now though

Simple twin-stick that's good at killing time, but that's about it.