Reviews from

in the past

this is legit one of the worst things I've ever had to put myself through in my life

Hunt Down the Freeman > Half-Life

mitch please i can explain

you have my permission to die!. game sucks



So part of the reason I haven't been writing up stuff is because of work and the fact I've been playing Infinite Wealth right now. However, I realized things have been a little too good recently so I went out of my way to get a key for this game for a whopping 2 dollars and try it out to see if it's truly as bad as everyone says it is. Anyways sorry for the long intro let me get to actually talking about it now.

It's a very mediocre Half Life 2 mod with some really bad and funny choices.

Alrighty reviews over :)

The idea of having a Half Life game starring the brother of Shepard from Opposing Force and showing us the 7 Hour War alongside what the survivors of the invasion did is a very nice idea and concept. The urban environment making the player go through sewers, alleyways and parking lots is also very nice.

But even with the actual MESA build, which reworks most of the levels and overrall gameplay, Hunt Down The Freeman still lacks alot in the field of voice acting and writing.

Play it if you are a Half Life fan (I think it's canon)


this is venom snake if he was a good protagonist

If hideo kojima makes a low budget half life stand-alone expansion.

In my opinion, whole half life franchise and source engine etc... existed for this game, just like a missing piece of a puzzle...

in other words: "a second deadly premonition incident"

Wow. I can see why Activision Blizzard hired this guy.

Half-Life 3 better come out in my lifetime just as a reparations payment for the fact I played this fucking steaming pile of dogshit. It is genuinely that infuriatingly bad.

The half a star is for gunships being a non-issue thanks to new weapons that shred them like paper. It is admittedly satisfying to experience that instead of HL2's rocket-aiming rigamarole. But you can probably do that in Gmod too so who fuckin' cares.

It was goofy and worth playing like The Room is worth watching, but The Room doesn't force you to noclip and try and find the invisible trigger to move to the next scene or crash when you try and load Tommy from the console.

Half life multiverse of madness

I wish i could wipe any memory i have about this game and play it again.
But not for any good reason.

In a stunning coup de grace, all-American developer Berkan Deneziaran opens up a riveting cinematic thread in the Half-Life universe by positing the question: who or what would Gordon and Alyx run into when Half-Life 3 inevitably comes out and they go to the Borealis? This game is filled with challenging gameplay reminiscent of the Dark Souls series (one could even call this the "Dark Souls of Half-Life". The main character Mitcher has the exaggerated swagger of a HECU soldier. The reveal of the antagonist Adam is a plot twist on par with the likes of Shutter Island and the Sixth Sense, where it turned out Bruce Willis had hair the entire time. The villain's death was made memorable as he uttered his iconic catch-phrase, "Mitch, Please!"
Talented and morally upstanding voice actors Sky Williams and Pyrocynical join the star-studded cast alongside President Keemstar.
The level design explores a bold new frontier in terms of gameplay, and immerses the player in the world of the visually impaired by refusing to put proper lighting in most areas, rendering the player unable to see.
I look forward to the GoldSrc port of this masterpiece.

This game should have won game of the year bro

the aliens are coming :[ we’ve been compromised :3 oh colonel… p; we are so fucked .-.

Everything was going well in the plot until they made the decision to begin omitting years. I had the impression that the game's creators were stumbling along, feeling a little uninspired and, well, mediocre. While they had a nice idea, they didn't use their resources—the Half-Life games, in this case—to their advantage or create something that was more creative and perhaps even better.

OWF fixed the game, the game is now just mediocre.

As someone who made a "Hunt Down The Freeman sucks 😤😤" video when this came out, it kind of rules fuck it

Absolutely baffling game every step of the way with no sense of thought out design or anything, not played a game since this where I've had so many questions for the developers. Might not be "so bad it's good" in the same way as something like The Room but gives the same feeling of complete confusion on how it was made. And in a medium that seems really eager to homogenise and streamline itself so that everything can be played by everyone, it's kind of funny playing something that doesn't seem to have been thought through at all and either completely ignores game design techniques or tries them without understanding what they're for.

Not saying this is some misunderstood materpiece but I'd actually put it alongside Half-Life 2 to show the contrast of how you should and shouldn't design an FPS campaign. It's bad but it's so bad that I feel like I appreciate games more because of it lmao

also i remember i beat this mostly in a day because we were snowed in, kind of a weirdly cozy memory 😌

i've never shed a tear in my life because i'm a badass mercenary with a heart of gold but even i started sobbing like a baby when Mitchell uttered "you fucked up my face"

The game is cringe ass Half-Life fanfiction written like a Kojima story, and i fucking love it. Wasn't so great when it first launched due to being unplayable but bug fixes have greatly improved it so now you can enjoy the clusterfuck of a ride this game is without bated breath of it crashing every loading screen.

I'm appalled this piece of shit was able to be released on steam