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É um jogo de duas metades, na primeira parte você assiste todos os clipes atentamente, envolto no mistério, mistério esse que você nem sabe qual é, é um mundo de possibilidades, a imaginação corre solta. Cada cena é analisada, os porquês de cada personagem e ator, as cenas nos bastidores parecem importantíssimas para você compreender o que é real. Você é guiado pela curiosidade de entender o que aconteceu, tudo tem peso.

E então a segunda metade da experiência ocorre, aquela em que você descobre que se trata de um thriller sobrenatural, não estamos lidando com pessoas, e sim com deuses. Por tabela, isso também significa que toda aquela análise sobre os bastidores, sobre a motivação dos atores é insignificante. O importante são as cenas secretas envolvendo esses deuses, é lá onde a real história do jogo ocorre. O gameplay então vira uma busca pelos clipes chaves, para assim o jogador retrocedê-los e ver a real história...é broxante.

Além disso, vira um problema de volume, são 3 filmes dentro do jogo, mais de 200 clipes, todos eles obtidos de forma aleatória, somente ao final você vai realmente conseguir o contexto do que você está assistindo, filmes não foram feitos para serem assistidos desta forma. Cada filme remete a um gênero (especialmente em seu palete de cores), porém ao contrário de um filme, aqui falta temática, somente o terceiro filme consegue uma amarração com os temas do enredo principal do jogo, uma amarração bem superficial ainda por cima. Se você não se interessa pelos filmes, por que passar 6 horas (ou mais) assistindo-os?

É um jogo ambicioso demais que não cumpre o prometido. Três filmes vazios, e um plot principal broxante.

- A mecânica de voltar em câmera lenta as cenas não é bem informada pelo jogo (segundo o google e reddit eu não fui o único que ficou perdido nisso), então tive que reassistir cerca de 50 cenas novamente.

- O roteiro do jogo, especialmente os diálogos dos Deuses, pode ser bem pretensioso.

Backwards in time to films of crime,
With mysteries to find to shiver your spine,
Immortality is like red wine to which is divine,
To one Marissa Marcel, whose lives are nine.

eu prometo que um dia eu volto

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Didn't need to finish this one to know how awesome it is. The first time the secret film pops up I nearly shit myself.

I didn't expect quite this many boobs. The more I think about this game and explore it the better it becomes.

The moment I first met "It" will stick with me for the rest of my life. I felt truly haunted by it in a manner that I've been chasing in horror films for a long time. The brilliance of this game is that the way you find hidden scenes feels unintentional when you first do it, so it completely catches you off-guard when it happens. The performances are something else, since most of the actors here are playing both the film characters and the fictional movie stars behind them. I do wish they polished up the searching mechanics, as finding the last 20% of hidden clips was tedious. Nonetheless, the game is an utterly mesmerising experience that every arthouse film lover should play.

It is a labor of love, it has a strange concept. It's not for everyone and believe me, the plot is very complicated, but it's interesting.

Um jogo muito simples, mas que tem um direcionamento incrível nas suas propostas. Umas das experiências mais atmosféricas que tive no ano e terminei com um nó na cabeça. Jogão. Queria ver os 3 filmes.

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of two minds about this; on one hand the acting and production value of the clips themselves are all fantastic, it's an interesting premise and very stylish... but the ways (more like way, singular) in which "gameplay" emerges is quite limited... ominous sound plays, hit rewind, you get a weird clip of some demon people.

they could have done SO MUCH more with this; selecting certain props or actors/crew in specific scenes could have taken you into these background scenes instead of the rewind mechanic being the only way to access them

the resolution to the mystery is not very satisfying, it's shocking (the final scene in particular) and interesting but the whole supernatural possession angle of it kind of makes it land with a thud... this would be more interesting if it were people doing this at the end of the day, even if their motivations were the same (we're already trafficking in supernatural, what difference does it make if it's amy archer doing it instead of amy via demon possession?)

on the whole though this is a really worthwhile experience for the journey and experiencing the seamless way the game shuttles you between clips, all of which are interesting on their own and VERY well made

genuine chills in many moments and despite thinking the ominous sound marking the only way to move into the secret clips, the music IS very creepy and effective

I'm currently sick with the flu and dosed up on heavy-duty cold medicine, and lemme tell you, being low-key high while playing this all in one sitting is an absolute trip. It's basically five hours of stumbling down a rabbit hole of cursed YouTube videos but organised into a thrilling quasi-horror mystery game that makes discovery its most valuable reward. When it starts, you're blindly moving between clips, taking in the most surface level information while attempting to figure out why a 70s movie about a monk that's coerced by the devil into non-stop shagging has anything to do with a seedy 90s version of the Lindsay Lohan movie, Parent Trap.

But after around an hour, things start to click. You start linking themes together, seeing things that don't quite add up, solving smaller mysteries that raise wider questions about Immortality's unearthly world. More importantly, you crack the code on how to track down hidden sequences, and subsequently spend another two hours trying to figure out what the fuck any of them actually mean. Before you know it, Immortality becomes this five-hour long obsession, instilling this sense of independent self-discovery that's so rarely entrusted to the player in a modern game. It just hands you a bunch of clips and leaves you to figure out what binds them.

If there's ever a game that made you feel like that It's Always Sunny meme where Charlie is showing Mac the giant conspiracy board, it's literally this shit right here. And sure, I think the game's final hour or so exposes its flaws, forcing you to a point where you're just clicking on random tat to unlock the next major scene you need to watch to progress the story, but I still think this was such a gripping premise. Sam Barlow must've shot hours of footage and worked tirelessly to segment it into comprehensible, bitesize pieces, and the result creates something that couldn't be achieved in any other medium. Above all else, it's just super cool.

Plus, FMV games tend to feel pretty awkward, but the acting and writing here are top-notch. I don't know if Manon Gage has been in much, but she's phenomenal as Marissa; easily the best performance in a game I've played this year (sorry Chris Judge). Second plus, the game gets extra kudos because there's a cat that shows up in a few sequences and I kept clicking on the cat to see if there was more cat-related scenes and then an achievement popped that was almost like, yeah, the cat's pretty cool right? You've seen everything though, stop clicking on the goddamn cat. God-tier stuff.

Este es un juego muy raro en el que tienes que rebobinar cintas viejas de película hasta que te salga Chelo García Cortés haciendo marranadas

Sin duda una experiencia jugable

jogo único e incrível. impactante, uma mídia difícil de se repetir em outro lugar.

It's really good, like if you're into those type of games it's probably one of the best among them.

One of the most fascinating works of art in the medium. A mystery game that isn't one, as the mystery lies within the players perception of what the game even is, rather than one that exists inside the plot itself. Go into this one as blind as possible.

Really enjoyed being a detective in this game piecing together the different movies and uncovering the secrets of what happened.

Being a detective doesn't always feel rewarding however as more often than not you just happen upon new scenes to unravel the mystery rather than knowingly tying a thread between different scenes. Additionally, it can be easy to miss key parts of the story if you don't watch a scene through its entirety. Both of these happened to me when I happened upon the final clip by chance, resulting in a confusing ending that I had originally hand-waved as being part of the odd story, but only to figure out after listening to spoilercasts that I had missed finishing out scenes that would have pieced together the ending better.

Regardless, the unique gameplay experience & interweaving stories were engaging throughout.

SE FALA TAO POUCO DESSE JOGO, QUE DELICIA DE SURPRESA !!!!!! O MOMENTO QUE VOCE DESCOBRE - AQUILO - É MAGICO !!!! o melhor do genero, historia boa demaaaaisisss

He hecho un vídeo titulado IMMORTALITY: Apartar lo humano, donde critico el juego y me explayo sobre algunas ideas que tengo acerca del medio y tal. En fin, que lo veáis.


I just couldn't get into it

Immortality was robbed of every GOTY award in 2022. I don't care about what you say about Elden Ring, this game is phenomenal.

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even though i had problems with this game i'm giving it 5 stars because MY LORD this is the most excited i've been about a project in a long time. finding new clips felt exhilarating and figuring out the plotlines of the films as they were entangled with the social drama of the in-universe cast and directors was so god damn fun. my issues arise with the end game: i got the credits roll when i felt like i was only halfway done with the game, and the search for the last 20-10% of clips felt impossible as all the new symbols i was discovering would only lead back to clips i already found. i'm on the fence about the "canon" answer this game provides with The One, i think this game could have worked much stronger as a grounded piece uncovering the cycle of power and abuse as all the men in marissa's life fail her from a young age. but even saying that, i was really moved by the Candy Says scene. i'm so glad i got to play this

Oh my god... this game...
I have a hard time summing up how good it is concisely, but it's one of the best directed/written games of all time and it left me in utter disbelief as to what I witnessed when it ended. I didn't know a video game was capable of making me feel the way it made me feel.

I was very close to putting the game down, until I found a scene which I could only describe as Lynchian horror at its finest. Stick with it, and you'll see what I mean.

A unique game. Gameplay is tedious but is overcome by amazing performances and fascinating stories/mysteries. The game surprises often - in a good way.

there's a thing in this that supersedes any flaws i'd ever complain about it , also mega impressed as an exploration of diff eras of film and filmmaking

this game is actually so fucking cool

Great premise and fascinating gameplay... at first. Then it turns into a scavenger hunt as you try to guess what the game directors wants you to do, watching the same clips over and over. It becomes tedious and eventually you just want the game to just end. Yeah, the game can be quite chilling at times and genuinely immersive but it really overstays its welcome and by the time the credits rolled for me I was just left sitting there confused. There probably was a deeper meaning behind all these clips but for the life of me I can't figure it out and frankly this game made me not care to find out

Um jogo com uma história e gameplays bastante fora do comum, basicamente um filme interativo. Amei jogar e descobrir os mistérios por trás do desaparecimento de Marissa Marcel.

can't believe i managed to play this, but i did. it's wonderful and thought-provoking, and despite what i hear people say about it, seems intentionally vague and open-ended in the conclusions you draw from it

Só digo que se todos os filmes que existem no universo do jogo tivessem existido, pra mim, seriam todos clássicos. amo