Reviews from

in the past

Exploração chata, combate repetitivo, história fraca, trilha sonora fica enjoativa depois de um tempo e muita lacração

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There's a lot to say about this game that I don't know where to start. I suppose I'll start by saying the rating I'm giving it is not a measure of how good I think the game is but how much I enjoyed it. The game is extremely fun, in fact I had a blast with it that I didn't want to put it down until I completed it. In addition, it's extremely hilarious, I laughed out loud several times. From the start, it was clear that the tone of the game was supposed to be lighthearted and fun. For me, that's the biggest thing that matters about a game, the enjoyment factor, but there's still a lot of details about this game that make it far from perfect.

First of all, let's start with the obvious: the game is incomplete. It both feels incomplete, in that so many features feel missing or are in the game but are completely useless, and it literally is incomplete, with the whole messy history of the developer team going defunct, where they promised to patch many of the game's huge issues. The biggest one being the infamous glitch that locks you out of one of the monsters needed in a side quest to get one of the characters, Zahra, which now I'll never get to play her unless I start a new run.

Second of all, the story is not bad overall, but it could seriously be improved. I understand rushing the beginning to get players engaged in the game right away, but the whole beginning situation just didn't feel real. It doesn't make sense how OK Ajna becomes with bringing along Dhar in her head after he just killed her father, and how fast she disregards the whole inner realm thing too, not even having a goal to find help or someone to explain it to her (which I suppose fits with her character). And then it doesn't make sense how Dhar fights in her party now, and even fights the soldiers of Ravannavar's army, when realistically he should've refused to fight. There are big plot holes like this which are actual issues, but other ones I understand are just played for laughs and are just really funny, like when Ajna says a big bird will save them if they jump off the fortress and a big bird actually saves them. That was hilarious. There are no real issues for the plot in moments like those.

I could go on, but as many problems the game has (which are fixable), there are a lot of good things about it too. Number one is easily the endearing cast of unique and interesting characters. I loved all of them. Razmi was particularly interesting because she talked a lot the whole game since you picked her up early, and she was absolutely HILARIOUS. She's easily one of the characters that makes the game the game that it is. I thought Zebei summed up what I thought about the cast best when he said, "Frankly I don't know how you can all stand each other."

With such a big cast it only makes sense that only a select few would have any meaningful character arcs. Ajna was insufferable, but I suppose that was the point. She did learn from her mistakes in the end even though she made many of them time after time. Not everyone learns from one failure, sometimes it takes several. Dhar had a great arc and actually turned quite likable near the end of the game after he got past his naive phase (of which was also insufferable). Even Razmi had a small arc during your goodbye to her near the ending. Overall, the characters and their arcs were great.

The gameplay is split mainly into the combat sequences and platforming sequences. The combat gameplay is relatively unique from my understanding, being inspired by one other game in the past, and it is very fun. I've heard others say it can get repetetive which is totally true but if you're the type of person that likes to mix up things and deviate from optimal strategies for fun then it doesn't get boring at all. The fact that the developer made a fighting game before this one is all you need to know about the style of combat of the game. It's mashy, flashy, fast-paced, very engaging, and requires skill and good inputs. I enjoyed it a lot. But I believe it could have been harder, and I have two improvement ideas for that.

The first is to abolish the invisible enemy turns and let the enemy attack whenever they want to just like your party (but only to your idle party members). The battles are usually you mashing your attacks, then running out of action points so you wait for the enemy's attacks and then you block them. I imagined it would be more fun if as you attack with one party member, an enemy would attack another idle party member, and battles would be chaotic as you had to dish out damage and block attacks at the same time. I understand this would completely change the combat system and make it much more difficult, but it would be more fun for me personally.

The second would be to give enemies a variety of more gimmicks. There were plenty in the game, but I found that only once was I ever forced to actually switch up my party and strategy to win. That fight being, of course, the Slime Queen who damages any melee attackers who get close to her. Me losing the first time, learning that, and then making my whole party range attackers to counter it was good game design. That was making enemies difficult but not unfair, in contrast to just giving them more health and damage. If more enemies had gimmicks like that that forced me to strategize a bit more, I think the game would be more challenging overall and I would have enjoyed it more.

The platforming was also really fun. The controls were buttery smooth and satisfying, which is all you need to have fun for a platformer. That and good level design, which I feel this game accomplished well. I didn't find any major issues in the level design, no major cheats to bypass locked areas I wasn't supposed to reach yet or anything. Mount Sumeru particularly stood out, forcing you to use every platforming ability you gained throughout the whole game. The backtracking could be annoying for some, but that's the point of a Metroidvania-style game and it was done really well here. I've heard others claim that the platforming gets hard later on, which is true, but it's not extremely difficult by any standards. Sure I was frustrated at times but it's mostly due to my skill issue and not the game itself.

Finally, the setting of the game is another thing that completely sets this game apart and makes it stand out. Many other reviews do claim that it truly is an underrepresented setting. The cultures shown in this game are distinctly South Asian, Central Asian, Southeast Asian, African, Native South American, as well as a mix of many others. Though the world is fictional, I still got that buzz of exploring different cultures I'm not usually exposed to in any form of media while playing the game. With Ajna, her village, the save bells, Kala, Heruka, Tungar, rebirth and reincarnation being distinctly Indian; with Tai Krung being distinctly, well, Hong Kong, with Ohma being the most obvious reference to the Opium crisis ever made (and a beloved Jollibee reference for the Filipinos!) and Baozhai reminding me a lot of the real pirate Zheng Yi Sao; with Zebei, Mushi, and Lhan being distinctly Mongolian or Tibetan, with Nuna and Kaanul being distinctly ancient native american; with Port Maerifa reminding me a lot of Morocco, and much, much more. In fact, someone had asked me, "What time period even is this game?" as I played. It's cool seing that many cultures blended together to make a fictional world that simply works. Plus, one of the playable characters is a pettable Tibetan Mastiff dog, which ultimately, immediately, definitively makes this one of the best games ever.

Overall, this game's unparalleled fun dishing out devastating combos as if it were a fighting game, along with its great platforming design, along with the huge cast of endearing, lovable, hilarious characters, along with its great art, along with its super unique setting, and more, conquers any real hate I have for this game and its big issues. I don't know anything about the whole controversy that the developer team went through which left this game in the dust for any hope of future patches and game quality improvements. I don't know what's true or not true about the situation, but all I know is that the bugs will likely never get fixed and this good game will lose out on all that massive potential to be a really great game. But despite that, I really enjoyed this game so it's still a favourite of mine. It would be a five star if it does get improved a lot and it actually gets completed. For now, enjoy it as it is.

idk, it didn't click with me, but it didn't NOT click with me. i doubt i'll ever get back to it, but i wouldn't count it out

I would die for Razmi and Team Idiot.

The games combat is super cool and really fun to mess with, I just think there are a few annoying enemies and all enemies are kinda damage sponges. The story and character writing is perfect tho and kept me in it for every second of it.

I played this game a short while after launch and I’m writing this review looking back on it all these years later. I remember the combat was pretty fun and figuring out combos was intense and rewarding, but didn’t really incentivize trying new characters over sticking with your same bread and butter you knew. The story felt like a load of hogwash I barely remember outside the lesser moments, that sort of rushed to the end. Fun character designs and world weren’t enough to carry this game to the greatness of its predecessor, Skullgirls, and making what should have been a free update into paid DLC ensured this game would be collecting dust on the shelf after I beat the initial campaign.

Boring linear combat with barely any decision making, cookie cutter one dimensional characters that barely get any time to breathe, plot moves at a staggering speed, barely giving time for the player to absorb what is happening, and the platforming is pretty mid. Not a lot of be seen here, regret having played it

I really want to like this game more. It's pretty, has an interesting combat system that differentiates itself from most turn-based RPGs, and draws inspiration from some interesting sources.

That being said, actually playing the game can be... frustrating at times. The combat, though interesting on paper, tends to drag. The platforming is... not great. Also, for the sheer amount of promising characters that the game presents, the cast feels mostly under-utilized within the games save for a few select characters.

Nobody but me seems to actually like this game

It is hard to talk about this game without talking about the downfall of Lab Zero. It is horrible what happened to the devs and truly a shame how one dickhead can sap the soul out of the production for such a promising game. Sad to see lab zero go, but so excited for Future Club to be able to continue being legends without the deadweight.

With that being said, let's start by saying that this is one of the first games I have ever backed. The concept, the music, the characters (Rip best boys Tanaka and Kogi), the story and the promise of lab zero going off the wall? Not to be too dramatic, but it was like a dream come true. Plus it was a platformer RPG! Having always been very bad at fighters, I finally had a chance to try out their games and not suck!

Few times have I experienced a roller coaster like the excitement I had for this game, playing the demo and reading the backer updates to finally land in grief after playing the finished product. The weirdest thing was: The game wasn't like bad bad, but somehow that was worse. It would've been so easy to just go Shit Sucks and move on, but because it was passable and fun at times, it really hurt when it wasn't.

The Art (character design, environmental work, animation and music) and Gameplay (specifically the fights) were fun and amazing to experience. The game was dripping with so much style and charm that the downstairs neighbor sent in a complaint about a leak in the ceiling. The mission to also have a practically everything-but-western cast in a SEA fantasy setting? My toasted sesame ass could not believe how much I needed to see that.

Admittedly it has been a bit since I played this game so take this with a grain of salt, but the writing and general level design... was fine, I guess? Certain character moments stuck out and I remember that spectacles fell just a bit short in execution, but that's kind of it. The platforming and navigation through areas was, despite movement options and amazing environment art, not that enticing and kind of a slog.

Because of this, most of my enjoyment of the game was exploring the environs, recruit characters and see how they worked in fights and begrudgingly go through the world to accomplish story beats that were just kinda bland and predictable.

Weirdly enough, even with all that, I don't regret backing the game. Yes, the final product is far from ideal and seeing the potential melt before my eyes was devastating, but the world would be duller without it. It is rough around the edges, but succeeded by giving us a colorful and bright world, inspired by all corners of ours. For what it's worth, after all these years, I look back on this game with a bittersweet fondness and grateful to the devs who stuck through it to make it happen.

I love this game for what it could have been, not for what it is. Please someone pick this concept back up and make it a full experience

Simpatico progetto indipendente che riesce a divertire ed intrattenere allo stesso tempo anche grazie a dialoghi intelligenti, il gameplay purtroppo non riesce ad essere abbastanza caratteristico per farlo spiccare tra progetti indie simili.

Cute idea but the gameplay is actually kinda painful to get through.

Fun rpg with some good rpg combat.

This review contains spoilers

I felt really immersed playing this. Can still hear the music that plays as you're exploring. Love the art style and enjoyed the combat, flowing combos together felt really nice. Only thing that upset me about this game was the final boss, the difficulty spike just felt uneccesessary and seemed like its only purpose was to try and give the fight more importance. The problem is though, after struggling to beat the boss after an hour or 2, I went into the final cut scene frustrated and ready for the game to be over. Couldn't savor the moment and get fully immersed in the ending. Overall though, loved this game, would def reccomend.

Jogo bonito, jogo formoso, jogo cheiroso.

Tudo que ele tem de personalidade, beleza e criatividade ele também tem de desorganização.

Full of character and heart. Its colorful and enjoyable and everybody has their place. Genuinely very enjoyable and it gets better and better until the last twenty minutes of the game shows up and its actually awful.

Interesting combat system and platforming, but I couldn’t get into it

Finally gonna go through FFX though

Indivisible is a messy, beautiful game that had so much wrong with it and so much right. It is so unfortunate that it got fucked over so badly because you really can feel all of the passion and love behind it. The arcs of characters like Dhar and especially Ajna are genuinely really, really good. The art direction is a little all over the place, but it’s weirdly charming. The music is good, and so, conceptually, is the gameplay (and in execution too, mostly, except that it can be a slog sometimes). I don’t know if I can call the game good or not, but I really do want to encourage people to play it! At the very least, I want others to agree with me that Indivisible deserved so, so much better.

I enjoyed this game but I won't deny it was still a little disappointing.

What a game! Indivisible was one of those games I just picked up because I saw it on sale, but I was blown away with how good it was! The story was interesting, the art was wonderful, and every character felt so fun and unique. The combat was super interesting once I got a hang of it, and overall I very much enjoyed myself!

My favorite character is Kampan

This review contains spoilers

This game is unforgettable, man. I really mean it, from start to finish, it is a one-of-a-kind experience, the music, the characters (most of them, anyways), and especially the scenery took me in ever since I started the game. And I just now beat it!

I really loved the story and I enjoyed the gameplay quite frankly, my favorite part has to be the lategame. More especifically, when Ajna & company start looking for the Chakra Gates, for me, that's where the story really gets good, it's either that part or the endgame where they traverse the lands once again to set right what once went wrong. I'd say the Valkyrie Profile & Metroidvania combo did wonders on the gameplay.

Although, of course; it's not without its flaws, that's why it's 4/5 stars. For starters, I would've enjoyed it more if there where some hints as to where to go, even if they're minimal. Like- I got stuck once on the desert portion of the game before reaching Port Maerifa and THEN I got even more lost when boarding the Teotul and venturing across the three areas, it's why I beat it just now and not back then like a year ago. The exploration's great but I don't like it when it goes overboard. The Mt. Sumeru rerun was also kind if just there, what with the increasingly dastardly platforming challenges… at least the music was a surefire banger up there.

Story wise, again, it was great, but it could be better if it had more time to hang up lose threads and stuff, some some plot points that are either never resolved at the end or just left hanging up in the air. While I do love leaving things up to one's thoughts and speculation, it sure is a problem for a narratively-focused game like this one, I mean- it makes the story feel a bit rushed. Hell; it's minimal, but Ashwatt village gets burnt down to ashes in the first minutes of the story, and I really wanted to see more of it. But oh well, the game did have a troubled production after all. One thing's for sure though, as a person who finds it hard to say goodbye to people I've connected with for a long time, the departure scene really had me in tears.

Last but not least, there's the game content itself, I'd say it was well done, if a biiit underwhelming, While I do love the many playable Incarnations that live literally rent free on Ajna's brain (especially Kampan, Razmi, Dhar, Yan, NAGA RIDER, Nuna and Leilani my BELOVED), I felt a bit sad when I remembered some didn't make the final cut, like Sangwu and the others. I didn't even realize the Resolution Quests were there and did Hunoch's subconscioisly, at least that turned out nice. I sure wish there was more postgame content though, asides from New Game Plus and the nice detail of the reincarnated Ajna, I don't see myself playing it again post- NG+. It would be exciting if it had something like a boss rush mode, platforming trials or versus mode even, we have the Friendly Fire for it so why not? The Co-Op was a very welcomed addition however.

In the end, the game's not perfect, none of us are, but I wouldn't deny I did have a blast playing this otherwise phenomenal RPG. It could very well have the coveted 5 star rating, if ot had more time in the oven, but I perfevtly understand.

waste of great ideas
I didn't played it as much as I liked before writing the review but I really wanted to refund it as soon as possible
the first minutes of playing the game was so horrible, I was really tempted to quit right there
the game takes itself seriously, but the game itself lacks depth and ends up being bloated and generic
Ajna, the main character is annoyingly cliche and I get a lot of "generic shonen protagonist" vibe from it, the story overall seems meh (from what I realized) the combat has a interesting "fighting game" like mechanic which considering that lab zero also made skullgirls, one of the most complex team fighting games on the market, Indivisible's combat is painfully basic.
the platforming is satisfying but not anything ground breaking, the constant tutorial pop ops can be annoying at the first hours especially when it's telling me how to slide for the third time
the voice acting is great, there's some minor sound balancing issues and the fact that you can only hear characters on right with your right ear and vice versa.

very mediocre/10
can be fun with co op but I don't think it's worth it regardless

Played for 14 hours and a mouse and keyboard, bloated at times, obtuse travelling, very glad i saw it through to the end

I'm gonna be honest, I was having a lot of fun with this game, but I am absolutely horrible at platforming and this game just keeps ramping that aspect up as it progresses. I hit a roadblock that I just could not overcome, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get past it. 2D platformers are my literal gaming kryptonite, so this is an actual skill issue.
I'm shelving this for now, because it is a lot of fun, but like damn bro, can't platformers have an easy mode option?

This game is... Fine. I think this game's biggest problem is that it's too long. The final act of the game has far too much backtracking for my preference. I also wasn't a fan of the audio mixing. This may sound like a strange complaint, but when a character is talking and they're on the left side of the screen, their voice only comes out of the left, and vice versa. It's something I haven't seen in a game before, and I didn't really like it.

I do think the voice acting and the artwork especially were great, though. And while very simple, the battle system was fun as well. But most things in this game are done better in similar titles. If you can get this game for super cheap, it's worth taking a look at, but besides that, meh.

haha funny metroidania go brrr

I didn't get all the party members in my initial playthrough, but pretty game with a cool idea

if i had to force everyone on the planet to play one underrated game, it would be this. i played through this whole game with my awesome sister and it was actually incredible. soooooooooooooooooooooooooo underrated and you should definitely play it in co-op if you can.

Va mucho texto pero es que mis pensamientos con este juego no se pueden resumir en dos o tres párrafos.

El ritmo de la trama es muy raro y al principio sufre del síndrome del shonen que es que todos sois super amigos desde el minuto cero. Esto da menos problemas conforme avanza la historia pero al principio es un poco molesto.

Hay una barbaridad de NPCs que dicen absolutamente nada interesante y no aportan ni al juego ni al mundo.

Los actores de voz, el diseño de los personajes, como funciona cada uno de forma diferente en el combate es genial y uno de los puntos más fuertes del juego. La banda sonora también es buena.

El plataformeo es muy tosco, tiene muchas cosas divertidas pero en muchas ocasiones los controles no responden suficientemente bien y lo hace frustrante a veces.
También pasa que los niveles cuando los recorres por primera vez están bien y tal pero cuando tienes que volver para alguna misión secundaria o para completar la exploración se nota que no han sido diseñados en todas direcciones. Súmale a eso que el viaje rápido está situado en los peores puntos de cada mapa.

El combate es genial, super divertido y simple para pillarle el truco pero complejo para que lo domines con tu habilidad o tus composición de equipo. El problema es que la mayoría de los combates no son lo suficientemente difíciles para que necesites cambiar tu estrategia o tu equipo a menudo.

Indivisible podría ser un juego mucho más redondo pero tiene fallillos en cada uno de sus apartados que baja la calidad final y te deja con la sensación de que el podría ser mucho mejor. Con todo lo que he dicho el juego me ha gustado mucho.
El final lo ha cerrado todo de forma emotiva que, a mis ojos le ha subido bastantes puntos.