Reviews from

in the past

Another game among the upper echelon of Playdate titles, Inventory Hero is a fun and fast paced game where you simply maintain the inventory of a hero on his quest. You can watch said hero fight waves of enemies on the top of the screen, but your job is to either use or discard the items that are automatically gathered. You have six possibly inventory slots, which can be filled with armor and weapons to equip, food and potions to drink, or just straight junk that must be discarded. It's a really cute game and I really enjoy the premise and the gameplay. It doesn't have a huge amount of replayability, especially since you'll hit the end of any additional content pretty quickly in a run, but I still think it's more replayable than the majority of Playdate titles. The artwork is really well done and the music isn't half bad either. Definitely one of my favorite Playdate games thus far.

Cute and quick! Great to pick up for an hour when you need a little brain break :)

Quite a cool premise, and I had fun with this at first but the novelty wore off fast and I didn't feel compelled to do more than a couple runs.

Inventory Hero has a unique concept and some great looking art but the game isn't engaging enough to inspire repeat plays. I managed to get through what appeared to be the final boss because the game began looping the final stage endlessly before losing to some bad RNG, and it never built enough depth to require more than minimal brain power. If you've played this for five minutes, you've experienced all of the gameplay that this game has to offer. It also doesn't do anything special with the Playdate's special features, making it a poor representative of the system itself.

Nice animations, but you cannot really enjoy them as you are focused on the inventory. The concept is cool but I quickly grew tired of it.

Inventory Hero is not a game for me. One round was all that I felt necessary to play. It was a good run, reaching level 83 and losing to RNG in the end. And for that I was thankful, I wanted an excuse to bow out by the time I reached Glitch world the first time...
There's a lot that I know went into this game, graphics, world design, all of the items being equipped to my player character and neat enemy sprites. But I have no way of appreciating them in real time as the entire game has me fixated on my inventory. The loop is not very fun, sadly I won't be coming back to it.

A neat concept. Ended with a high score of Level 84 after looping on the final zone a couple times, so I'd call that complete. It's engaging and visually well presented, and figuring out the puzzle of how to beat the crow bosses was fun.

A great little arcadey experience. Cute and fun little items with some cool theming for your inventory, and a fast paced and twitchy decision making mechanic where you speed min/max. Not too deep or complex, but a great little arcade game to play a few rounds of, and score chase. I wish it just shuffled or looped types of levels when you clear the end, or maybe have a true end and an endless mode, but it's fun that it's the glitch themed levels.

Em conceito, é uma ideia bem legal e uma forma bem diferente de fazer uma aventura inspirada em RPGs clássicos. Na prática, a dependência absurda de aleatoriedade, a limitação visual do Playdate e a falta de progressão definitiva não me deram vontade de jogar mais que 2 partidas.

A cool idea, but didn't capture my interest due to a lack of progression and an over-reliance on randomisation

Inventory Hero es un juego sencillo y poco exigente, que te invita a entrar en un ritmo cada vez más frenético e impulsivo y que se complica de forma inesperada cuando los ítems que recoges empiezan a portarse de forma extraña o inesperada. No creo que sea muy llamativo de por sí, pero se consigue hacer lo que se propone con la suficiente soltura como para que no se vuelva monótono.


Inventory Hero is a simple and undemanding game that invites you to get into an increasingly frantic and impulsive rhythm, that gets unexpectedly difficult when the items you collect start behaving strangely. I don't think it's that interesting per se, but it manages to do what it sets out to do with enough ease that it doesn't become monotonous.

Really enjoyed this at first, but I think it gets a little too mindlessly frantic for its own good the longer that it goes.