Reviews from

in the past

Ever wanted to play Mad Max with cartoon characters? Now you can. Jak 3 is a refinement of basically everything in Jak 2 - the world is more expansive, but still a little empty feeling as there still aren't really proper sidequests (although the challenges are a little more varied than Jak 2), the difficulty is smoothed out, and a little lower on average, the vehicle and gun controls all work a little better, and the plot more or less wraps up nicely from Jak 2. As such, as a playing experience, it generally feels better than Jak 2, although a bit of the mystery from Jak 2 is gone, making the game feel a little lower stakes. That said, a solid game to end the series.

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Overall great time, the desert racing frustrated me a lot, especially the final part where you shoot the small pink targets.
The twist that the Precursors are all Ottsels was phenomenal. Perfectly fit the edgy and goofy tone that these games go for. Loved the new weapon upgrades. Particularly the 2nd upgrade for every color made combat so fun. Like Jak II, all of the female characters are very sexualized which I wasn't a huge fan of. I get it's supposed to fit the goofiness, but I can't imagine any of my female friends appreciating it. Finally, I wish that we stuck to the wastelands for the entire game, it would have helped 3 stick out more from II.

Give us Jak 4 cowards!!!

After reaching new lows with Jak 2, I was expecting very little from Jak 3. So to my surprise, the game is a fairly solid romp despite some flaws that hold it back from being a true favourite.

The guns have been tightened up significantly thanks to the new mods, which lets them design platforming challenges around the fact you can actually deal with enemies while jumping. The jetboard is just as fun as it was in Jak 2, and the leapers taking the mechanics from the flut flut in the first game was a welcome surprise.
Spargus City is a smaller, better designed hub than Haven City. Never taking more than a minute or so to get from point A to point B. And on top of that, the developers placed mission start points where the missions actually take place most of the time.
I wish the game had a heavier emphasis on platforming, but the sections it does have are solid. The minigames are a bit of a mixed bag but I never hated dealing with any of them like I hated sections of Jak 2. And the open world wasteland isn't my favourite part of the game, but it's a fun enough diversion to drive around in.

The Jak series has had an identity crisis and a half with none of the games really sharing an exact ideology in spite of sharing the same core platforming moveset. However I'm glad the trilogy ended off with a good game instead of another Renegade.

El primer juego que completé al 100%

good sequel to jak2 but less memorable and weird story conclusion

Remember thinking at the time that this was pretty cool and polished but also forgettable. I realize that this happened in Jak 2, a game I will never play, but it's still pretty funny that they gave Jak from Jak and Daxter a goatee and a gun.

This game semented my love of desert environments , the story felt so cool as a kid and I love screwing around with the cheats , pure fun .

O melhor jogo de todos que eu ja joguei, a franquia jak foi a minha primeira franquia a ser jogada no playstation 2, lembro ate hoje quando abri a caixa e tava la o grandioso jak 2 e no mesmo dia eu me apaixonei pelo jogo e jogando ele todos os dias ate tentar zerar, dias depois bateu na minha cabeça "se esse e o 2 entao deve ter um terceiro jogo" e no mesmo dia perguntei pro meu pai se ele poderia comprar a continuação, sem muitas esperanças dele achar o jogo acabei voltando pro jak 2 e fiquei jogando ate o anoitecer ate que meu pai chega abre a porta do quarto e la estava o grandioso jak 3 original e belissimo na capa parecendo uma joia rara e de valor inestimavel, joguei ele tantas vezes quando era criança que decorei cada parte do jogo, cada bugzinho e glitch e tudo que tinha nele, cheguei a zerar mais de 36 vezes na epoca e hoje em dia a contagem esta a 46, bem dito tudo isto vamos iniciar nossa analise, a historia de jak 3 e um dos pontos altos do jogo pq ela e simplesmente fantastica e muito cativante prendendo bastante a atenção do jogador, em varios momentos voce começa a se perguntar sobre muitas coisas do que ta acontecendo, se voce jogou os outros 2 jogos da franquia vai reparar em coisas la do primeiro jogo aqui no terceiro, por exemplo la na fase da spider cave no jak 1 tinha uma estatua de precursor sendo feita e no jak 3 ela simplismente aparece no subterraneo mostrando que aonde voce esta e possivelmente a spider cave, agora vamos falar da ambientação e mapa do jogo, a ambientação ela e espetacular serio cada ambiente e unico trazendo uma emoção diferente pro jogador e aventuras a se desbravar, a spargus city ela e linda e cada partezinha da cidade moravel como a praia, a feirinha, o coliseu, as casas e a garagem que tem uma variedade enorme de carros unicos e voce usa eles pra explorar os perigoso deserto atirando nos inimigos e fazendo varios extras como coletar precursors eggs, corridas insanas e fazer altas manobras com seu carro, o desenho por ser um lugar meio peculiar porem ele e muito bom de se explorar, agora vamos falar da nossa incrivel cidade refugio ou para os mais intimos haven city que e a cidade do jogo passado que no jak 3 esta totalmente destruida por conta de um ataque, a haven city e nesse jogo esta totalmente irreconhecivel e pra quem jogou jak 2 concerteza fez muitas comparações e quando eu cheguei na cidade oque eu senti foi uma tristeza tão grande pois eu andei por cada pedaço da cidade e me divertir muito nela no jogo passado e ver ela destruida fez eu ficar sem acreditar no que estava vendo eu simplismente demorei pra acreditar que aquele lugar que era uma linda e bela cidade virou um campo de guerra para todos os lados..., agora vou falar um pouco das musicas e meu amigos as musicas sao boas serio boas de mais, cada uma traz uma emoção diferente, quando voce esta em haven city começa a tomar uma musica calma com um tom de tristeza, quando voce esta em spargus city voce escuta uma musica como levemente calma mas com um tom de perigo pois todos nos estamos em um lugar aonde todos sao casca grossas e nao exitaram em atirar caso voce os pertube, as musicas de todos os ambientes sao boas e praticamente impossivel você ficar irritado com alguma musica ou nao curtir a musica enquanto atira nos inimigos, estamos quanse no fim da analise mas enquanto ela não acaba vamos dar inicio falando do combate, armas e poderes de jak 3, o combate de jak e o mesmo do primeiro jogo praticamente, voce tem o socao, o chute giratorio, o socao pra cima e um ataque pro chao que eu não sei como dar o nome mas enfim o combate e basico e muito gostosin ja que da pra fazer estrategias unicas de como passar certas partes dos lugares no qual voce se aventura, agora as armas que nesse jogo tem pra caramba e cada uma sendo unica, temos 4 armas e cada uma tem 2 upgrades logo somando 12 armas, a arma de eco vermelho tem 3 formas, a primeira sendo a escopeta basica, o segundo sendo um tiro carregado que da dano em area quando solto e voce ainda ganha um impulso pra cima e a terceira forma virando uma escopeta que lança pedras flamejantes que quando engostam em algo explodem causando dano em area, agr a arma de eco amarela tbm possuem 3 formas, a primeira sendo uma sniper que nao tem nada haver com sniper mas ok, a segunda forma os tiros dela ricocheteiam pelas paredes causando muito dano com o truque do pulo giratorio mais disparo dela e a terceira forma dela voce lança um disco causando dano em area bem grande, a arma de eco azul na primeira forma ela e uma minigun que por sinal e a minha favorita, a segunda forma ela muda de metralhadora pra uma arma que atira raios fazendo parecer um chicoque e na terceira forma ela volta a ser uma metralhadora mas os tiros dela sao teleguiados pra todos os lados, se tiver mais de 1 inimigo os tiros vao em todos sem voce se preocupar em mirar, agora vamos falar da ultima arma que e uma das mais roubadas e eu estou falando da arma de eco roxo, na primeira forma ela uma arma que atira esferas magneticas que causam dano em ate 4 a 3 inimigos, na segunda forma ela vira uma arma antigravitacional e isso e simplismente FODA, voce pode usar ela e dar um peteleco no inimigo que ele vai sair voando por ai ate acabar o efeito e na terceira forma ela vira simplismente uma mini nuke que quando lançada mata tudo SIMPLISMENTE TUDO QUE TEM NA SUA FRENTE, as unicas coisas que sobram e voce, bem alem de jak ter golpes insanos e armas fodas ele tambem tem 2 transformaçoes iradas, vamos falar do dark jak primeiro que deixa ele com uma forma diabolica parecendo um demonio e nessa forma voce tem 4 poderes que sao o quebra chao, giro eletromagnetico, raio de energia giratoria e invisibilidade e a outra transformação dele e o light jak que tambem possuem 4 poderes que sao a cura, parar o tempo, criar um escudo que nao deixa nada te atingir e por fim asas e essas asas sao lindas por sinal, agora pra finalizar a analise vou falar um pouco dos personagens que pra mim sao unicos e nunca vao existir algo parecido com eles, ja começa que todos os personagens tem algo em comum que e a orelha extremamente grande e pontuda, eles nao sao elfos mas nao sei qual seriam a especie, o protagonista jak e seu amigo daxter tem um carisma sem igual fazendo eles serem uma dupla e tanto, voce sente a emoção dos personagens em suas falas, os personagens secundarios tambem nao sao de se jogar fora, muitos sao bons como a ashelin, kleiver, damos, pecker, torn e veger, cada um deles voce vai sentir algo diferente tanto como odio ou ate alegria em ver eles por ai mas enfim eu diria que essa e a minha analise de jak 3 o meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos e espero que voce que leu isso ate aqui jogue a franquia algum dia

Nota: 10

Why the fuck did you make half this game a racing game? Fucking stupid. The new form is cool and the gameplay has been improved for the 10 seconds you're not racing in a desert.

Me gusta un poco más que el 3, pero me gustaba más cuando Jax no tenía armas :(

A really good installment in the Jak franchise, although not as good as the second game imo.

Something about this game always felt off to me, I don't really remember exactly what it was, but it never quite hooked me the same way the second one did.

For what I can remember, this game focuses a whole lot more on the vehicles and racing minigames of the previous entry, moreso than the gun gameplay...And I'm not sure I like this change.

Plus, I don't think this one was going for as much comedy as the previous game, and I honestly can't remember a damn thing about the story of this one or why we are in a different city all of the sudden.

It's good, I would still recommend it but, I personally liked Jak II more.

This review contains spoilers

Jak 3 is a messy unfocused version of 2. The throw everything at the wall insanity of 2 somehow worked just about flawlessly in that game's favor. The same approach isn't so graceful here. Pacing is dramatically worse as mission variety took a huge hit. 2 had a perfect balance between platforming, vehicles, and minigames. 3's got a MUCH bigger focus on vehicle missions. Which would be fine in any other game in this series. The hovercars were fun in the first game, they slew in the second, and the racing game that they made after this is amazing. This time the cars are chunky and slow in comparison. Goodbye hovercars with a good sense of speed and perfect controls. Hello slow dirt buggies that flip and slide at the slightest tap of any minor bump in the road. They're not all terrible but they're just never as fun as the rest of the series. This game takes a lot longer to hit its stride than any other game in the series, and honestly I'm not sure it ever does.

Not only is the balance in styles worse, the styles themselves are done worse. I've already mentioned the vehicles. But platforming especially has taken a HUGE hit. It's rare it even shows up and when it does it feels like it's put together in something more primitive than the original Mario Maker. So blocky and uninteresting a lot of the time. I loved every minigame in the first 2 but here I can't really say I feel anything for any of 'em. Guns all get an obnoxious amount of upgrades and you're just obscenely overpowered really quick. Jak gets health upgrades throughout the story as well, and the enemies just can't keep up. You've also got new light powers that are cool during their tutorials, but there's so little platforming in the game you'll forget you have a majority of them. One of the light powers is actually just effectively a "heal to max hp" button. Bosses here are lesser in both quantity and quality compared to 2, or even 1 honestly. Instead of having an actual battle with someone they're the kind of boss that just has you fight a wave of copy paste enemies, then hit the glowing weak point, repeat 3-4 times. The final boss actually has a light eco vent in the arena, meaning you have infinite healing during the final boss. They really took the "it's too hard" complaint with 2 to heart and this game just lost all its teeth as a result. If the only problem was that the game was easy I could maybe forgive it but even the story just kinda sucks here. Which is a shame 'cuz Jak 2's story is one of my favorites in gaming.

-The rest of this review is entirely about the story just as a heads up.-

Again, just like the various gameplay elements, the story is more interested in bringing up new stuff, going nowhere with it, and then introducing something else. Just straight up making a mess of the lore and characters, throwing a plethora of questions it has no intention of answering. Major plot revelations are given quick 20 second interactions and dropped. Most characters aren't given room to do anything of note. Samos and Kiera for the first time are functionally nonexistent. Kiera's VA is changed and as a result was practically written out of the game. It's not just a messy story, SO much of it is explicitly filler. The game's already got 20 minutes less in the cutscene department compared to Jak2, and yet so much time goes by without any legitimate forward progression. Then when it does move it doesn't make ANY sense ever. At one point you meet Ashelin who tries to convince Jak to come back to the city, they need his help. Jak then says "They can ROT for all I care, I'm through saving the world!" The LITERAL NEXT THING YOU DO, is go to the city and start helping them out. I think they were trying to imply gaining light powers is balancing out his darkness, and you DO get a new light power, though that's on the way there. Not sure why he was even going there to begin with. In execution it feels really weak, and more like they wanted major scenes without any of the leadup or follow through. When you get back to the city Samos says the city needs his help and Jak responds as though this is the first he's hearing this even though he was just asked for help and harshly declined 2 minutes ago. "Huh they need me again? What else is new" -goes to help them-

It's not just telling a messy uneventful story, it's going off the rails beyond all reason while doing so. To the point where it's just like yeah ok guy we saw die in the second game is back as a cyborg and he's an entire villainous faction on the same threat level as the metal heads that we supposedly stamped out in the previous game but are here anyway. Last second just pose the idea that Jak is god of this world sure whatever man. I really think it just kinda sucks no matter how hard you try to give the benefit of the doubt.

There's a lot more I could go on about, but I don't like rambling about plotholes 'cuz I'm pretty good at filling stuff like that in on my own. I don't need every single step spelled out for me, I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan dude, I'm down for some stories that need you to meet halfway. I just find this incredibly weak and meandering. The fact it often doesn't make any sense is just icing on the cake. A whole lot of dry "Jak u need to do us a lil' favor" cutscenes that feel like they made the level and didn't know how to tie it into the story. Jak's constantly picking up plot maguffins in every other scene, very rarely is it explained why or how or whatever the point of them is but he sure do be having his own little collectathon adventure in the cutscenes that we don't truly get to engage with as the viewer in any way. Feels lost in translation even though this isn't a Japanese first game.

Like I said, I don't like babbling about plotholes, but this game makes that impossible. Truly some first draft trainwrecks here.
This new character Vegar that was supposedly always there, has enough power in the city council to get Jak banished to the desert despite saving the city and being celebrated in the previous game...And is supposedly "drunk on power" Ashelin says. And then in a random scene, Ashelin, who's been there THE ENTIRE TIME, straight up just says "I dissolve the city council and strip you of your power". Just fires the dude and that's that. She was the Baron's daughter she's literally in charge of what's a literal dictatorship right? At the start she apologizes and says there's nothing she could do, the council they made up for this game is SO powerful that their leader's protest was overruled, but she has the power to completely dissolve it??? Jak's able to come back to the city on his own and is welcome back by every single character. Why'd we have to go through all this song and dance proving ourselves as wastelanders when at any point you could have just come out and given Jak a ride back to town and dissolve the council? Then Vegar gets all mad and threatens them then does almost nothing for the rest of the game. I could try and muster up some fan theory but this game's just not fun to think about, it just gets worse the more you dig in, which is the opposite of how I felt about 2.

And some of the major elements feel so amateurish.
Damas says to Jak;
"Didn't your father tell you to pick your battles wisely?"
"I didn't know my father..." -Awkward silence-
18 minutes of scenes later Sig reveals he was spying in haven city 'cuz Damas wanted him to find something he lost. Almost the very next scene Damas be like
"I mustn't lose you...Like I lost....My son......."

They then want it to be a big emotional moment when it's revealed near the end of the game that Jak is his son. I get it's one of those things that you could say is about waiting for the characters to realize it, and the moment they find out has a tragic element to it. Like in-universe it's fine I guess, probably one of the less horribly stupid major elements. But it just sticks out in my head as really uninteresting writing. The missing family plot is written like a random kid's cartoon that ran out of storylines and needs to pick an overdone trope out of a hat. Trolls 3 suddenly has Poppy thinkin about how cool it would be if she had a sister, omg no way her long lost sister that was never remotely hinted at in the previous 2 movies shows up out of nowhere isn't that a crazy coincidence? It's that kind of awkward "THIS IS WHAT THE STORY OF THE WEEK IS KIDS" type telegraphing that just makes this feel so lame here. And it's like they weren't even confident this plot was good enough to carry the game so they also threw in the same scene that Jak's real name is Mar, which implies he's a god. Maybe he's just named after their god? But we physically see him take off with the gods of their world in the ending. Except in the same scene it acts like we DIDN'T just watch him get into a ship and fly off. It just boils my beans at every turn, denying any possible explanation. One of the last lines in the game is "Wait..Jak is Mar? THE mar?" Ashelin asks, getting nothing but a small nod from a monk standing near her. Only possible thing that makes sense is after we saw him leave, he went back in time to create the universe then used his god powers to come back to the exact point he left and just acted like it didn't happen?????????????

Funny I always hear of people not liking the reveal of what the precursors are. I never minded it. Doesn't really hurt any established lore and actually ties back to the first game in a cool way. Why are the gods of this world randomly met in some underground cave though? Why did they say Jak's proven himself worthy of becoming one of them, then Vegar says NO, EVOLVE ME INTO A GOD INSTEAD and then they just go "lol ok" and turn him into one of them instead of Jak. Then they say they're disappointed in Jak suddenly? (And of course Vegar only actually transforms like a full minute after getting blasted by their evolve light 'cuz they had to reveal what the precursors were first) Then they turn Daxter's GF into one 'cuz she wanted pants like Daxter was wearing? Full on "This series is over and we do NOT care anymore" energy. The bit that Ottsels are actually what the precursors are is kinda cool, genuinely the only aspect I kinda like in this game's plot.

I'm not usually one to make 80% of my review about the story but the gameplay's just a downgrade from 2 and otherwise this is such a mediocre final chapter through and through. TL;DR would just be -mid, toothless version of 2 with an actively self sabotaging story- Jak X was a better followup to Jak 2 than this, and actually gave the characters a lot more room to actually exist and do stuff. It's sacrilege to say but I genuinely like High Impact games' Jak and Daxter the lost frontier better than this.

For me this is the most epic adventure. I love the lore, gameplay is a big upgrade from 2, and the same goes for the difficulty. The levels don't have difficulty spikes like in 2, instead they feel fairly balanced.

Again with every game Jak became a better game altogether. The plot gets deeper, more weapons, new forms, cars and the madmax aesthetic makes it a great title to play through.

Jak 3 could easily be my favourite 3D platformer ever if it kept the quality of its first few hours through its entire runtime.

The game starts with a bang: Jak and Daxter are exiled to the desert wasteland, and find themselves in the forgotten city of Spargus, where they have to prove their worth to the citizens while unraveling the mystery of an impending apocalypse. It's deliciously intriguing, and I love the early game missions where you venture across the wasteland. Jak 3 improves just about every aspect of gameplay from Jak 2, most notably having much better checkpoints and gradually increasing Jak's health pool throughout the game. Jak also gets way more guns this time around, which are pretty fun to play around with, but some are way more powerful and make others just about obsolete. The desert vehicles are a cool addition that give the game a sort of Mad Max vibe, but a lot of them handle like crap so only a few are really viable for missions. Like Jak 2, it's a mixed bag, but Jak 3 has the edge in consistency. The biggest improvement is eliminating the brutal difficulty spikes.

But sadly Jak 3's development was rushed to get it out the door for the holiday period, and it's evident in how front-loaded it is. About halfway through the game you can see where the developers started running out of time. The maps and missions get more repetitive and in some cases are obvious reskins of Jak 2. The Light Jak powers are a cool idea but they didn't get the time to be fleshed out properly; they only have a use where they're needed to progress. The story, which starts off strong, also goes off the rails.

I give Jak 3 a high rating because I still love it in spite of all of these issues. It at least gives Jak and Daxter the conclusion they deserve, while still leaving the door open for future games. It's more than can be said for some other games in this genre.

o único jogo original que eu tinha no ps2, muito bom

Esse jogo revela o quão velho eu sou

Much less fun as an adult, but still a Jak game.

O meu preferido do PS2, super divertido e meu primeiro contato com um jogo em Português, mesmo sendo de Portugal, e tinha até dublagem em PT-PT *-* e isso em 2005. Recomendo demais essa pedrada
Obs: não tenho dados do tempo que levei pra zerar

Finally finished the Trilogy. Honestly this was the weakest of the bunch to me easily the story is pretty ehh comparatively but I did like a good chunk of levels and the driving stuff was pretty fun, and I did like the music a good bit. The game peaked by the end and did end on a good high note.


Good variety of gameplay, nice level design and dexter is really funny.

SVP Naughty Dog laisser tomber TLOU et Uncharted, et faites revivre cette licence de seigneur !!!

Jak 3 takes every problem I had with Jak 2 and fixes them, while adding a whole slew of new features and fun characters to the mix. If you're a fan of the series it's well worth playing, even if at times it can feel a little rushed.

Para mí, el mejor Jak de la franquicia, la culminación de la saga. Los poderes del eco oscuro se controlan mil veces mejor que en el 2 y los que añaden del eco luminoso son una pasada. Los coches son un añadido fantástico y que se hayan molestado en que cada uno se conduzca de una manera y tenga una serie de gadgets específicos me parece una puta locura. Además de que la historia no hace más que ir cuesta arriba... Sí que es cierto que el jefe final podría haber sido algo más épico, pero bueno, de los pocos fallos que le puedo sacar.