Reviews from

in the past

This game was very disappointing

Modo Historia horroso,animacoes ruins. Desperdicaram o pontencial desse jogo.

La historia es reverenda poronga, y hay tan pocas expresiones con los personajes jaja, igual el principal motivo para jugarlo fue pelear contra mi hermano en multijugador. Era divertido, y aunque la historia sea malísima, esos recuerdos le dan algunos puntos.

Como não fazer um jogo de crossover de anime.mp4

não ironicamente só joguei por conta de JoJo
não sei quem foi o gênio de botar personagem de anime em gráfico realista

Como fã da Weekly Shonen Jump, digo que Jump Force é a MAIOR DECEPÇÃO em relação aos jogos crossover da revista.
Tinha tudo para ser o jogo definitivo de luta da WSJ, mas no fim é um jogo extremamente bugado, com fraco desempenho e com um roaster de personagens que poderia ser infinitamente melhor.
Um dos maiores arrependimentos em jogos que tive na vida.

والله مدري ليه شريتها بس علشان لوفي اتوقع
المهم كانت ميه والقصة زق ف يب

They looked really cursed in 3D

Jump Force changed my life. I am not the same person I was before I played Jump Force. No videogame out there has impacted me quite the same way. Truly, one of the games ever made.

What an insane fumble with that stacked of a roster.

A pretty good fighting game. Simplistic, but enjoyable.

Je suis morte le jeu de merde

I got this + all the DLC for like $5 the week before it got nuked
There is a decently goofy JStars sequel hidden under the horrific skin suits all the characters are wearing, basically on par with 6th-7th gen anime arena fighters (talking out my ass)
Modding scene brings it from a 4 to a 5/10

erm this game got Goku AND Jotaro? guys, I'm afraid it might be PEAK

Modo Historia horroso,animacoes ruins. Desperdicaram o pontencial desse jogo.

listen man this game is not good by any means, BUT, if you get a room full of people together, throw this shit on the big screen, that shit feels like evo dude. somethign about it is just HYPE as FUCK if you dont take it too seriously and just mark out every time you see goku

Esse jogo é triste pra caramba
Mas é meio divertido

Não vou falar muito, bem ruim, pior crossover que existe em um jogo.

It so fun to know this game Just doesnt existe anymore

The fighting in this game consists of mashing 2 buttons over and over and hoping you win. the online is dead and you cant buy it digitally anymore. its kind of funny to watch how characterized all the characters are. also the game looks awful.


Games fun with friends (dont let me have Kaiba )

I feel like the concept of Jump Force could have led to a really cool game but uh. We definitely didn't get it.

There is at this point no reason for me to return to this game so I’m gonna mark it as completed.

Le seul bon point c’est Jotaro et Dio dans le jeu

I'm sorry but this is a really fun couch vs

Bon bah y'a des perso d'animé voilà, c'est tout...