Reviews from

in the past

A sequel/remake of the Genesis original that puts less emphasis on platforming and puzzle-solving, focusing on raw aggression instead. Easier to play than the original but still harder than I remembered it. The collectibles serve absolutely no purpose.

A lot of fun! Didn't know that it was a sequel.

The first Jurassic Park on the Genesis was a rather interest but frustrating attempt at making a survival/platformer. Rampage Edition was Blue Sky's attempt at listening to the complaints people had of the first game and following it up with a more action based side scroller where Grant does wicked cool stuff like riding a raptor while holding a machine gun shooting down other dinosaurs and mercenaries.

A faster and more exciting alternative to the crappy OG Jurassic Park game, though it's admittedly nothing special otherwise

This is literaly the first game but in extreme mode. The title is very fitting.

blue sky software developers when asked to make good level design that isn't horribly plagued by screen crunch (They all collapsed and died)

Fuck that stupid Pterodactyl that brings you back at the start of the stage! It's only the first gawd damn stage. That's my thoughts and review.

Though seriously it's a great game if super unbalanced and frustrating. I think the original is better but there is good stuff here too.