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in the past

Suda51 never disappoints with how insane his games are and that's why I personally love them but I will admit aside from the combat this game is all over the place. I still think its a game everyone should experience at least once.

Sou propenso á gostar de hack and slash então curti esse jogo, o combate têm umas ideias bem criativas que eu curto muito, porém o jogo não foca 100% em combate melee e esse é o problema, além de outros defeitos tipo inimigos atacando de fora da tela, o estilo de arte é muito foda, me senti jogando um quadrinho dos anos 90 e á historia é bem dahora até, não digo que é maravilhosa, mas é bem excentrica e os personagens são boms, ah e o jogo têm aquelas missoes de encontros essas apesar de eu achar legal por destacar uma parte da personalidade do protagonista, mas em questão de gameplay são inúteis chatas e dispensaveis

A little art house in DMC and a crazy Japanese plot and it turns out to be a good slasher film, which has a share of drug addiction and rather suits it.

Немного арт-хауса в DMC и бредового японского сюжета и получается неплохой слешер, у которого есть доля наркомании и скорее ей идет на руку.

had problems due to high fps with QTE, stuck

joguei de porta fechada e olhando pra trás come medo de alguém me ver jogando isso

Same as the console version, except holy shit at least it runs better. And the text edit to make it run a smooth 60 makes the game play the way it probably should've from the beginning. That earns this version one whole extra star.

i genuinely have no idea what to say about this game other than it was fun and i think the nurse lady is hot.


Regrettably didn't enjoy this game very much at all. I wanted to like it real bad but it's just too shallow and frankly annoying. So many slow menus and loading screen between watching movies. When it isn't movies it's mediocre gameplay. I did one date mission and decided never to do one ever again. The game runs at a terrible fps and although I see the game praised for its art style I honestly kinda found it ugly during gameplay. A game can be as SUDA as it wants and I wont complain I just wish the game itself was better.

Killer is Dead é um hack n' slash que tenta inovar, e por partes consegue, mas cai no esquecimento por conta de ser EXTREMAMENTE LINEAR e também muito curto pra ser considerado realmente algo grande

Se fosse colocado um pouco mais de esforço na escrita da história com certeza ele estaria sendo lembrado como um grande hack n' slash que nem o Dante's Inferno, uma pena.

Plusy: niesamowity styl graficzny, niezły gameplay, znakomita muzyka, ciekawa fabuła
Minusy: nie dla każdego, słabe pod względem budowy mapy

Tomokazu Sugita as final boss and hot women are the only highlight of the game

esse é um hack and slash que me surpreendeu bastante, não entendi bulhufas mas adorei a gameplay

Hack n slash doido = bom

(infelizmente não pude jogar o minigame “Mondo Girls” porque eu ainda moro com os meus pais 😭)

Podia ser mais, mas é muito maneiro.

Ojala me diesen una moneda de 1$ por cada que alguien creyese que estaba jugando porno.
Tendría 2$

A violent action game from Grasshopper, written by Suda51. Play as assassin Mondo Zappa as he goes on a revenge tour through a wild neo-noir setting. The gameplay is an ok combo-based slasher, but the aesthetic and music is classic Grasshopper fair and worth it for that alone.

I am not much a fan of Hideyuki Shin work in Grasshopper since I like more when the studio decides to go all out with everything instead of just playing with one concept (Let It Die playing with arcade games being a hard core rogue like with only this idea) but here he does a great job. Killer is Dead is a very normal hack and slash with focus in his presentation and does this very well. You have all the problems Grasshopper faced during this time but for the most time they are very manageable. The Killer7 DNA almost don't have anything left, the forced sexual side content you can ignore since the sub weapons almost don't have much use besides the one that do slow motion. Overall is a fun game, Hideyuki Shin can do some pretty cool.

The Steam release for this refuses to get past the tutorial for me, actually unfathomable that this is still being sold. Deep Silver are hack frauds and whoever they enlisted to port this to PC were grossly ill equipped for this game.

This shit is mondo funny.

Killer is Dead has gotta be one of Suda's most underrated games. As much as I love No More Heroes 3, this game feels like what that game should have. It's fast, fluid, and the blood/combo mechanic rewards you for being skilled at the game.

Things I like:

-Story: The story is really great. It's not as nearly as tough to get a read on the point of, like other Suda games can be, but that's actually good as it allows you to focus more on the characters without having to constantly think "What's the purpose of all of this?" My only problem is that due to the story being so simple, you clock what's happening about halfway through the game and spend the rest of it just leading up to that event. The group dynamic is fantastic and I really wish we got more time with the characters.
-Gameplay: By far the strongest part of the game. KiD is about as close as Suda ever got to replicating the feeling of effortlessly offing multiple goons at once in NMH1. The combo system really lends itself well to combat encounters, rewarding you with more blood the higher your combo gets, and that blood in turn being used for your arm or to kill a particularly troublesome group of enemies incredibly quickly. Speaking of the arm, the gun and charge cannon are fantastic weapons that really help in dealing with annoying ranged enemies or to quickly dispatch foes from afar. The drill I only ever really used if I had to, and the freeze gun is next to useless as it tends to lead to you dropping your combo more than anything. I also have to shout out the parry system, as being able to parry from any direction is such a nice feature and later being able to punish an enemy from a parry helps keep the gameplay feeling fluid.
-Side content: The side missions/challenges are great fun. There's really not much to say with them, some of the missions are great, some are pretty annoying.
-Soundtrack: This OST is filled with bangers. From Vibrations to Symphonic Razor to King of Ghost (and basically all of the boss themes). Some of the level themes are kinda whatever, but when the OST is good it's good. Also, the RIZE/Jesse and the Bones songs that were in the original release of the game were fantastic and the Nightmare Edition is worse off without them. If a mod to add them back in ever gets made, it's worth the effort. Changes the entire feel of the scenes they're in.

Things I didn't like:

-Length of the game: You can very easily beat this game, with all of the side missions, in a handful of hours. Practically everyone I've talked to that enjoys this game agrees that it's just too damned short. It leaves you wanting more, but not in a good way. It also doesn't help that the first handful of chapters in the game are extremely short. The 1st level is just a hallway, the 2nd is a group of enemies, the 3rd is a fairly short level, and the 4th is basically only a boss. At 12 levels, I'd say about half of them are good, and the other half are whatever.
-Leveling up: One issue I had with the game was with how many upgrades were vital to later levels. If you don't replay each level a couple times, you tend to end up without important upgrades. This leads to troublesome encounters that would be way better with certain upgrades.
-Dating: The dating stuff is pretty funny, but you have to do it a decent amount and they lock the weapons behind it. If it had more depth, I'd be okay with it, but as is it's pretty barebones.

What I would change:
-Increase the amount of EXP from side missions by a lot to encourage you to do them and not just repeat main story missions
-Replace the RIZE/Jesse and the Bones songs with at least new music that fits and not the lame instrumentals
-Have more filler missions to help flesh out the group a lot more
-Make the HQ a place you can walk around in and talk to the other characters

Even as a fan of suda51, this game is hard to recommend. It is the definition of style over substance. Very shallow game, just like it's main character.

ilaç gibi geldi yemin ederim 25th ward bitirdikten beri özlem duyuyordum böyle bir yapıma

A hack 'n' slash that is for me the best one from Grasshopper Manufacture, the game rewards replaying levels and having knowledge of how the enemy distribution is handled so you can use One-hit KO moves against the tougher enemies, while farming those with weaker enemies.

The biggest downside of the game is the huge amount of fanservice it has, which is totally unneeded and feels tedious to get around