Reviews from

in the past

Very meh console first person shooter.

It may not have aged well, but it was amazing at the time. One of my favourite games as a child. Killzone felt like it could launch a really good franchise, but having moved to xbox after the ps3 server outages (for 3 months) I haven't really experienced Killzone beyond this edition. However, I haven't heard good things about the series beyond, so I have to assume this was the highlight. An incredible story and fantastic game at the time.

El "Halo Killer". La única razón por la que ponía el disco era para ver su intro prerrenderizada. Un juego gris, feo y aburrido.

Quando era pequeno era louco pra jogar esse game.
Depois que comecei a jogar, não queria mais continuar KK.

Não foi um jogo que me cativou pela sua qualidade, e ainda pra piorar eu tive o desprazer de ter o jogo riscado, o que me impossibilitava de progredir em determinada fase. Enfim, problemas da geração Playstation 2 no Brasil.