Reviews from

in the past

I like this because it has character despite the basic Space Invaders concept. The two guys carrying around a giant crossbow, the goofy king with his "HELP!" and "Thaaank you!" sound effects and silly parasol give this the type of flavor that so many lazy clones of the day lacked.

Probably my favorite Space Invaders-like I've played, which maybe isn't saying much but yea. I like how the lives are tied to the king that you defend rather than the cannon you control, as knowing that I can take infinite amounts of hits with only a brief stun as my punishment for getting hit makes me take more risks and play more aggressively, and in part the game can also be more aggressive with its assault of balloons. That isn't to say this game is easy though, as getting hit while the king is being abducted or having the king get abducted too far away is a certain loss. The voice samples are strange yet charming in their own right. I'd play this over Galaxian any day.

Just an okay Namco arcade game that only really has a 10 minute window of playability

It's basically just Galaxian, except instead of focusing on killing all the bad guys, you gotta kill all the bad guys AND you have to keep saving this doofus king from getting kidnapped by them. It may be a bit too similar to Galaxian for my liking, but I did like the change in strategy, and how instead of you losing lives when you die, you lose lives when the king is captured. Although, I could do without him constantly saying "Help", which does get a little annoying after a while.

Game #161

I'll give it credit for the use of voice acting and having to worry about saving the king. But other than that, it is a forgettable Galaxian clone