Reviews from

in the past

Bosses kind of sucked, but amazing story

It is an absolute tragedy that this game is STILL stuck on the DS (I also lost my cartridge many years ago and havent picked it up since)

It's one of those games where the gameplay is absolutely horrendous and just painstakingly boring, yet the story is cute, and the music is great.

yea the gameplay is kinda dull but this is one of the most effective and tragic stories in gaming and i mean that

Continuing to re experience the entirety of the KH series. While I like the movie version of this just fine, I’m glad I’ve played the game itself. That repetitive structure of doing work for the organization really adds to the vibe of the story. Roxas is my favorite character in the series and honestly Jesse McCartney kills it as him. When he gets angry I’m impressed at how well he works as Roxas. This story adds a lot to KH2, but I think it’s important to experience it as a prequel and not as a primer for KH2. I think KH2 really wants you to feel coldly about roxas at first. The story in hindsight especially after this game enhances the experience and makes replays incredibly effective. Nomura is really good at making it feel like everything was planned, despite the fact that it definitely wasn’t.

358/2 also encapsulates the general tone of the series really well with its key moments.
The “who else will I have ice cream with?” Line is clowned on. That’s not unfair, it’s a silly line. However with the proper context it has a far different impact. Roxas was essentially a newborn learning how humans functioned and interacted. He didn’t know what friendship was or what friends did together. The ice cream hang out sessions make up the bulk of his time becoming friends with Axel and Xion. It’s not that he thinks it’s the only thing friends can ever do; it’s the only thing they’re able to do at all. He’s not concerned about who he will have ice cream with from now on. That sentiment is synonymous with not having any friends left at all.

However, it’s still kinda funny. It’s a goofy series with stilted bizarre dialogue and story moments that make me laugh despite how seriously the game will take it. Through all of that though, I still completely buy the performed emotion of it all. That’s what this game encapsulates within the series. From the outside looking in it’s near impossible to empathize and grasp how anyone can have a genuine emotional investment in the story. It’s one of the few game series that I believe can never be understood without playing all of it. It’s almost like the act of making friends - which is fitting because that’s the whole purpose of the series in a way. You can’t read off someone’s personality traits and interests and automatically care about them. You need to spend time with them and actually get to know them.

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The gameplay is a 3/10
however the HD movie exists.
I watched this before I played 2 and honestly this part of the story was the whole reason I really got into the Kingdom Hearts Story.

I've played alot of games since I originally watched this movie but the whole arc leading into kingdom hearts 3 really stuck with me. I think the whole setup of the sea salt trio and friendship they have is super wholesome and seeing it go to shit broke my heart lol.

I don't care what people say, the ice cream line is beautiful and tragic.

Honestly under-rated. I might go as far to say the best handheld KH game (Albeit, that's mainly due to the deck system in future games).

The puzzle-stat-system thing was a weird concept but I think it's handled well. The mission mode you could play with friends was excellent.

I'm disappointed that with the HD release of the series this game was delegated to a collection of cutscenes. Hopefully we see a revisit to this concept in the future.

Idk why so many people hate this game (and mostly are people who don't like Roxas for some reason).

KH2 may be the best but this game it's just incredible. Maybe the only KH that Nomura really put all his heart, mind and even soul to make at least a good story (and maybe the only good one).

But yeah, if you played this game, you already know that it has it's major flaws, like the simplification of the gameplay and the amount of tedious missions after you explore a world.

But ngl the ending left me crying :(

ngl i just watched the movie bcuz idont have a DS

simplesmente uma estetica apaixonante

Too much jank. Deserves a remake cuz the story is heat, even for KH

eu daria minha vida pra isso não ter lançado só pro ds mas ainda sim é um bom jogo (na medida do possível)

This might have been my first JRPG outside of pokemon, and possibly the first game where the story was so convuluted that i got bored.

This is my favoirte KH game of all time, while yes not having the most amazing combat BUT for a DS game it was pretty fun and gave me alot to do in my college.

Sea salt ice cream sounds pretty good

It is exactly what i expected what a portable Kingdom Hearts game would be. Short missions you could beat in a timely manner fits too well for a game on this console. With one of the most heart-wrenching bosses in the franchises history, I would recommend it if you got the game lying aroung. If not, just watch the movie the 1.5+2.5 provides

Very Fun, just some missions have too many difficulty jumps but other than that pretty fun.

This game has done permanent damage to my psyche.

not one of the more popular games in the community but i don't mind the mission system, quite like the grid system, and like the cast here more than the main cast. i am a defender

The story give you a lot more context in the Org characters that appear in KH2, and it is well written.
I found the gameplay to be fun, and it was nice to experiment a bit with different builds and try out some of the side quests. Still, all that only to a certain extent. Also, I think that the game lacks a bit of QoL.

It is a very good game and I found the gameplay to be better than most people usually say.

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Since I didn't play the game and only watched the three-hour film, I didn't feel like writing a review without pointing this out, so now that I've got that out of the way, I can express myself.

It's a bit boring, in my opinion, I feel like they dragged the story out for way too long, I almost fell asleep during the cutscenes because half of the cutscenes revolve around Roxas eating sea salt ice cream for 358 days straight, and yes I know Roxas story is sad and all, but with that kind of narrative for me it was kinda boring and not engaging at all.

Oh well, at the end of the day I'm a little disappointed, because this is probably the best story in Kingdom Hearts by far, but told in this way I just can't forgive it.

Also, why is it marked as a quiz/trivia game?

This is the best Kingdom Hearts story and cast out of the entire series. The relationship between Axel, Roxas, and Xion is heartfelt and endearing and they actually interact as friends. The storytelling and ambiance that the game sets are both eerie and alluring. As a massive KH fan, it was nice to interact with all the members of Org13 and see their personalities shine through. However, this game is such a drag to play through. Janky controls and repetitive missions that border between frustrating and boring bring down an otherwise beautiful story that I feel is in desperate need of a remake.

Amazin Story with some of the most boring combat and gameplay loop