Reviews from

in the past

Was a favorite of mine at the time. Beat it a bunch of times, both on normal and expert. This game had a lot of personality!

O jogo da minha vida, a minha franquia preferida, o que falar de Kingdom Hearts?
É simplesmente um jogo incrível, e por mais que a gameplay do primeiro jogo hoje seja meio defasada, ainda sim é muito divertida em tudo que se propõe, seja nos combates, mundos, magias, historia, personagens e etc.
O jogo que basicamente moldou esse ser humaninho a gostar de combate em tempo real em RPGs

This game's nice, I like it. I don't care for its story-telling alongside its sequels, but the gameplay, designs and music are tolerable which is what I love about the series. This game also has my favorite design of Sora compared to other appearances he's made in the series.

ComfyKinoes... It isn't my favorite, but I really enjoyed my time on it and appreciate the game for opening so many new doors for me.

Second game I ever played. I love being blinded by nostalgia, it's so good. I replay it every couple of years.

Idk if im just slow but i was so lost in most of this so i needed walkthroughs but this game was good regardless, also I hated the last boss fight

La nostalgia me pega muy fuerte con este juego.

Llegué tarde para esta saga pero me lo pasé en grande con ella, primer titulo de ella, cámara horrible, bien sistema de batalla aunque la del 2 es mejor, excelente banda sonora y una historia que se nota que va para largo

prefiero el 2 pero esta bien para la epoca

They nerfed Donald Duck a lot.

He would punch the final boss to death if it was lore accurate.

Was a little bit janky but I managed and I loved it

I WILL NOT BE SILENCED... I hate everything about this game and everyone who plays it. You all suck toes for a living and you deserve to get doo doo aids. Thats right, I said it. You all are stinky human beings

Such a weird, wonderful mix of Disney and Square Enix. It feels like it shouldn't work at all, but it just does.

i don’t think the implementation of disney shit is appreciated enough

the comfiest game ever made. Childhood whimsy at its finest

I will never understand why this franchise spawned so many goddamn games.

I waited a very long time to give Kingdom Hearts a fair shake. I never played it growing up, but as a Disney fan I felt like I needed to try it at some point, and honestly I'm glad I did. While it definitely has flaws (primarily a ton of backtracking in certain worlds), I finally understand why this series is beloved and nostalgic for a lot of people. It has personally opened me up to playing the rest of the series and to action RPG's in general. I think the biggest compliment I can give this game is that it took an insane crossover concept and not only made it work, but made it feel less and less jarring as you play. The story is also fairly straight forward and simple compared to what's been said about the franchise as a whole, so it's a pretty good gateway game in that regard. Would recommend to any Disney fan looking to get into action RPG's.

I don't know what was happening half the time but the game is cute

I would love it more if the disney characters were taken out but hey that's just me

This game is fighting for its life in a battle between genuinely compelling storytelling and Disney's generic slop. I love the Tetsuya Nomura storytelling but the derivative Disney slop shoved in two-thirds of the game is killing it for me.

One of the most charming and likeable games of all time to me, childhood classic

Makes ya just feel nice, also Goofy the goat

mds quanto boss 😐😑😶