Reviews from

in the past

A good marble game for the Wii that maybe I need to play more of since people adore this game and claim its one the best of the system. I admit its good but I did find the controls kind of frustrating at times but it was still fun. Plus it is a Hudson release so that's always a positive.

Sabe quando tudo que você precisa é um jogo simples, honesto, fofinho e divertido? Kororinpa era isso que eu buscava. Os controles são bem responsivos, as fases são bem interessantes e tem bastante conteúdo mesmo que você não queira ir atrás de todos os recordes.

Talvez seja um dos melhores jogos do Wii que usam os controles de movimento pra criar algo único e que não parece forçado. Se você quer algumas horinhas de diversão sem compromisso, Kororinpa é a pedida.

Going into this game, I was expecting it to just be a wii equivalent of those little marble puzzles where you roll a marble on a block of wood and avoid the holes. What I actually ended up getting was like a combination of Super Monkey Ball with Gravity Rush. You tilt the stage around to collect crystals and get a ball into a hole as quickly as possible, and the motion controls are actually rather solid and precise. Since your wii remote is your representation of the stage being tilted, you have a full 360 degrees of movement for tilting, which if used properly can basically give your marble the ability to manipulate gravity. I'd imagine speedrunning this game would be insane. I'd say if you like something like monkey ball and want to see it go even further beyond, then this would absolutely be the game for you.

This is my "Masterpiece that you played as a child and have never heard anybody else mention"

the best game made for the nintendo wii