Reviews from

in the past


Played it once and got a bad ending (or at least, what looked like one). Maybe in a 100 years, I'll be interested enough to try and unlock the other endings.

FMV interessante, super razoável do início ao fim

what if we made a movie.....but get this..... its bad,,...

Jako interaktivní experiment nezajímavé a s křížkem po funuse, jelikož jiní to samé již zvládli lépe. Volby navíc na podobný typ experimentu nejsou příliš časté. A když už, tak až na něco málo čestných výjimek jde spíše o zdání volby, jelikož alternujete reakce hlavní postavy na dění spíše než že byste ovlivňovali přímo dění.

Což by nemusel být nutně problém, kdyby za něco stáli neherci; nestojí. Kdyby za něco stála režie; nestojí. Nebo alespoň scénář, který je ovšem otřesný a nedává smysl. Jako film to tedy nefunguje vůbec. A jako hra také ne, protože ty cca dva tucty nic neřešících ano/ne rozhodnutí je na "celovečerní" zážitek příliš málo, než abyste se cítili jako aktivní hybatel dění a ne pasivní divák, který má mezi dlouhými nudnými neinteraktivními bloky udržet pozornost natolik, aby neusnul před další (ne)volbou.

Je smutné, že zdaleka nejzajímavější je na tom nechtěně směšná tuzemská lokalizace, která rodilého mluvčího (ať již anglického či českého) neviděla ani z rychlíku. Překlep stíhá překlep, nepochopený přenesený význam doslovný nesmyslný překlad apod.

Většina voleb je jednoslovných a s ohledem na vyústění vyloženě zavádějících. Na tvůrci zamýšlené opakované průchody to pak není už vůbec, právě proto, že se na to nedá kvůli nekvalitám koukat, kvůli zmršené lokalizaci se to nedá číst a díky absentujícímu množství smysluplných voleb nedá se to ani hrát.

A crime thriller FMV, you play an unlucky chap trying to survive through a heist. This played like a movie with the occasional choice. It ran solid; I had no issues with stuttering. The acting was good.

I'm guessing the studio had a healthy budget. There were expensive cars, homes, sets, costumes, etc. They give much credit to the services that helped made this possible. I was really impressed.

My main negatives would be to add a fastfoward/skip mechanic, chapters system, or a manual save. Trying to hunt the achievements and the seven different endings was a bit of a drag. You have to watch the ENTIRE run each time. It would have been greatly appreciated. The writing doesn't always make sense. Very questionable at times.

Cool ig, wouldn't go out of my way to buy this

Güzel oyun, akıcılığına da diyecek sözüm yok lakin diğer kararlarımızın sonuçlarını görmek için tekrar oynamamız gerekmesi sinir bozucu.

nothing award winning but it's cool

Didn't expect an interactive movie to be interesting, but it's definitely worth playing. With my more than amateurish movie experience, it all feels well played out, though it hardly pulls off any inspiring shots. I know that all the 'choose-your-story' narratives, like the ones in some books, are difficult to write and tie together, but it's the usual kind where you barely know what you're choosing and despite whatever expectations you might have, the outcome might as well be entirely random. The ending's good though.

It's been a while since i've played this one, so i can't say too much, but i remember it being fun when i DID play it.

This works so much better playing alone than with a cinema audience five years ago. All choices are mine!

Ranked: All Time

Originally posted here:

You would think that in the age of high definition quality video and more money to spend developing games, that the few FMV (Full Motion Video) games that show up would have the same level of bizarre creativity that they did in the 90’s when CD’s became the hot new item. But it feels like that each and every FMV game is just taking advantage of the fact that they could copy movies and television to create something that just feels like anything else you could stream or rent online, which is a shame.

Our main protagonist is Matt, a college student who is working as a parking lot attendant as one night, he finds himself dragged into the criminal world of London when he is forced to work with a group of armed robbers looking to steal a valuable item that has gone up for auction. He ends up befriending one of the members of the group, a woman named May-Ling.

As a movie, Late Shift looks like your standard film. It doesn’t look terrible, but there’s nothing amazing to look at. It’s all well shot for what it is. The plot is bare bones, and it kinda has to be so the “choose-your-own-adventure” style choice system wouldn’t get too complicated. There isn’t any real gameplay to speak of. Every now and again a choice will pop up giving you 2 to 3 options to choose from that progress the game. Depending on your choices, this will lead to one of several endings.

Let’s face it, if this was just released as a movie, it wouldn’t do too well. It’s too by the numbers in terms of acting, plot, and everything else. It would be that film that would appear every now and again in someones “Recommended For You” feed on their streaming service of choice but not a lot of people would click on.

I don’t hate Late Shift. But when I can go back to the gold era of FMV’s and get something crazy, weird, and out there even if it’s a so-bad-it’s-good. And considering that some of those games even had other things, like actual gameplay in between the FMV, such as puzzles and action, the FMV felt more like a neat bonus, or hindrance on who you ask, rather than the focus of the game. And considering that the TV series Black Mirror has come out with it’s own choose-your-own-adventure with “Bandersnatch”, Late Shift can’t really hold a candle. Unfortunately, all this game does is fall into mediocrity, only to be forgotten hours after playing it.

play along with the ride and it all makes sense. try to go against it and your character will devolve into some sort of deranged schizophrenic who just does things arbitrarily. the illusion of choice couldn't be more annoying, but you know what's even worse? the complete absence of a fastforward/skip button. these scenes once is enough--twice and more and i'm done.

Late Shift is like one of those cheesy, old-school FMV games brought to the modern age. It's basically an interactive movie where you make choices that impact the story. The acting is... well, let's just say it's not winning any Oscars, but the heist plotline keeps things entertaining. Honestly, it's a fun novelty for a while, but the forced choices get annoying, and it feels kinda shallow for an interactive movie.

plot foi avançando de uma maneira estranha e sem sentido as vezes. Esperava mais

No obtuve todos los finales, aun así, el juego me pareció bueno. La mayoría de las elecciones son relevantes y en general son interesantes y coherentes.

"I told you to fuck off, yeah? So fuck off!"

Actually a good dumb time

Interesting combination of videogame and movie. But it's more like a movie than a game

There is the bottom of the barrel of game design, then below that, somehow, there is Late Shift.

Late Shift was the first game of its genre that I played, and to my surprise, I quite enjoyed it. It felt like watching an evening movie, but with the added element of being able to decide which path the character would choose. I hope this industry continues to grow, so we can have more games like this.

Interactive movies are a great idea, one that should be further explored. So far, this is the game of this genre that I have enjoyed playing the most.

Played with friends in a get-together. Fun time, cool gimmick. Needs more production value.

It's not bad but for god's sake, a skip cutscene option would be the best for this game. You have to play the thing all over again every time you want to make changes and at least for me, it's not worth it.

A really high quality FMV game with good acting, a large cast, and real sets.

The choices you can make are also interesting, allowing you to essentially shape the personality of the main character. Unfortunately, you can't skip scenes, which makes replaying the game to get all the endings a chore (like Until Dawn).
This is really one of the most aggravating things about CYOA games in general: they make you repeat the same content over and over. And it's not a matter of padding the game's length, either. The game is short either way.

But aside from that QoL issue, this game is good.

A unique experience that doesn't have much replay value.