Reviews from

in the past

Got three levels deep and never encountered a new mechanic. They might come later, but all I got from the game was running to the right and extremely basic platforming.

It did the same joke at the end of each level, and the cutscene humour just fell very flat for me. I was surprised to see it was only made in 2020. Felt much older.

Great graphics and story.

Controls were simple and for the most part included walking forward and jumping as well as turning wheels and pushing levers.

Enemies are stupidly easy to avoid since they follow a path and as long as you're out if the light or are far enough away, you won't get hurt.

9 chapters, but was ready for it to end by the seventh chapter or so.

Pretty short Playtime. I completed in about 3.5 hours.

Повёлся на визуал и сеттинг: советский недронавт (это как космонавт, только под землёй) на допросе врубает «ненадежного рассказчика» и оправдывается перед генералом за потерю корабля с атомной бомбой. А чтобы его не расстреляли, он тянет время, рассказывая, какие миры видел под землей. Вот мы и бегаем по этим мирам.

Спойлерить ничего не буду по сюжету (он вроде ни о чём, хотя под конец даже растрогал), но вот сама беготня скучноватая: никаких вызовов и загадок, а платформинг однокнопочный и простейший (особенно после трёх частей Краша). Зато всё красивенькое и огромное: на фоне всегда возвышаются гигантские сооружения или животины, а Иван побывает и под водой, и внутри Кита, и в космосе, и в джунглях, и в пустыне.

Сама игра поделена на эпизоды как в сериале с заставкой и закадровым интригующим голосом а-ля «Сможет ли Иван избежать смерти?», главные герои изрыгают изо рта всякие русские города, по типу Омска, Томска, Магнитогорска, Челябинска-40, вспоминают Байкал и землю Санникова — такая милая советская клюква.

Кто хочет не напрягаясь побегать, слушая диалоги про русских от американцев, то вот вариант. Красиво, очень просто и забавно, местами кинематографично.

Ci sta per passare qualche ora senza nessun impegno, col culo sfondato sulla poltrona, e ha una bella varietà di ambienti. Però è, in generale, tutto da basic bitch

Mi fa ridere che sia stato realizzato dagli stessi di Dear Esther e del secondo Amnesia

Unfortunately on iOS the platforming is completely unresponsive and haphazard. You spend much of your time falling or being eaten by a T-Rex simply because the touch controls failed to register.

Disappointing, as I found the narrative intriguing and the music memorable.

Years ago I might have persisted but life is too short to put up with games that don’t function correctly.

Tried on two separate occasions to get into this after reading a glowing review and enjoying similar cinematic platformers, and I’m giving up on it. Puzzles are obvious and sparse, and the story wasn’t interesting, which is necessary for a strong cinematic platformer. Often those games tell their stories wordlessly through mysterious environments and expressive animation, and this game dictates it to you through an annoying narrator.

As cinematic platformers go, Little Orpheus is definitely on the simpler and easier side, with puzzles and platforming that don't exactly demand much of the player; I've seen others label this a side-scrolling walking simulator, which is understandable even if I don't quite agree with that classification. That said, the presentation, visuals, art direction, and short playtime still make this worth checking out for fans of the genre.

great large-scale visuals. easy-going gameplay, running and jumping. no combat. running dialog with soviet general is fun, good characters.