Reviews from

in the past

Em geral passei mais raiva do que me diverti.
A mira é um pé no saco, a direção é um pé no saco, a polícia é um pé no saco, a demora entre os checkpoints é um pé no saco.
O que salva é a história. Achei um puta final.

hello vito hi vito hello vito hey. hey vito hey. hey vito . hello

Terrible port, it hurts otherwise a good game.


Now let me just preface this review by saying that I have never played the original Mafia or Mafia II, but have played the remake of the first Mafia game before playing this one.

And, in short, the remake of the first game is much much better in pretty much all areas. But that is not to say that this remaster (not remake) of the second game in the Mafia franchise does not have anything to offer.

I have to admit though that this game would be absolutely nothing without its story and wide host of memorable characters - both of which kept me engaged throughout and wanting to play until the end. Whilst the game's protagonist, Vito Scaletta, is a bit of a blank state, his rise through the ranks of the Empire Bay mob is a tale as old as time - one which has been told again and again in gangster movies throughout the decades.

And yes, the characters he interacts with are slightly archetypal in their presentation (your Joe Pesci-esque best friend Joe Barbaro who constantly gets you into trouble with his half-baked schemes and short temper, your mentor figure Leo Galante who introduces you into the inner circle of the mafia when you meet him in prison etc) I couldn't help but become interested in the stories that they helped to tell.

So the story is a big plus, as is the setting (if you're a massive fan of the period like me) but how is the gameplay seen as -you know - this is a game and not a movie?

Overall, a resounding meh. Gun-play is serviceable but not too engaging (only really had to focus once or twice during combat when hitting some absurd difficulty spikes towards the end of the campaign - and this was on the hardest difficulty), driving is again, just OK, and I still genuinely have no idea how the 'speeding system' works in this game. Sometimes I'd speed past a cop car and they'd follow me and try to arrest me but other times I'd drive past going even faster and they wouldn't bat an eye. Weird, and inconsistent.

I understand that the open world is not the selling point of this title, but I was confused that there seemed to be so many mechanics which were just never explained or were outright, or borderline, useless. Like, why would I need to ever stop at a gas station to fill up my car with some fuel? I also never visited the auto repair shops scattered across the map aside from when the game forced me to do so early on. Also, apparently robbing shops is a thing in this game. I wouldn't know because I never did it, and money is essentially useless in this game anyway.

There are also technical issues with absurd pop-in and some wonky animations during cut-scenes, but a lot of the time I found these more humorous than annoying. Whether you feel the same is a matter of preference.

So, after reading about how awful this remaster was supposed to be on sites such as Reddit, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed Mafia II. Whilst I did go in with low expectations, I found an engaging story, characters and tolerable mechanics - and did have fun.

But ultimately the game is just that, average. Without the quality of story, writing and voice acting I'd even go so far as to say this game would be deemed bad.

I therefore can't, in good conscience, give this game any higher than a 3/5, even though it does have a great story to tell.

It was great, though I did stumble upon a a few technical errors, I enjoyed the story of Vito and the downward spiral his life takes as the life he wanted only put him in the same place. The gameplay felt directly refined with better combat, like a surprising depth to melee.

Boring. Boring cliché characters in a boring cliché mob story. Boring stale GTA gameplay. Bugs. Glitches. Even the voice acting sounded poorly recorded and distorted at times, which is a first. Nothing here that hasn't been done much better in other games.

Man, PS Plus offerings are getting worse and worse.

Essa vai ser uma review não convencional, até porquê, Mafia é um jogo não convencional.

Eu tive minha primeira experiência com Mafia jogando o remake de 2020. E honestamente, me surpreendeu bastante. Os gráficos, a gameplay, e principalmente a história me pegaram de surpresa. O conto sobre o taxista Tommy Angelo, que começa a ir mais e mais fundo na toca de coelho que é a vida mafiosa, e quando se dá conta do quão fundo foi, não consegue mais ver a luz da saída.

Como podem ver, eu estava ansioso pra ver a sequência desse jogo, então fui com sede ao pote... e me decepcionei.

A review é sem spoilers, então não vou falar muito sobre ela, mas ela não tem começo, meio, e honestamente, nem fim. E isso me irritou bastante. Ela poderia ter continuado e continuado, igual uma série de TV muito popular. Ela não tem um ápice, não tem momentos tristes nem memoráveis. É facilmente esquecível. Esse é meu problema com ela.

A gameplay é tremendamente boa. As armas, a mecânica de dirigir, de quebrar fechaduras, tudo é extremamente fluido e satisfatório. É super divertido roubar uma loja e sair correndo da policia em carros dos anos 50/60. E tudo sem bugs.

Se na gameplay o jogo não tem bugs, nos gráficos... meu deus. Eu enfrentei diversos bugs gráficos: rostos deformados, texturas inexistentes... e a lista continua. Os gráficos em si não são ruins, mas a qualidade do remaster é duvidosa. É possível inclusive notar, enquanto você estiver em um carro em alta velocidade, o ponto em que o jogo aplica o filtro e o ponto que o filtro acaba. Um pouco mal feito, mas no limite do aceitável.

Resumindo, é um ótimo jogo. Recomendo? Sim, é um jogo extremamente divertido. É melhor que seu antecessor? Não, nem a pau.

Mafia 2, and I must say that it is quite good technically, the only technical thing that failed me a lot is the AI ​​of the NPCs, since many enemies could not be found or they did not advance and I had to go look for them, which is annoying, It's not great, but not to play it, it's an "open world" since it lets you do what you want only between missions, which takes away from the immersion (immersion, which is the best thing about the game). I feel like this game could perfectly be a movie and would work better. since there are many missions that are about going from point A to point B and are only to advance the story. The rest of the gameplay feels pretty good, the shootings are the main thing, I didn't like the driving as much but it's not bad. overall I recommend it 9/10

this almost has better gameplay than the remake of 1... but you took away manual transmission driving from me...

Mafia 2 c'est un 4,5/5 de mon coté, par contre cette "Definitive Edition" est vraiment pas folle, en plus des bugs présents dans le jeu original, elle en apporte des nouveaux, et en plus retire quasi toute les meilleures musiques du jeu.

Si vous voulez jouer au jeu, faite le jeu original "Mafia 2 Classic" sur Steam, par contre si vous êtes sur console... bon courage.

This review contains spoilers

Love the story, but damn the ending sucked; far too abrupt with hardly any resolution (although I do like Joe’s ambiguous fate; I just wish it was made more clear that Vito is now stuck in a life he probably doesn’t want anymore).

The gameplay was about as enjoyable same as the first game (the remake), although gunplay was very repetitive after awhile.

The attention to detail in open world design was stunning and it was a joy to drive around and listen to all the classic hits.

Overall a fun if somewhat dated experience with a great story for the most part and a lot of passion for period authenticity.

A história é legal e eu curto muito a temática, curto muito a amizade do Joe e Vito, esse final é foda e esse jogo merecia um remaster melhor ou até mesmo um remake igual fizeram com o primeiro, mas tirando isso, eu não gosto da gameplay desse jogo e é muito frustrante ao decorrer da campanha, a gente tem pouca vida e os checkpoints são longes pra caralho, tem uns que tu termina a missão e vai brincar um pouco no mundo aberto e morre tu volta pra um lugar que tu não terminou a missão, no jogo também tiveram bugs de carros aparecendo do nada e vozes uma por cima da outra no ultimo capitulo e problemas de FPS durante algumas partes do jogo

A história de Vito Scaletta é muito boa. Parece ser uma história mais heterogênea do que a do primeiro mafia.

hem 40'lar hem 50'ler atmosferini ayrı ayır çok güzel veriyo
müzikleri çok güzel
oynanış çok tekdüze ve sıkıcılaşıyo. ve savaşmak can sıkıcı. bir mermi yiyince ölücek duruma geliyo karakter. sürekli siperden bir bir vura vura oynamak zorunda bırakıyo.
hikaye aşırı odaksız ama genel mafya konseptini güzel işliyo.
leo galante hariç akılda kalıcı karakter yok.
aile babalarını neredeyse hiç görmüyoruz keşke onlara daha çok ekran tanınsaydı.
sonu çok ani. memnun kalmadım.
arabalar, kıyafetler, mekanlar çok hoş.

Great game and it is very definitive!

Nessa critica, eu irei fazer por critérios, diferentemente das outras. É uma nova abordagem que eu estou testando, espero que gostem.

-Minhas impressões: 1,3
Curti bastante o jogo, mas teve diversos crashes durante a gameplay.

-Ambientação e Estilo: 1,7
O jogo é bonito e tem cenários legais, mas em alguns momento causa estranheza, ainda mais que manteve diversas características do jogo de PS3. Mas pode ser achismo meu

-Historia: 2
É otima, apresenta uma jornada épica de vito, com diversas dificuldades, seja da vida ou da familia, algumas revoltas e um final de certa forma chocante.

-Gameplay e mecânicas: 2
Mafia 2 possui mecânicas de policia bem interessantes, que não são vistas em nenhum jogo da trilogia, como reconhecimento de placa e vestimenta, ou ate mesmo de precisar pagar multa em certas ocasiões. A gameplay e bem fluida, com botões dentro do padrão.

-Soundtrack: 1,8
A soundtrack trás uma intensificação dos clímax da historia, além de ter uma boa seleção de radio. Porém peca um pouco em trazer outros sentimos, dependendo de musicas terceirizadas.

Nota final: 8,8
Mafia 2 trás uma trama intrigante que te prede, uma cidade ate rica, levando em conta que o jogo é mais linear, e personagens carismáticos. Ele entrega o suficiente pelo tempo de jogo que ele tem e você vai sair satisfeito. É um bom jogo que recomendo demais.

Absolute travesty of a port and a shoddy remaster. You are better off playing the original release on PC.

un super jeu, l'ambiance y est toujours et le monde ouvert est déjà un peu plus utile que le 1er avec les boutiques et service.

Mais, un très gros mais. Je n'ai absolument pas aimé l'histoire. Je la trouve vraiment nul. Vito est inintéressant et tout au long du jeu il se fais juste baiser par tout le monde enfaite. Aussi un point quand on rentre dans la famille, a aucun moment dans le jeu on a l'impression de faire partie de la famille. On traine juste avec Joe et Henry. Vraiment déçu sur ce point. Le 1 avait ce charme de faire partie d'une famille et d'avoir des proches. Le 2 il n'y a rien de tout ca. En tout cas le 1 reste bien le meilleur des deux.

Jugada la versión de PS4 del PS Plus en la PS5. Huid de esta versión y, si podéis, jugad a la versión normal (no remasterizada) en Steam.

Esta versión, al menos en consola, está capada a 30 fps y es el port (no llega a remaster) más horroroso que he jugado. Fallos gráficos, fallos en las cinemáticas, fallos sonoros, bugs visuales, errores en la iluminación, glitches que te impiden avanzar en la trama (especial mención a los populares glitches, que por supuesto me he comido, en los capítulos 11 y 14).

En resumen, si alguien os recomienda esta versión es momento de dejar de ser amigos de esa persona. Haceos un favor y jugar a la versión vanilla de Steam. Incluso las versiones originales en PS3 y 360, que son mejores que esta auténtica chapuza.

Terrible port, if you want to play it, pick it up on steam and play classic(it runs really well)

Despite how buggy this version is, i still loved it

barely a remaster and there are quite a bit of visual and performance bugs but holy moly i dont think i have ever played a more racist game than this, basically the only slur not said was the n word

9H 47M Time played

Look at how they massacred my boy...

Probably my favorite of the trilogy. Just a fun Gears clone with a mafia film backdrop.

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Очень смешенные чувства после прохождения.

Поговорим сначала об этой версии игры.
Спустя два года после релиза, разрабы так и не смогли исправить косяки. Они, конечно, игру не ломают, но делают опыт от неё менее приятным. То у героя перестанет отображаться шляпа и будет виден странный разрез головы, как будто Вито вышел из больницы после неудачной операции на мозге. То свет будет просвечивать сквозь балки на крыше. То герой будет стоять в текстуре кровати. То во время катсцены у одного из героев будут косые глаза и т.д.
Про русскую озвучку я промолчу. Она свой функционал выполняет, но не более того.

Что касается самой игры, то тут тоже есть вопросы. Во-первых, копы в этой игре крайне жалкие. Смыться от них не составит никакого труда. Более того, вам даже не надо будет менять номер машины, хотя игра учила делать это для таких целей. Соблюдать правила на дороге тоже не надо. Даже в присутствии копов можно проехать на красный свет, хотя в первой части, они бы тут же начали погоню.
Магазины с оружием абсолютно бессмысленные, потому что вы и так получите оружие во время заданий. К тому же есть шанс, что вы можете потерять всё оружие, потому что так потребовал сюжет. Походы в магазин не имеют никакого смысла, имхо. Их можно грабануть, но зачем вам все эти вещи и деньги, если всё и так вам дают за бесплатно. Если нужны деньги, то можно потратить 15 минут и украсть пару машин на продажу. Вообще странная ситуация. Если герои хотят денег, то им же реально проще машины красть, лол. И не надо вступать ни в какую мафию. За 15 минут можно заработать 2к долларов.
Стрельба в игре нормальная. Очень порадовала система разрушения. Всё разлетается на щепки и во время крупных перестрелок это выглядит очень эффектно.
Сюжет сумбурный, но понравилось, что он с двойным дном. Бэкграунд главного героя к концу сливается с основными событиями в игре, что очень круто. Однако, концовка полное говно, с закосом на ДЛС.
Атмосфера хороша, но всё равно было такое чувство, будто чего-то не хватает. Сложно сказать чего, поэтому можете пропустить эту претензию мимо ушей. Просто говорю про личный опыт.

Даже не знаю, стоит ли рекомендовать или нет. Если будет крупная скидка на игру - почему бы и нет. Брать за полную цену я бы не стал из-за выше перечисленных моментов.

Loved this game 100x more than I loved the first Mafia game but Vito and Joe's storyline was amazing.