Reviews from

in the past

Half interesting story with really odd decisions by the characters. That ending really put me off.

An okay-ish walking sim that it's way too underwhelming in it's execution

Juego que estuvo Ok sin más

The game can be played in an hour; there's no save options since it encourages you to play it in one sitting. There's voice acting which is pretty decent for a free game.

I do like the art style and "illustrations" that tie into a character's journal/diary. It reminds me of the game, Life is Strange.

i don't really remember the game or how it ends soooooo meh?

Great short experience, I like this short free games. I value this a bit higher because it's not a full game and I understand is small and quick, for just one sit and playthrough. If you want some narrative experience in one hour, try this one.

It's fine, I guess. I found the story to be the weak point in this game which is unfortunate for a walking simulator. I do however enjoy the environment art and sound design. Both help set the nostalgic mood for the flashback quite well.

its ok for a free lil experience

Decent short story with Life is Strange vibes and it's free!

It's well voice-acted for its budget, and there's decisions it makes that I do like. (Most notably, it's about high school memories but the "past" of the game is the same year the game came out, which neatly avoids a lot of worn out nostalgia tropes.) It feels derivative, though, and doesn't take those influences to a particularly new or different place.

The denouement didn't feel earned, and I was kind of left wondering if the developers had a story they wanted to tell, or if they just put this together because they thought people might buy it.

A free-to-play game that gives Life is Strange vibes. It is a short game with a few puzzles, but it is good!

Decent story with some exploration elements. A good time waster if you are bored and looking for something to do.

It's a mix bag. On one had, it's visually stunning for such a small team and the plot is quite refreshing, even if had a few flaws. On the other hand is a very simple puzzle game, so nothing exciting on that aspect but something that can make you want to take your time, so the fact that the game lacks a save system can be a bit frustrating, even if the game is short

Me gustó mucho la historia. Creo que es una buena forma de contar algo interesante, que además va escalando en drama y que luego se representa sin grandes efectos pero igualmente impactante. Como juego corto funciona, y toda la ambientación me encantó. Además de que los logros son simples, así que podes completarlo casi de una.

they couldve been lesbians and in love with eachother

I played this before I played Gone Home, but it's easy to see the influence (down to the theming!). This one sort of circumvented the issue I had with the house being ransacked even though it didn't really need to be, since the framing device has you flash back to the main characters' teen years, and, like, teenagers' rooms always look kinda rifled through. Sort of a nostalgic air to proceedings. Little game and story, but not bad.

Easy way to bum me out - kill a cat. Apparently, you only have to imply this.

A short walking simulator game where you try to discover what happened in the past. The story is okay, but I still liked the way past events were presented in the game.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). Touchscreen is needed.

Lots of Gone Home vibes. I really like this 'story told through inanimate objects that evoke memories' formula.

Very Life-is-Strange-y, it's okay. Even though I'd love indie devs to try out other ways to tell a story than looking at objects and listening to audio tracks of people talking.

Intriguing, cozy and reminiscent of LIS

i honestly just really like indie games