Reviews from

in the past

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My face when you fight a fucking dragon

I feel like now that my understanding of Final Fantasy has increased, I feel like I can appreciate this game more

I know most people see this as the novelty game where it's an okay Mario mini game collection that for some reason or another has final fantasy characters in it. But I gotta ask, was the plan always to stop at the FF1 characters and a few notable enemies? Because I refuse to believe nobody at Nintendo thought "let's get Sephiroth on the court."

Este es el mejor juego de deportes que existe. La colaboración con Final Fantasy le da un toque todavía más mágico al mundo de Mario. Los estadios eran muy originales, los personajes tenían habilidades e incluso había una especie de modo historia en el que avanzabas por un torneo del deporte elegido.

nintendo, steal cactuar from square enix I need him in mario kart.

Don't mind me, I played it mainly for the FF content (+ Slime from DQ). Oh, and Waluigi. For him always, no matter what.

this game and a bottle of chocolate milk at 7am. fuck yeah.

also got me into final fantasy LOL

Mario Sports Mix, a mathematical enigma that, for some players, seems to have a contentious relationship with basic arithmetic. There's a larger level of confusion and/or frustration to be had in Mario Sports Mix, stemming from challenges in comprehending the game's mechanics, especially in the context of basketball. It's an intriguing twist that adds a layer of complexity to the overall gaming experience.

Score: 4/10

This is both a great Mario sports game and a nostalgic one too, since Easter 2012. So needless to say, I enjoyed the game greatly for the past 11 years. The graphics still hold up today and look great for Wii standards. The controls are also really well-done, both with the Wii Remote alone and the Wii Remote with the Nunchuk. Final Fantasy fans didn't get to miss out either because of including bosses like the Behemoth demon (both the normal and Sports Mix modes) and Black Mage, etc plus special characters like Slime and White Mage in the game, which is a nice touch by Nintendo on this game. Plus, the online mode was actually as good as Mario Kart Wii back in the day, which was a rare sighting back in the days of Nintendo WFC. So in conclusion, this game is a Mario sports classic that still holds up well to this day. If you want this game for yourself, get a physical copy on eBay or other sites since you can't use the eShop anymore on Wii U. A great Mario Sports game that's worth a buy for someone who still has a Wii or Wii U and one that the whole family would enjoy. This game earns a 4.5/5 from me and I easily recommend it for Wii or Wii U owners.

I still can't believe that you fight a huge demon at the end of this mario sports game.

the part where the mario characters fight the final fantasy boss was kinda sick

Loved this game so much

Mario Sports Mix is a vibrant party game that brings Mario and friends into playful competition across sports like volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, and hockey. The game shines in its chaotic multiplayer fun, where power-ups and wacky stage gimmicks create hilarious moments. While some sports feel deeper than others, the core gameplay remains accessible and enjoyable for all skill levels. However, the single-player campaign can lack depth and longevity, making Mario Sports Mix ultimately better suited for spirited group play rather than extended solo sessions.

basketball was kind of mid but the other 3 sports were awesome i loved the tournament

I was really looking forward to playing Mario Sports Mix again. Like all the other Wii Mario sports games I had this one as a kid but for some reason or another either lost it or gave it to a friend in exchange for one of their games soon after getting it, and therefore don't really remember a lot about the game. After finally having replayed it though I can say in all confidence that this is it, this is the game where Mario sports games lost all their soul.

Instead of focusing in on one sport specifically like all the games in the Mario Sports subseries have before, Mario Sports Mix has four separate sports to play and master being Basketball, Volleyball, Dodgeball, and Hockey. I get that the point of the game was to make it a mix of sports as the title implies but in doing so each sport loses its depth and uniqueness, something that was very present in Mario Sports games past. Each sport has extremely simplistic controls that I learned within the first match and no real in-depth mechanics that you have to master to succeed. Of course there are the Mario sports game staples present here like items, character abilities, and different stadium gimmicks but they feel so toned down here and like they effect the gameplay very little. The simplicity of the gameplay just leads to an experience that is incredibly easy, once you know how to score nothing is stopping you from doing so, especially not the extremely easy to beat CPUs. Another problem that this leads to is each individual match feeling too long. In the sports that rely on clocks to end (Hockey and Basketball) it felt like said clock was going in slow motion and it only gets worse once you realize that every second you're scoring is another second that the clock isn't running, and because the game is super easy and the CPU's not at all challenging you'll be scoring a lot. In Volleyball there's no clock but you are required to get a whopping 15 points to win a set and you have to win 2 sets to win the match, combine that with the slow gameplay of the sport and it's not very fun either. This led to Dodgeball being my favorite sport of the bunch here as it's the only one where you're in control of the game's pace, instead of a clock the game relies on life bars and every time you successfully hit an opponent with the ball their life bar depletes and it goes until you've fully defeated both your opponent's life bars, you still have to do two sets of this but it's much quicker than the other sports.

In terms of content and unlockables the game certainly delivers, but I'd argue not in a good way. Each sport has three championship cups to go through, complete one and you unlock the next one, complete the final match of the final cup and you get the grand trophy for it. Upon getting all four grand trophies for all the sports you'll be treated to a special final boss fight against the Behemoth, a creature that looks ripped straight out of a Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest game and due in large part to Square Enix's co-development on this game. The boss fight incorporates moves from all of the specific sports and is actually a bit difficult, by that I mean I still beat it first try like everything else in this game, but it had me low on health a few times. Once you complete that you unlock another sport of sorts being the "Sports Mix" mode. Sports mix takes the tournament structure and just has you play a random sport for each match, where the CPUs are a little noticeably harder but that's about the only difference. I'd like to say this mode was an interesting and valid inclusion but really, it's just more padding to pad out an already heavily padded game. That's not all though because after you beat all the cups in each sport you unlock a hard mode for each of them, which surprise surprise, is once again only slightly harder and just more padding. Apart from the tournament mode there's one minigame for each sport but I didn't find these to be all that fun either if I'm being honest. And then there's the unlock system, which is quite frankly, just a mess all around. In order to unlock things you have to reenter a tournament you've already completed and look for secret paths on the map screen between matches, it's almost completely random if a secret path will appear after you win a match and it's also random whether a hidden character will appear along that path once you do get on it or of you'll even be on the right path to get that character at all because there are several different paths. Because all of this is random, I found myself constantly restarting tournaments to see if I got lucky that time and it was just exhausting and unsatisfying to complete. On top of this when you finally do unlock something it's only for the specific sport you're playing, meaning you have to repeat this arduous process 3 more times which is exactly where I said screw this and gave up on the game. The game has content in spades but none of it is meaningful or fun to complete, just tedious and frustrating.

Finally, I come to the game's presentation, and it's probably the most unlikable aspect of the whole thing to me. In sharp contrast to literally every other Mario Sports game up to this point, Mario Sports Mix is just so bland and generic. Where other games had fun and hype intro cutscenes Mario Sports Mix has a cutscene of Mario and friends playing the game's sports in a plain white void, where other games had various fun victory or loss animations with personality Mario Sports Mix has one very basic animation for each character when they score a point, where other games had stylish UI and music that matched the tone of the game perfectly Mario Sports Mix has sterile UI and so-so music, and the list goes on. Mario Sports Mix took the genuine fun out of these game's personality and replaced it with artificial fun, Mario isn't here playing these four sports because he wants to be he's here because he's contractually obligated to be.

Maybe I was wrong to look forward to replaying this game, it's gameplay was much worse than I remembered it being, the loads of content it offers isn't as meaningful to and adult with limited time as it was to a kid with unlimited time, getting all the unlockable is much more of a tedious process than a fun one, and overall, the style just feels like the heart is gone. The game can still be kind of fun on a base level, but for the miserable process of completing it and the bad precedent it set for future Mario Sports games, I can't in good conscious call this a good game anymore.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

On one hand, I like the variety in sports and the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest characters added to a Mario Sports game of all things...But on the other hand, none of these sports feel that fleshed out compared to other Mario Sport titles on the Wii and previous gens. It really just feels like: X sport but with Mario characters and SOME Mario gimmicks.

I don't know, I think they should've just focused in fleshing out just one sport and give us a very solid Mario Sports game, instead of this mix of different sports that feel all very simplistic and even kinda the same.

Giving it 3 stars and a half just because of the Square Enix content added. These bosses are just batshit insane and don't fit whatsoever, but that's what makes it funny.

Still a good game, I had fun with it, just not my first pick when it comes to these games. Should've just made a very solid Wii version of Mario Hoops 3-on-3 instead.

yo era god en esto y la pava del pelo rosa que desbloqueabas al final es mi mujer

From what i remember volleyball was the only fun game and the other 3 were whatever. After the like hour long story there's really nothing to do outside play matches. But hey during said story you fight behemoth final fantasy so that's worth something. Unsure what is Squares obsession with helping out with Mario sports games.

"Ahhhh I finally completed the tournament, now that I have this cup- IS THAT A FUCKING FINAL FANTASY BOSS?"

Good game collection, some of them are a lot worse than others, looking at you Dodgeball, but definetly okay

Un juego perfecto de deportes de Mario haciendo crossover con otras franquicias, fue muy divertido y especial cuando lo jugue

Fun sports game, but none of them feel super fleshed out. A good time but not a great time.

Boring aaaaaaaaamimimimimimiaaaaaamimimimimi

Uno de mis juegos fav de Wii. El dragón de FF no era para niños de mi edad.