Reviews from

in the past

MVC1 elevado a la 10ma potencia. Juegazo.

Partner fighter gameplay perfected. I love the recogniseable characters and fun mechanics might be my favourite fighting game roster of all time. Many moves very cinematic and the game is simple to learn. A great game for casual fightinggame fun with friends.

Dr. Doom é o melhor personagem de todos os tempos.

Finding this cabinet as a kid was the ignition to the fiery part of my soul.

I'm actually shit at this game but I love it so much I don't care

Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a classic 2D team based Fighting game that has something for a wide range of gamers both old and new, beginner or pro.

+ Easy to pick up but hard to master type gameplay
+ A wide range of characters to select from with different skill sets
+ Wonderful pixel art graphics that have become more enjoyable over time
+ An iconic soundtrack (the character select screen music should be in a video game music hall of fame)

- As with most fighting games, there is not much of a story here
- Poor balancing (Some characters easily over power others objectively, but this can always be worked around via house rules)

Overall: Especially with the rise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 has something for virtually any type of gamer. Whether you like comic books, pixel art, MCU, anime, easy to pick up games, games with depth, fighting games, or video games in general. It' should be considered for any gaming collection for any console it was released on, and is a must play for fighting game aficionados, as well as Marvel or Capcom fans.


So much fun, even in spite of the limited roster.

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i'm gonna take you for a ride
i'm gonna take you for a ride
i'm gonna take you for a ride
i'm gonna take you for a ride
i'm gonna take you for a ride
i'm gonna take you for a ride

I think this game's infamous busted-ness has earned it a MUGEN-esque reputation, but really an astounding amount of fine work went into its massive roster of deep cuts and crowd-pleasers alike. Messy, unfiltered joy: the right spirit for a crossover.

Nostálgico, amava esse jogo quando criança

Minha primeira experiência com fighting games na vida, no ps2 com um controle que não era nem um pouco funcional, mas mesmo assim essa obra conseguiu me cativar de uma forma absurda, virei noites pra liberar todos os personagens e mesmo sem saber o que eu tava fazendo acabei me apaixonando por fighting games, ele foi a porta de entrada pra vários outros títulos que me proporcionaram conhecer pessoas incríveis e criar amizades melhores ainda, mesmo depois de 24 anos do lançamento original ele continua sendo o meu jogo de luta favorito.

Ps: Akuma, cyclops, venom

"He's right behind me, isn't he?"
- Ryu

Soundtrack is hard but I will never agree with the FGC on anything

played this at an arcade with my brother while at vegas

this game cemented sakura as my street fighter main for the years to come, good game

Que no se noten las preferencias de Capcom de ponerle la IA mas hijueputa a sus personajes

no me termino de convencer el boss final, pero en general esta bueno

Marvel 2 will forever be my favorite game of all time and that opening will be my favorite gaming memory forever

Maybe it's because I played a bad version (only the PS3 one, yep), but I really disliked the gameplay. Felt like a huge downgrade compared to the first one.


Siempre me gusto la enorme variedad de personajes que habia en este juego, me encantaria que pudiesen darle un port para pc

O maior sentimento de nostalgia/infância.

had a lot of fun despite only playing this game like twice

Caramba joguei para matar a saudade do 1(joguei MT em 2019/20), a ost é do krl muito pika, acho mais difícil que o 1 e bem amo a estética desse jogo e Marvel vs capcom é algo para min

fucking Cable with his standing Fierce

Marvel VS Capcom 2 is the absolute pinnacle of everything the VS Capcom series has done up to this point.
It indulges in the insanity and the sheer chaos, and with the game having 56 playable characters, thanks to the reusage of a shit-ton of assests, it hammers that point home.

It brings back the Variable Assist feature of Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter and then some, providing players with three options as to what type of attack they want the summoned character to do, and this provides a lot of variety to the game.

Yes, it's a poorly balanced roster, but I don't give a fuck, it's such an easy game to pick up and play, and I'm having a bunch of fun all the way through!

Coupled that with the game's amazing jazzy soundtrack (which, being a jazz fan, makes me very happy) and the mixture of 2D sprites and 3D background models, which has aged quite well, I'd say, and you've got yourself one of the greatest fighting games of all time!

Please Capcom, negotiate with Marvel to re-release these games on consoles.

saw this going for 300$ one time. i hope scalpers die knowing nobody loved them

Having beaten MVC2 many times on the cabinet and XBLA releases, I tried the Dreamcast version for the first time and really enjoyed the small touches to increase home console longevity. Locked characters are my favorite thing in fighters because I feel that they add a mystery and thrill that fighting games often lack, and MVC2's take on the system with its mystery shop got me to play through the arcade five or six times instead of the single run-through I was going to play.

It also obviously must be said: MVC2 has a REP. I'm more of an MVC3 creature myself, but it can't be understated: this is one of the best fighting games ever made in terms of style and mechanical complexity. It's fast and flashy, and will let you put your foe in a corner until the end of days, and its incredibly varied and unbalanced roster makes it a raucous surprise every time one plays. It's one for the ages.