Reviews from

in the past


Baby sensory video for FGC members

saw this going for 300$ one time. i hope scalpers die knowing nobody loved them

The classic. The crack. Columbia's finest booger sugar. This game brings out the beast in people.

Absolutely rotten game but a friend bullied me into playing random teams over Fightcade on our lunch breaks and I got a lot of laughs out of how much animation work has gone into characters like Marrow and Spiral that I have never seen anyone pick in my entire life

🗣️ I wanna take you for a ride

Played this on dreamcast 100% ;) legally ;) and what do you know, its peak! This game is ridiculous and needs to be freed so more people can play it today without the trickery, of all the retro fighters i've played this is the one i've had the most fun with without a doubt. How could I not, the roster alone is so crazy for its time, you can air combo iron man as a big cactus bloke or send thanos flying as one of tron bonne's one foot tall lego-man looking servbots.

As a crossover this game is a dream and in many ways I just don't know if it could happen in the same way today, i'm much more of a capcom guy than marvel but so many of the marvel characters are a stupid amount of fun to play too. Its the goofy cast i'm drawn to though like the original characters, the mega man characters and bb hood who feels insanely strong in this game. Also by god they went crazy with some of the moves didn't they, you're able to transform into dark sakura or mecha zangief, unlocking entirely new options. Mechanically this still feels so good 24 years later, so many tools to play around with with near endless team and assist combinations. Its also utterly frantic, like this is chaos in the best way, shit going full screen is just a given and you can zip across the screen at absurd speeds. Combos can be looped and extended for so long but you need a ton of skill to be able to pull them off consistently, watching TAS play this makes it look like a completely different game. Plus this is a game that has not only stood the test of time, but people are still figuring stuff out today.

I have to talk about the art and the soundtrack because this game is beautiful, just so colourful and full of personality. From bengus' gorgeously hand drawn character art to the brilliantly expressive sprite work, this game just oozes joy and love for the craft, I don't know if any game with Marvels' name on it could be this effortlessly creative and charming today but they're welcome to prove me wrong. At a time where sprites were on their way out and 3D was becoming more and more common its fantastic to see such high quality spritework take centre stage. I was particularly enamoured by the little details like during Jill Valentine's 'summon' moves where she looks back in shock and then either hops over the dog or ducks underneath the crow, its so cute. There's just too many of these neat little details to list, all bundled up in a game that, despite this, is pure maximalism and I love that.
As for the soundtrack, apparently this was something that was singled out as one of the weaker aspects at the time? Nah, sorry, incorrect take detected. This soundtrack goes HARD, it didn't need to go so hard but it did it anyway, I wasn't expecting the tracks to be like hyperactive lift music but i'm so glad it is because it delivers some total bangers. The synthetic basslines give off that infectious groove, the drum fills are non stop and the horns are just so catchy, this is perfect foot tapping, head bopping goodness. Does it suit what's going on onscreen? Hell yes it does, but its like chocolate and salt, they should be at odds with each other but they actually complement each other wonderfully.

Fighting games are good

Marvel VS Capcom 2 is the absolute pinnacle of everything the VS Capcom series has done up to this point.
It indulges in the insanity and the sheer chaos, and with the game having 56 playable characters, thanks to the reusage of a shit-ton of assests, it hammers that point home.

It brings back the Variable Assist feature of Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter and then some, providing players with three options as to what type of attack they want the summoned character to do, and this provides a lot of variety to the game.

Yes, it's a poorly balanced roster, but I don't give a fuck, it's such an easy game to pick up and play, and I'm having a bunch of fun all the way through!

Coupled that with the game's amazing jazzy soundtrack (which, being a jazz fan, makes me very happy) and the mixture of 2D sprites and 3D background models, which has aged quite well, I'd say, and you've got yourself one of the greatest fighting games of all time!

Please Capcom, negotiate with Marvel to re-release these games on consoles.


play Capcom vs SNK 2 instead 🤒

i dont even know if i 'like' this as a fighting game but i get to hit things with three people at once while listening to that sweet sweet jazz, and it's art direction - or lack thereof, - is so entrancing and iconic.

marvel isn't a game, it's an experience

this game is like sonic 06 but if sonic 06 was a fighting game and sonic was replaced with cable and the bugs made the game more unique instead of making it unplayable

There's an old video on YouTube titled "Justin Wong vs Yipes - Never give up" and it features a fight from this game, partway through, during a public competition. You can look it up right now, but I'll vaguely describe what matters from it:

Competitive player Justin Wong plays as Cyclops, the only member left from his 3-member team. Yipes' stable is all-present, barely dented: Storm, Psylocke, and Blue Mag-net-oh. The fight plays out, and it seems like the match is about to be over. But Justin Wong begins to pull an upset - eliminating Magneto, then Storm, then, after many jumps, back-and-forths, announcer screams of "WE JUST GOT A REAL MATCH!" and crowd cheers, Wong via-Cyclops does a 4-hit on Yipes' Psylocke! Then a Hyper Combo optic blast! This ends it, but not without a loud smattering of screams - the loudest, a shrill "JAHSTAN WOAAANG!". Couple that with visible fervor from the game itself: the marbled-like psychedelic visuals that explode in the background like glory-fireworks for the winner.

This review isn't about Justin Wong, and it's not about Yipes. I know that these people, 12 years since this video, have had reputations and careers since then. I don't really care about that. What I do care about is those little moments of this video. Where your ass clenches, your teeth grit, your hands ball into fists, and you feel the energy of competition, without having been in the crowd. Where, even though you know the outcome is an upset based off the way it's set up with the "Pro-Tip" title, you're tense till the moment of victory. Where moments are bigger than the game itself.

MvC2 is an arcade game through-and-through. The sprite artwork is a thing of beauty. This is to be expected with the Capcom characters: the shading, the colors, the outlines, and the movements - they all pop. Even the idle positions feel lively. No surprise. Is it any wonder we see gifs of them so ubiquitously? Revelation comes with the Marvel characters. How do you evolve the look of Spider-Man from the last game? Wolverine? Or a new character, like Cable? And what about the posturing? Captain America - dignified, with his chest up high. Spider-Man - crouched low, arms raised, dangling, ready to leap at a moment's notice. Then they add those crushed sound effects, like when someone powers up with some unexplained, cosmic energy. (Or maybe there is an explanation, and we just don't care right now.) There's no story needed to package this crossover. It exists in an arcade reality, where things make sense in movement and energy, not in conventional logic.

MvC2 is an arcade game, but one that you can play at home with your friends. Even still, online with strangers. It's as much about the unique, fleeting beauty of a "Mango Sentinel" as it is about the trash talk you hurl to your friend as you lose the second member of your team in battle. Or frantically contorting three fingers on your right hand to snap some face buttons while your left hand flicks the joystick into a quarter circle, in an effort to shoot across the screen and land a kick to the face. It's not about WHY Mega Man is shooting at Iron Man (or even WHO would win in a fight in that scenario), but the intensity that comes out of Tony Stark flipping into a leap, dropping down, and trying to kick as a blast shoots out from his boot.

MvC2 is an arcade game sandwiched between other installments of a series of fighting games. These games share similar names, but don't match 2's legacy. It's not one of Capcom's 10 top-selling games. It has no bearing on the media giant that is Marvel. It's lauded, but mostly by its fans, and fans of the genre. The praise it receives is not the same as classics like Zelda, Metroid, Grand Theft Auto, or even Street Fighter. Its merits are off in a corner, where it's generally agreed upon, but almost never among the first to be carried towards the canon. It doesn't matter, because it's a masterpiece anyway.

And notice I haven't even mentioned the music.

MvC2 is an arcade fighting game, but more broadly, it's just a game. It requires skill, but makes it fun and rewarding to pick up that skill. It's about numbers: 3 vs. 3. It's about the emotions elicited when those numbers change. Emotions like losing hope when you have three chances to win, and then you have one. Or gaining hope when you realize you're skilled enough to beat the odds. Not always, but sometimes. And it's about those little moments. Like the moment in the fight, where you decide it's worth it to keep fighting.

MvC2 is about never giving up.

It’s Mahvel baby! One of the most endlessly fun fighting games with a massive cast and a great community surrounding it.

The traditional fighter equivalent of smash melee, Incredibly fun casually but with lots of incredible depth for competitive play thanks to a combination of Dev oversight and free form mechanics. Not to mention aesthetically the games held up really well, these really in depth 2d sprites on early 3d backgrounds is just endlessly charming to me and all the little oddity's of this game like the newcomer characters or soundtrack just add to that. This is the type of game well probably never see again and i love it for that. Its the antithesis of everything bad about modern AAA gaming. Endless depth, Endless charm, easy to understand hard to master tag fighter bullshit at its finest. Mahvel baby :)

Having beaten MVC2 many times on the cabinet and XBLA releases, I tried the Dreamcast version for the first time and really enjoyed the small touches to increase home console longevity. Locked characters are my favorite thing in fighters because I feel that they add a mystery and thrill that fighting games often lack, and MVC2's take on the system with its mystery shop got me to play through the arcade five or six times instead of the single run-through I was going to play.

It also obviously must be said: MVC2 has a REP. I'm more of an MVC3 creature myself, but it can't be understated: this is one of the best fighting games ever made in terms of style and mechanical complexity. It's fast and flashy, and will let you put your foe in a corner until the end of days, and its incredibly varied and unbalanced roster makes it a raucous surprise every time one plays. It's one for the ages.

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My goal in life is to look like Servbot.

Looking back on all the fighting games I've played, the vast majority of them have been tie-ins to anime franchises like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and the rest of that ilk. Their connections to such long-running properties have allowed for things like elaborate story modes and massive character rosters, on top of the usually expected features. It's something that has actually caused me a lot of problems in the past when it came to enjoying titles not associated with a previously established brand. Traditional alternatives such as Skullgirls Encore or even this game's direct sequel Fate of Two Worlds have often left me wanting in the face of the bare essentials and little else they offer. So on paper the fact that this second home console release of the arcade classic doesn't really do anything to flesh out the experience with more content should have been a big issue for me. Yet, this bizarre crossover epic was still able to win me over via the strength of its rambunctious action, eclectic cast of familiar faces (as well as a few surprising deep cuts), and flashy presentation.

Outside of offline, two-player Versus, all you're really getting are Arcade and Time Attack. The former of which does come with a pretty nice improvement in that, since you no longer have to put in more money upon defeat, you can use the continue system to pick right back up from where you left off and even select an entirely new group of characters in the process with no penalty. It's not that much to play around with, especially when you consider how the tag team nature of battles (you'll always be playing with and against a group of three fighters) means there's only ever one ending no matter how many times you make it through the gauntlet of challenges. The thing that's supposed to keep you coming back, other than your own competitive urges, is the points you're constantly amassing that can be used to buy things like artwork or expansions to your assortment of playable heroes and villains. The store itself is kind of boneheaded in design however, displaying only a few items at a time meaning you'll likely be backing in and out of it until something you want finally shows up, which makes the whole process more tedious than it needs to be.

Because of all that, what hooked me was strictly how fun the combat is. No matter who you choose you'll find that everyone available has their own distinctive, franchise appropriate abilities. This has led to some complaints about the balancing as there are those who are easier to dominate with right away than others. It's a criticism I can't fully agree with though, because with enough practice they can all prove effective in trained hands and the proper pairings. Yet, whether you're all that skilled or not matches will still be a blast as even simple button mashing fills the screen with a flurry of exciting visual effects stemming from the variety of crazy special and support moves at your disposal. The graphics do show their age, looking dated even by the now obsolete standards of the PS2 hardware, but the hand-drawn sprites and their animations hold up as charming to this day.

While I'm not interested in adding this to my regular gaming rotation to consistently grind until I unlock everything, I can easily see myself breaking it out at a party or something. There are few properties out there more endearing than Marvel and the multimedia giant's stable of well-known names pairs surprisingly perfect with the eccentric assemblage of oddballs from Capcom. Mix that in with the chaotic displays of beautifully displayed powers this compilation puts at your disposal and you're basically guaranteed a great time passing the controller(s) back and forth between a gathering of friends. That's in addition to having the amount of depth suitable for hardcore competition. So while this may be a tad limited for those trying to go purely solo, I can't deny there's enough here to justify its deserved reputation as one of the very best in its established genre regardless.


wanna take you for a ride
style over substance. totally unbalanced but fun to play

This review contains spoilers

yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite? Imma teach your motherfuckin bitch ass easiest shit in the motherfucking marvel three, marvel two, fuck it, I don’t give a fuck, iron man. Alright jump up in the air, hit up fuckin heavy kick niggyeah and then it’s motherfuckin, light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy punch, hold diagonal in whichever way you fuckin going you only hit h fuckin up motherfuckin heavy kick, you can’t do it on the ground motherfucker, that shit don’t work. Let’s start this motherfucker off right, ah, ow, ow, ow, dropped that shit. Redo it motherfucker, ah, ow, how’s it taste? Keep the rhythm up. If you fuck up the rhythm, the motherfucking combo will drop motherfucker. Keep that motherfucking shit up, you keep that same motherfucking rhythm, if you drop this motherfucker then it will not be motherfucking cool. You can cancel it out into a motherfucking heavy punch ultra, but I ain’t gonna do that shit, ah. It drops after motherfucking fifty nine hits motherfucker, that shit’s crazy. Fifty four, fifty five. When you’re doing it in the corner, don’t hold straight diagonal, after motherfucking two to four hits it’ll drop, just like that. Let’s see it again. One motherfucker oh, oh, oh, oh, fuck, oh, it dropped. What you wanna do is you wanna, when you get them in the corner, you wanna hit em diagonal once, now hit up, now go diagonal, now hit up, now go diagonal, now hit up, that shit’ll keep the motherfucking combo up, motherfucker, that way you can motherfucking hit that shit, you won’t even drop that shit in the air, don’t matter motherfucker, even though the combo hits go away they still can’t block the motherfucker’s unblockable. Let me teach you how to do this shit with a motherfucking assist, you see that bitch, you see that nigger, you can’t do it the same way. You gotta meet that bitch, you gotta jump with that bitch, psylocke, in the motherfucking air, you gotta jump with her, y’all feel me. Jump with her in the air motherfucker then you can do the motherfucking shit, it’s easy as fuck motherfucker. Medium, heavy punch, light kick, medium, fuck, light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy punch motherfucker it’s easy as shit. Can’t do the same shit with that it drops. Let it come up, then jump up with the motherfucker, when you got high ass assist like that, oh, so you meet the motherfucker in the air, easy as shit, motherfucker. Ooh. Easy as a motherfucker, I hope y’all motherfucking can do this shit, bitch, gah. I can’t cancel out of that shit, it’s been a while. Alright motherfucker, let’s do this again. Keep your motherfucking rhythm up. I can’t cancel into that shit right now man, it been a fucking while. Don’t lose your rhythm, you lose your rhythm, you’re fucked up. Light punch, medium punch, which is light punch twice, but it’ll light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy motherfucking punch, keep jumping on the motherfucking diagonal. Keep doing the motherfucking shit I told you, motherfucker. Ah. Yo way. I don’t give a motherfuck. Now shut the fuck up and learn some god damn combos. Argh.

I always feel like an odd man out when I say I didn't like this game as much as everyone else did. It feels like "Asset Reuse The Game" to me, like it's only one step above Capcom Fighting Evolution/Jam in that regard which is a half-step above MUGEN.

So many character animations are cut down from their original appearances with Sentinel being the most obvious, the stages are soul-less 2.5D constructs of the game designers' minds and the music is nonsensical jazz music with zero bearing on anything going on in the game. I miss the awesome music from Marvel Super Heroes and MvC1, oh well here's an annoying eight second loop on the character select that features exactly one line of lyrics though.

Also, what's up with some of the new Capcom characters being original characters? Whom we never hear from again? RIP Amingo and Ruby Heart fans I guess, if there are any.

Never play seriously or online because ... well there isn't an online. But I love watching this game and doing the training mode and arcade can be so much fun. Easly one of my favorite fighters for how much different broken jank characters there is to counter other broken jank characters, I desperately need a PC port with rollback.

This game is honestly a mess. A really beautiful mess. A lot of the sprites clearly don't mesh together, the music seems ill fitting, and the balance is horrendous. Yet despite all that, it makes this game really charming. The jazz music might not be a fit, but it's fantastic music. I can't think of a single bad song. The sprites might clash, but that kinda adds to the charm of this game. The balance doesn't stop this game from being fun. And my god it is a very fun fighting game. It's so chaotic it's charming. A really magical game.


I m
g u n n a
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Might be one of the best rosters a fighting game ever had (maybe SSBU) Even non fighting game fans have given this game a chance because of the roster and the outrageous gameplay.

The endless amount of team combinations and there was definitely a character that was meant for you.

The genius of MvC2 is that its mechanics allow for a level of flexible strategies to be possible in spite of its small viable roster. You can build teams for a surprising amount of playstyles including a chip damage team that is actually a decent threat. The tag mechanics are fantastic and as satisfying to come to grips with as the movement making for a fun, explosive, and rewarding game to play.


One of the best fighting games ever