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really a shame that this is such a short experience.

Similar to Spider Man 1 gameplay wise, it is fun and easy to play, and lots of cool things to see and (slightly) is less boot-licky. However, this story is not verys trong and tries to have a friend-turned-villian similar to SM1 but there is no build up at all. I very quickly began to not care. Miles deserves better than this.

Miles Morales is an iteration rather than an innovation on Marvel’s Spiderman. It adds slight refinements and upgrades to gameplay elements which made the original such a blast in 2018, with the venom abilities being the real standout addition. The venom abilities look and feel fantastic, not to mention being incredibly useful to turn the tide in combat and stealth encounters. I also love the personality which oozes in the animation design, making Miles feel distinct and full of flair. There are quality of life improvements elsewhere with improved side quests, though some quests types can get repetitious, and the game prioritising quality over quantity more with its collectibles. However, all these minor additions do not stop Miles Morales feeling a bit too familiar. Moreover, the story did not grip me like I was hoping it would because of the weak antagonists and largely unengaging narrative. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed my time with Miles Morales; it just feels like Insomniac has all the pieces there to make a truly special experience but are held back my some poor design decisions which plague many open world games and various narrative shortcomings.

2020 Ranked
Ranked Open World Recommendations

achei a historia uma bostaa so q e bem legal as mecanicas e tudo mais

as long as you're okay with the shortness and it being more ps4 spider-man, its fun to get through. Definitely wait for it on sale though

O que segura essas 3 estrelas de fato é o web swinging e as habilidades venom que o Miles tem. Tirando isso, o jogo falta muita coisa. É um absurdo isso não ser apenas uma DLC, o jogo é muito rushado, achei "os vilões" mal desenvolvidos e chatos. O jogo é bonito, a personalidade do Miles é bem refletida na maneira como ele se balança, pula e tudo mais. Com a existência do Spider-Man 2, podendo jogar com o Miles, não vejo razão para abrir esse jogo novamente.

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales only likes to listen to the same three songs every year.

I wanted to make good use of my newly acquired PlayStation 5 so I decided to play the spider boy game. Being a distant fan of Spider-Man since the Sam Raimi films, I was curious, and genuinely excited, to see what the hype around this modern series was all about. I had my suspicions, and my suspicions were correct.

It is truly a Hollywood Marvel popcorn video game. Even the fact that they preface the game's own title with Marvel's indicates to consumers that what you are buying is a specific brand of video game. It almost acts as a seal of approval. However, nowadays its a signpost for familiarity and fatigue. All this Marvel stuff is like a bad rash that isn't going away. If Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales was more like a hotdog or even a portion of cheesy nachos, I think I would've liked it better and feel fuller in my belly.

In saying all of this, the game does house some great moments. An excellent opening and some of the best open world traversal mechanics I have played with. However, I felt like I had already played this game before. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a jacked up modern incarnation of a tired formula.

If you hold a high regard toward these games, I totally understand because I thought the same about them twenty years earlier.

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Esse jogo continua a perfeição igual ao Spider-Man de Ps4, mas com umas adições muito boas, com os novos golpes de choque, a invisibilidade, e as novas manobras com o webswing, as missões secundárias são melhores que as principais, a história principal não chega aos pés do Spider-Man de Ps4, mas é um jogo maravilhoso ainda. Nesse as missões secundárias são até melhores que as do primeiro, e o webswing do Miles também é bem mais da hora,a travessia pelo mapa fica mais gostosa, a trilha sonora é incrível com um tom clássico mas com batidas de hip-hop em cima, ficou maravilhoso, só não considero uma obra-prima igual ao primeira, porque a história principal não me emocionou com a do primeiro jogo, mas de resto é até melhor em vários aspectos do que o primeiro, se a campanha fosse maior, também seria uma Master piece, jogo foda.

Story 5 | Gameplay 4.5 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.5 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open world 5

Total 4.7

Another game with incredible gameplay, an incredible open world, and an incredible story. The big problem is that it was too short for £60.

Miles is a great character and I love playing as him but the game is obviously smaller than Spider-Man and it feels more small scale and I'm just not that into the story in this one.

NEVER let unc cook again 🙏😭 that song he made was ASSSSSSSSSSSS‼️‼️

More of the same great Spider-Man story and gameplay from the first game, but MILES MORALES also has more of the same tedious and obnoxious challenges and "padding" present in the first game, as well.

lodino lo ha pagato 70 € per PS4 e dice che non è uno spinoff. Però bello quando puoi portarti il gatto nello zaino.

Great story, better gameplay than the first. Wish it was longer

Me gusto mucho, la jugabilidad con miles me parece mucho mejor que con Peter. La historia esta muy buena, lo único malo es que siento que es muy corta. Pero el juego en cuanto historia y jugabilidad está muy buena.

Miles Morales is an awesome follow-up to the first Spider-Man! It's shorter, but the story is super emotional, the new powers are a blast, and swinging through snowy New York is awesome. Combat is even more satisfying and the side quests are surprisingly fun. If you loved the first one, this is a must-play, and even if you're new to the series, Miles' story is a great starting point.

Thank god I got this game for barely anything cause I got maybe 5 hours out of this

Very short and it was alright, nothing super noteworthy.

HEAR ME OUT. this is the best spiderman game

A little too short but I liked the guy from spiderman into the spider verse.

Sensacional, consegue melhorar em todos os aspectos do primeiro jogo, tornando ele até de certa forma obsoleto, mas que não substitui a experiencia, só não é perfeito por conta do preço dado a duração do jogo.